Chapter 807 Will They Be Too Proud
"How about Qing Yu?"

The person sitting under Zhou Biwu said that this person is a major general in his fifties named Chen Jingfeng.

At this moment, he was leaning on the back of the chair, clasped his hands in front of him, his chest was covered with medals, his face was beardless, and there was no smile on his bronze face, which looked serious, and the tough lines gave him a little more fortitude.

Hearing Qingyu's name, there was a moment of silence in the conference hall, and then Zhan Lanqi said: "This genre has been silent for so many years, and now it suddenly appears in people's sights, is it not as powerful as before?"

She doesn't want to let the Qingyu school get involved. This school is very evil. There are not many people, but it can rank among the super big schools, which is even more famous than the ancient wood school, especially as Grandpa Chu said. Young and powerful, although he has not shown any ability, but the means of winning people's hearts are very good.

In the past, many major sects disdain to be involved in the rectification, but this situation has changed in recent years. This cooperation with the military department is also the first tentative step of the ancient wood sect.

She, Zhan Lanqi, is the one in the middle. If both parties are satisfied with the cooperation, it is conceivable that she will have a different status in the military or in the faction in the future, and she will definitely be reused by both sides!

Her qualifications as a mysterious doctor are not good, especially in a big school like the ancient wood school, she is really inconspicuous. Fortunately, some of the military connections in the family, a combination of the two, she became the person in charge of the division-level military hospital. It's quite good, if there is no other opportunity, I'm afraid it will stop here.

This time is her opportunity. As long as the cooperation between the two parties is satisfactory, she can get what she wants from it, but if she joins a Qingyu school, this honor will be greatly reduced. If Qingyu even snatches the honor in the end, I am afraid She can't get anything.

Zhan Lanqi has seen this kind of thing a lot. When there is only one partner, she doesn't think so. The military department will comply in various ways and tolerate the request to the maximum extent. But if there are two partners, and there is competition, the military department will of course It's not so easy to talk about.

Without you and him.

Therefore, Zhan Lanqi was the one who least wanted other factions or families to intervene.

Of course, if the other party is a small family, she doesn't mind if they come to be plated with gold or something, and it will highlight the background of the ancient wood school, but Qingyu's name is too big and too mysterious, so far no one has been able to figure them out. How much background does she have, even Grandpa Chu can't tell why, so she is not willing to take such a big risk.

All of you here are high-ranking and powerful people. There are four generals alone, and Luo Xudong, a super general. The honor is also very high.

No one in this conference hall should be underestimated.

Everyone was guessing what Chen Jingfeng said.

Wu Yuekai glanced at Zhou Biwu, and then at Chen Jingfeng. Although the two said they were the same person, it seemed that they didn't know each other. Naturally, he would not remind anything about this, and would just sit back and watch what happened.

The main person in charge of this mission is Fang Yushan, and the secondary person in charge is Chen Jingfeng, so Wu Yuekai won't make too many remarks, but he couldn't help but listen seriously when the girl was involved.

Seeing that no one spoke, Fang Yushan asked Chen Jingfeng: "As far as I know, this Qingyu school is indeed quite famous. I heard that the head of the school is very young and a very powerful person, but they have indeed been silent for a few years. , would you like to help me with this?"

Zhan Lanqi pursed her lips when she heard it. She thought that the room would listen to her words. After all, she was from a major school. Even if her rank was low, the weight of what she said would be different, but she didn't expect that what he was worried about was whether the other party would promise?

She didn't speak any more, being too impatient would arouse suspicion and resentment from others, maybe Qingyu herself didn't intend to stand out.

Chen Jingfeng said, "I can ask."

Fang Yushan nodded. Since he said so, he has some connections. If he can really invite the Qingyu school to help, it will be a big help, and he can also get a feel for Qingyu's background. Even the military department will feel a little afraid of the great school of profound medicine.

Zhan Lanqi frowned secretly, it's a pity that she didn't know anything about Qingyu, otherwise she would definitely find a way to stop it, and it would be too late to look for it now.

Luo Xudong didn't speak all the time, but now he said: "Our mission is very important. Inviting some factions that have never cooperated before may delay the progress of the mission."

Zhan Lanqi was startled, and she was overjoyed. She never expected that Mr. Luo would agree with her idea at the critical moment!

Luo Xudong spoke, and she would not appear abrupt when she spoke again. She said, "I heard that the head of the Qingyu school is a very capable person. Will such a person obey Master Luo's arrangement?"

Everyone understands what she said. Mysterious doctors themselves are very proud people, especially those who seem to be of the big school, and Qingyu is famous, but the details are unknown, and no one understands the temperament of the elders. , Even the old can't calm down, let alone the young and vigorous.

If you are really proud and not good at leading, then this task will be difficult to complete.

They asked the mysterious doctors to come to assist them. Although they would be very polite, the military department had the initiative. This time the mission was mainly carried out by Luo Xudong, and they had to obey Luo Xudong's arrangements.

Regarding Zhan Lanqi's words, Luo Xudong was noncommittal, he only had one thought in his mind, he would not put his wife in danger.

Wu Yuekai picked up the teacup and took a sip. It seemed that the two had disagreements. One wanted to participate, and the other didn't want her to participate. It's better for him not to help anyone, so as not to offend others.

Regarding Luo Xudong's words, Fang Yushan did not express any opinion, and no one knew what he thought. Chen Jingfeng glanced at Luo Xudong and said, "Mr. Luo, do you have an opinion on Qingyu?"

Luo Xudong seldom expresses his opinions on these matters. He is the main executor of the task. No matter what Fang Yushan thinks, he must take his thoughts and opinions into consideration, and his voice is even greater than that of Major General Chen Jingfeng.

Luo Xudong replied unhurriedly: "The subordinates don't understand what Major General Chen means."

Chen Jingfeng took a deep look at him. If this guy doesn't want to say something, no one can force him to. Let's see if he can find out the reason afterwards. He really hopes that the Qingyu School can participate in this matter.

Naturally, there is also selfishness in this, but Qingyu's comprehensive strength lies there.

(End of this chapter)

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