Chapter 687 Results
The 10 minutes actually passed quickly, after all, it was not a game by myself, it was spent talking with people around me.

When the time was up, the four contestants came out of the single room.

Seeing four people coming out, the inside and outside of the old warehouse became quiet.

The organizers began to check the results.

For the sake of fairness, there are three people in charge of judging at each table, and these three people will announce the results after judging.

Seeing the judges at her desk approaching, Beth Tian took out the sand funnel and powdered charms and put them on the inspection table.
The three judges first looked at the sand funnel, and when they saw the time displayed on the scale above the sand funnel, their expressions were obviously stunned. One of them picked it up and looked carefully, with a look of shock on his face.

The other two also picked it up and looked at it, and all three were shocked, this time is really...

The three judges looked at Bei Sitian in amazement, and then picked up the talisman powder. After opening the paper bag, they were taken aback when they saw the delicate talisman powder. After a careful look, they quickly widened their eyes. .

"No way……"


"It's actually..."

The three of them held the talisman powder and looked at each other, holding Bei Sitian's talisman powder, they actually discussed it.

The judges at the other three tables also quickly recorded the results, and the situation on two of the tables also appeared here, looking very shocked.

The mysterious doctors who were waiting for the results were a little anxious. Seeing the judges muttering there and wondering what they were doing, they all felt anxious, but everyone held their own identities, and even though they were waiting impatiently, no one shouted to hurry up. .

The judges themselves are excellent mystic doctors, with excellent methods and rich experience in practicing medicine, and they come from a big family, so they have a lot of knowledge. Therefore, when the three judges saw this mysterious talisman, they immediately recognized it as an ordinary mysterious talisman. no the same.

Reminiscent of the fact that Beth Tian didn't bring a talisman and matches when she went in just now, the three of them immediately thought of a possibility.

But can this be true? In the past 200 years, there has been no one who has successfully tapped a magic talisman. After Wei Zhongyuan appeared last year, another one appeared? !

But no matter what, if there is such a big shot in the contestant they take over, the reputation of the three of them will also leap forward again and again!
The usual practice is that any of the three people can read it out, but because of Beth Tian's special situation, the three of them disagreed on this.

Everyone wants to be the person who read it out, and this will also increase their reputation a little bit.

It would be too ugly to quarrel because of this kind of thing on this occasion, the three of them fought secretly, and finally they were snatched away by a senior person.

However, the other two were not idle either. While they were reading, the two turned around and went behind the organizer's judges' desk to report on the situation.

The readings are in order, starting from the judges' side is Shi Jianbin, Bei Sitian, Wenxin and Fei Yunqing.

"Shi Jianbin from Beiyuan Shijia, the talisman making time is 58 minutes and 55 seconds, and 80.00 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines are incorporated, and the efficacy is [-]%!"

After the first one finished reading, the people below couldn't help but burst into applause. Shi Jianbin actually made a qualitative breakthrough in the competition, and the talisman-making time became single digits. This concept is different. It is a big family, and the children who come out are different!
Everyone sighed, but Shi Jianbin didn't show a trace of arrogance, because he will be cannon fodder soon, and no one will remember him...

The second person to read was Beth Sweet.

Wen Xin stood there gently, with a shy smile on her brows, but she glanced at Bei Sitian with disdain under her slightly lowered eyelids.

Is it amazing to incorporate more than 60 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines?Is it amazing to have more than 90.00% efficacy?
Wen Xin sneered in her heart, she was just a clown who still had the guts to rob her of men!
She is very satisfied with this order now, just wait for Bessian to finish reading, and then read hers, it can completely suppress Bessian's brilliance, and she will not let her reveal it at all.

The old god Fei Yunqing was waiting for him to read out for the last time. He must have won No.1 this time!
The second table of judges began to read out.

"Beth Tian of the Qingyu school, the talisman making time is three minutes and 27 seconds, and one hundred and eight kinds of Chinese herbal medicines are incorporated..."

The voice of the person who read it trembled a little, and he felt amused when he heard the mysterious doctors below.

Hey old man, don't be nervous, just treat us as Chinese cabbage!
Some people have already begun to laugh at the reader's nervous behavior.

Wait a minute... There seems to be something wrong, I'm patronizing the voice of the person who read it, what the person read just now is... You heard it right!
"...90.00% effective nine..."

The person who read it trembled while holding the list of recorded results, and raised his head at the end, his voice trembling, but it was not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

"Beth Tian of the Qingyu school, this talisman is a talisman of enlightenment!"

In the last sentence, the volume of the speaker's voice was amplified several times, and everyone below was stunned.

Wait, let's not talk about the content that seems to be incomprehensible...

What did they hear? !

Point of inspiration into a talisman made! !
Can this woman who appeared out of nowhere be able to tap into a magic talisman?

After the announcer's voice fell, the entire hall of the old warehouse, or the field outside the hall, could hear the sound of needles falling, and there was silence. Everyone stared at Bessian dumbfounded.

The world is so fantasy, what happened? !

A school that has never been heard of before, and an unknown woman, can successfully activate a talisman? ? ?
And what the hell is that content?

What did the reader just say...

More than three minutes for making symbols?

Infused with one hundred and eight kinds of Chinese herbal medicine?Make sure there is no decimal point, right?

And what is 90.00% effective nine!
At this moment, everyone felt that they probably had auditory hallucinations. This terrible result must be false, right? I have never heard of a mysterious doctor who can do this!

When the announcer was reading the report, the judges behind the red velvet table had already heard the report results. Like all mysterious doctors, the judges, even if they were members of a big family and had a lot of experience, heard the result in a short time. I can't even come back to my senses.

At this time, even though Shi Jianbin was already mentally prepared, he was still shocked by this terrible result and couldn't speak. Fei Yunqing was the same, he just stood there dumbfounded, his eyes widened. Look at Beth sweet.

Wenxin looked at Bei Sitian as if she had seen a ghost at this moment. She even wondered whether Bei Sitian paid a lot of money to bribe the judges?
 One more night

(End of this chapter)

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