Chapter 818 is gone

Bad water is not the most serious problem. Seeing those weird insects cast a shadow over both Bei Sitian and Chu Zhicheng.

The person who made the bad water and raised these poisonous insects is definitely not the same person, but now they appear together, which only shows that they are united.

This is bad news for profound doctors and the military.

Looking at the level of bad water, it is obvious that the other party is not a rookie or a fledgling. They are researching new bad water and have achieved results. The same is true for those poisonous insects. Although they are still in the research stage, their power has already begun to show.

Although the two great powers found out the cause of death that puzzled people as soon as they appeared on the stage, no one was happy.

"Have you found out the reason why the orphanage was slaughtered?" Beth Tian asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Biwu shook his head, "No."

Chu Zhicheng glanced at Bei Sitian and asked Zhou Biwu, "Is there a dead body of the child at the scene?"

Zhou Biwu shook his head, his heart sank heavily.

Seeing this, Liu Ting, the special assistant doctor of the association, couldn't help asking: "Shouldn't you be happy that there is no child's body? At least there is hope for rescue."

She was answered by a long silence.

When Liu Ting was in a hurry, Zhou Biwu closed his eyes and said, "It's been two weeks since the crime happened, so I'm afraid it's too late."

Liu Ting looked puzzled. Many mysterious doctors don't know much about bad water, because it is rare here, and some mysterious doctors have never even heard of it. It's the one I've never heard of.

The Zhou family of the Chen family is a family of mysterious doctors, and they have seen some records of bad water in the family records, but they don't know how to make bad water, so at this moment, like Liu Ting, their faces are at a loss.

Bei Sitian didn't want to say more, Chu Zhicheng obviously didn't intend to explain, Tian Zhi felt quite heavy and didn't want to talk, Lin Yunping was in no mood to talk.

As a temporary bridge of communication, Zhou Biwu explained to several mysterious doctors.

When she heard that those children were medicine primers, Liu Ting's eyes widened in shock. When Zhou Biwu told the general process of making bad water, Liu Ting shed tears in heartache.

The bad water had a great impact on the hearts of the few people at the moment. Seeing Fang Yushan sighed, even though he knew that they were here for gold plating, it was a bit unreasonable to ask their military department to explain the mysterious medicine to them.

When the cause of death was found, the military department immediately took action, and Luo Xudong was naturally the first to follow.

Bei Sitian had never watched Luo Xudong carry out a mission so intuitively, and when she thought of the people Luo Xudong was going to face, she was very worried.

"General Fang, I have some defensive talisman powder here, which can be used as a defense." Bessian said as she took out a small bag of talisman powder.

Selfishly, she prepared this for Luo Xudong, but she couldn't keep her eyes on Luo Xudong, after all, she was now in a cooperative relationship with the military.

Fang Yushan was overjoyed, he was worried about how to guard against the people under his command, after all, no matter how powerful people are, they are only human, even they are not afraid of the most vicious villains in the world, but such bad water poisonous insects are too much to deal with. Trouble, the damage will definitely be quite serious.

Since Luo Xudong is leading the team, there are naturally no ordinary soldiers in the team. It takes a lot of energy, money, material and even manpower to train each of these soldiers, and losing one is enough to make people feel distressed.

But this task must be carried out. Bei Sitian's words are like sending charcoal in a timely manner. Of course, Fang Yushan also knows that Bei Sitian is aimed at Luo Xudong's relationship.

"My medicine powder is limited, can you tell me the specific number of people for this mission?" Bessian asked.

The information on the number of personnel is basically a secret, and there is nothing Bei Sitian can do if she asks such a question. It is impossible for her talisman powder to be produced in batches.

Fang Yushan also knew this, and now he had no choice but to trust him, but his trust in Bei Sitian was quite high, not to mention anything else, her husband was the person in charge of task execution.

With Bei Sitian doing this, the ancient wood school naturally couldn't be content with others, and Chu Zhicheng also expressed his willingness to provide defensive charms.

Fang Yushan grinned from ear to ear. With the help of these two families, the mission would be relatively easier to carry out, and his soldiers finally had corresponding protection.

Bei Sitian met Luo Xudong that day. Luo Xudong got an order from his superiors to talk to Bei Sitian about the mission, and he cooperated actively. Naturally, Luo Xudong knew everything about Bei Sitian's problems.

After a general understanding, Bei Sitian made a total of three kinds of mystic symbols based on her own guess. The three kinds are for bad water, for poisonous insects, and for prevention in advance.

"How do you use this?" Luo Xudong asked while holding a small bottle.

Beth sweetly said without raising her head, "Use this as you usually spray toilet water. Don't waste it. The preventive effect is quite good."

There were a total of seven people performing the mission this time, and each of them was equipped with these three kinds of mysterious symbols. The first two had to be drunk, and the last one was sprayed on the body. The medicinal effect could last up to 72 hours.

As for Luo Xudong, Bei Sitian prepared seven or eight kinds of mystical talismans for him. No matter how powerful she is, she is still human, and she will be selfish. Luo Xudong is her husband, so of course he should be treated differently from other people.

"Don't worry too much. This time it's just an investigation mission. We just want to find clues about each other, so we won't face each other head-on." Luo Xudong said.

Beth Tian remained silent. If you wanted to confront them head-on, those people might not have thought about it. Even if you didn't face-to-face, they still had ways to kill people.

Luo Xudong obviously knew this, and said these words just to comfort her.

Luo Xudong left here that day with his talisman powder, and Bei Sitian watched their vehicle disappear, unable to recover for a long time.

Because this mission has signed a confidentiality agreement, even if Fang Yushan wants to replace Zhan Lanqi, he has to wait until the mission is over. During the mission, everyone must stay together temporarily to ensure that no information is leaked out.

They can't send out news, but they can receive news from outside, especially news from families and genres.

Tian Zhi also pays attention to the news of the outside world every day, and cannot let himself be blocked.

So when he received the news from Xiaoyuan, he was completely dumbfounded. His hands trembled while holding the phone. The call came in through an encrypted channel, and then it was transferred to him.

Tian Zhi hurried to Bei Sitian's room, knocked on her door, and said in a trembling voice, "Master...Xiao Rui, he's gone!"

Beth Sweet's heart trembled, and her body softened when she thought of the rampantness of those people nowadays. Fortunately, Tian Zhi had quick eyes and hands to support her.

 Watching a family of three show off their power together, there will be another update without accident, but it will be later, the rabbit works overtime on Saturday

(End of this chapter)

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