Chapter 805 Be Your Subordinate Family

During this period, Luo Xudong started to leave early and return late, and sometimes even slept in the army. Zhan Lanqi never came to the house again, and Bei Sitian was also busy investigating this matter, trying to find a way to intervene in this matter through legitimate channels.

Now there are two biggest threats to her child. One is the genetic disease, which can only be solved slowly, and the other is the group of mysterious doctors who make bad water.

Most of their targets are children and teenagers with strong energy and spirit, who are more likely to be used as medicine than adults. Although her children are well protected, just thinking about the possibility, Beth Tian shudders and wishes to immediately Just wipe out these people.

Bei Sitian didn't intend to be strong, she was planning for a rainy day, and she was planning to strike first, after all, she and this group of people had formed a relationship long ago, and they had formed a relationship as early as General Zhou.

What's more, Bei Jiale and those people also have great conflicts. Although those people don't know Bei Sitian, they do know Bei Jiale. Let them go.

This time there happened to be a clue, maybe it was really related to those people.

Because of this incident, the Qin family hadn't been fully united yet, so Bei Sitian let Qin Weisong take over some of the power again to assist Qin Xinyu. With this older generation around, the Qin family was indeed much more honest.

Qin Weisong is now very convinced of Bei Sitian, and also of Qingyu. When he didn't know Qingyu before, he only heard that Qingyu was only a few people, and it all depended on Bei Sitian's support. look good.

Now that I understand it, I realize that these few people are comparable to several Qin families!
Just pick out one who is a master who can make spiritual talismans, even if there are some who can't make spiritual talismans, but like Jiang Mingzhong, he has a good reputation, whether it is fame or level, he is above Qin Weisong.

As for Liu Yuzhu, this once famous girl, even though she can't activate magic charms, her aptitude is beyond the reach of all the Qin family. It must be able to tap the spirit into a talisman.

As for Jiang Xin, a pure rookie, Qin Weisong didn't dare to underestimate him, because Qiao Hongjie felt that he had good aptitude and was very suitable for learning ghost medicine, so he accepted him as a disciple.

The happiest person here is naturally Jiang Mingzhong. Jiang Xin will have a place to go in the future, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Doctor Bei, that's all we can investigate. The military department has taken confidentiality measures on this matter. Even if we use our connections, we can't investigate much more." Qin Weisong said.

He also continued to address Bei Sitian as usual. After all, her age is here, it is not good to call her too old, but she can't just call her by her name casually. This is disrespectful to the master, so Qin Xinyu asked Qin Weisong to call him Doctor Bei. .

Qin Weisong felt that this was not respectful at first, until Bei Sitian also asked her to call it that way.

Bei Sitian's behavior is just a continuation of the rules between her and her master. The master said that no matter how famous or powerful you are, you are still just a doctor. Don't forget your original intention!

So in her previous life, when Bei Sitian was at her peak, even though she was canonized later and had a title, she was still called Dr. Bei by people and followed her master's teachings.

"Don't stop the investigation, and tell me if you have any news. Besides, does Mr. Qin know how to be invited?" Bei Sitian explained the general situation, without mentioning Luo Xudong, and said that she wanted to intervene in this matter.

Qin Weisong nodded, "The Qin family has been recruited before. If they are invited, the military department will only have to seek them unless they are famous."

Not everyone in the military department will invite everyone, they only invite according to the needs of the mission. Of course, they will also consider whether the other party will buy it. The military will not force it, but in terms of policy, it will naturally be inclined.

"Mr. Qin knows what I mean?" Bei Sitian said.

Qin Weisong nodded, "If the master is at ease, I will leave this matter to me."

Beth nodded, "Thank you Mr. Qin."

Wei Zhongxun said: "Master, you can also ask my brother for help. The Wei family also knows people in the army."

Qin Weisong said: "Indeed, if someone can recommend it, it would be the best."

There may be better results if recommended by different people.

Wei Zhongyuan is now the head of the Wei family, Wei Yuanqing has retreated to the second line, and Wei Zhongyuan only consults with Wei Yuanqing on some important matters.

Not long after Wei Zhongxun's words fell, footsteps came from outside, and he said with a smile: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

When Wei Zhongyuan entered the room and saw so many people, he didn't have any expression on his face, his eyes fell on Bei Sitian, and he nodded slightly, as a greeting.

Except for the Qin family, everyone in the house was not surprised by this, Wei Zhongyuan always looked like this.

Qin Weisong and Qin Xinyu saw that Bei Sitian still had a smile on his face. There was nothing unusual about the people in the room. They looked at each other and didn't say much. They were newcomers. These people already had their own way of getting along. All they have to do is blend in.

"Hey, the head of the Wei family is here, how can a busy person have time to come today." Wei Zhongxun said with a smile, and it was obvious that he was still very happy to see Wei Zhongyuan.

After Qingyu was established, it began to buy real estate. Wei Zhongxun also left the Wei family and lived in the courtyard under Qingyu's gate. In addition, Wei Zhongyuan was very busy after taking over the Wei family. Both times were considered good, and the two of them couldn't see each other often.

Wei Zhongyuan didn't care about him, and he didn't need to be greeted, he just found a place to sit down, and said: "I have something to say."

Beth smiled sweetly and said, "It just so happens that I have something to look for you too."

Wei Zhongyuan looked at her and said, "You speak first."

Bei Sitian told Wei Zhongyuan about this matter, and wanted to ask him to help contact the people in the military department, but Wei Zhongyuan didn't ask her why she didn't go to General Wu Yuekai, instead, Zhou asked them to look for him, and he readily agreed.

This is not a big deal to the Wei family, what he will say next is the big deal.

"Beth Tian, ​​I also have something to say." Wei Zhongyuan said.

Qin Weisong frowned. A person like him is a down-to-earth person when he finds his position. Bei Sitian is the head of the Qin family. It would be impolite for him to call Dr. Bei, but this person actually called him by his first name. It's really unreasonable!
"Tell me." It was rare for Bei Sitian to see Wei Zhongyuan so solemn.

"My Wei family, I want to be your subordinate family." Wei Zhongyuan said this lightly, making Wei Zhongxun spit out a mouthful of tea.

(End of this chapter)

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