Chapter 803 This Man Is Really Warm
Luo Xudong didn't expect Zhan Lanqi to come to his house, so he frowned when he saw her, and then he didn't speak when he heard her mention the task.

When Bei Sitian came out, she saw such a beautiful woman in military uniform talking to Luo Xudong. When she was in the room, she also heard what she said just now, and confirmed the identity of the person who came.

"This is my sister-in-law, hello, because Mr. Luo never accepts people's things, and I don't dare to break the taboo, so apart from the snacks for the children, I didn't even bring a greeting gift, sister-in-law, don't blame me for not knowing etiquette! " Zhan Lanqi stuck out her tongue playfully, as if it was all Mr. Luo's fault.

"Please sit down." Beth replied with a smile, but did not respond to other words.


As soon as Zhan Lanqi sat down, the three little buns came out of the room and looked at the strange aunt curiously.

When Zhan Lanqi saw the three little guys, her eyes lit up, and she turned to Luo Xudong and said, "Mr. Luo, are these your three children? They are so cute! Come on, little guys, auntie bought them for you." food!"

The three little buns glanced at their parents, then ran over, stopped a meter away from Zhan Lanqi, and looked at her with big round, dark eyes.

Zhan Lanqi laughed and turned out the snacks in the bag. They were all jelly biscuits and candies, all of which were eaten by children.

She grabbed a handful of snacks and held them in front of her, and said with a smile: "Come here, baby, come to Auntie, Auntie will give you something delicious~"

The three little buns looked at me and I looked at you, but no one moved.

Zhan Lanqi smiled, the three little guys were still new, she didn't give up, she continued to smile and lure the three little guys to come to her with snacks, the children's resistance to snacks was almost zero.

"It turned out to be a strange aunt." Luo Yiqian said with a stubborn nose.

The smile on Zhan Lanqi's face froze.

Luo Yirui glanced at the pile of snacks, tilted her head and said, "Auntie, don't you know that children eating snacks are not good for their health?"

Zhan Lanqi paused for a moment while holding the snacks, her smile almost couldn't hold back.

Luo Yixuan smiled and made a final conclusion, "She just wants to please us."


Zhan Lanqi almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. Where are the three brats here?

Luo Xudong laughed softly, and beckoned to the three little cute babies, and the three little guys ran over.

"It's right, you can't eat things from strangers, even if it's from acquaintances, you have to listen to your mother."

Zhan Lanqi had just swallowed a mouthful of blood, and after listening to Luo Xudong's words, a mouthful of blood almost spewed out again. She thought that the brat who spoke last had already dealt her the final blow, but she didn't expect the fatal blow to be here waiting for her !

But having said that, the teacher's low-pitched laughter just now was really nice. She had hardly seen Luo Xudong smile, and he always had a cold face, without any curvature at the corners of his mouth!
After educating the child, Luo Xudong turned his head and said to Zhan Lanqi: "I said that you don't accept anything from anyone, even if you give it to the child, you can take it back." The reason why he didn't say it until now is because he wanted to see the three Xiao Baozi's reaction.

"Understood... Teacher." Zhan Lanqi smiled coyly, perhaps because of Luo Xudong's seriousness, she didn't feel very embarrassed.

After Gao Ma made the tea, Bei Sitian asked her and Sister-in-law Mo to take the three children to the yard, and there were only three of them left in the room.

"Mr. Luo, let's talk about this task." Zhan Lanqi said, and glanced at Bei Sitian.

Even my wife can't ask more questions about missions. This is a rule and a discipline. As a family member of a soldier, I should know about it, but she doesn't think Beth Tian has any intention of getting up.

"Teacher, look..." Zhan Lanqi looked at Luo Xudong.

Luo Xudong remained silent and drank his tea with his head down.

She was used to Luo Xudong's indifference and reticence.

But it is true that this task cannot be known to outsiders, so Zhan Lanqi had to look at Bei Sitian, and said with an embarrassed expression on her face: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, because it involves confidential issues, this... this cannot be done outside the task." People know about it, so can you avoid it?"

Bei Sitian put down her teacup, smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Since it's a confidential matter, why come to my house to discuss it?"

Zhan Lanqi was choked and speechless.

"Major Zhan is new here. He probably doesn't know Xudong's rules. He never brings home official business. When he is at home, he only leaves it for his family." Beth said with a smile.

She spoke slowly, neither in a hurry nor in annoyance, her tone was even brisk, and her emotions could not be heard at all, but the meaning in the words was very clear.

Zhan Lanqi was forced to stuff a mouthful of dog food. At this moment, she finally couldn't help but look at the military wife carefully.

The first impression Bei Sitian gave her was that she was beautiful, very beautiful, which made her slightly surprised, but she didn't care about it. In terms of beauty, she also had it, and it was slightly better.

She just didn't expect that Bei Sitian had such a sharp mouth and a quick mind.

Zhan Lanqi looked at Luo Xudong, saw him drooping his eyes and said nothing, and said with a wry smile: "It's true that I was reckless, but this clue is too important for this mission. As soon as I found out, I came here as soon as I found out, and made my sister-in-law laugh. My sister-in-law is right. This is what I did wrong."

Bei Sitian looked at Zhan Lanqi full of apology and embarrassment, and felt a little bit more awakened in her heart. This woman is not a cheap lamp.

"You go first, I'll go to the army later." Luo Xudong said.

Zhan Lanqi cheered up, nodded quickly and said: "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the army."

I am waiting for you in the army...

Bei Sitian always felt that she said that on purpose, but Zhan Lanqi couldn't see it at all on the surface.

Luo Xudong stood up, Zhan Lanqi thought he was going to see her off, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Luo, you don't need to see me off, we will meet in a while."

Luo Xudong glanced at her coldly, didn't say anything, came to Bei Sitian, put his arms on the back of the single sofa, bent down and kissed her on the forehead, and said in a low voice: "Waiting for you at noon!" I'm going home for dinner."

Zhan Lanqi who was behind saw this scene, clenched her hands hanging on both sides into a ball, and quickly let go.

Beth nodded with a sweet smile, and said softly, "I'll wait for you to go home for dinner."

The two of them seemed to have forgotten that there were still people in the room, and started to sprinkle dog food as if there was no one else around, and some people were forcibly stuffed again.

Zhan Lanqi left the small courtyard, and Luo Xudong left after changing his clothes.

Bei Sitian looked at his tall and handsome back and smiled warmly. In the last kiss, Luo Xudong did it on purpose to show Zhan Lanqi, and he could see that Zhan Lanqi was deliberately annoying her.

This man is so warm.

(End of this chapter)

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