Chapter 820 Mostly

Beth Tian didn't know if it was a coincidence, but she felt intuitively that these traffickers were related to the person they were investigating, without any evidence, just a feeling.

Sometimes women's feelings are very accurate. Zhou Quan, the Qin family and the Wei family appeared in the courtyard, and the people they described almost confirmed Bei Sitian's guess.

Those people are looking for children between the ages of three and six, and almost without exception, these children are very high-spirited.

Beth Tian couldn't sit still now, no matter how hard she tried to calm down, she couldn't calm down, she couldn't even sit down now.

"Girl, I've prepared the helicopter, and we can start now." Wu Yuekai said.

The old man is really powerful!
Tian Zhi gave a thumbs up in his heart, even the helicopter was ready, he had to apply for permission to fly in advance, otherwise he would be forcibly taken away if he flew over BJ, how do you say?Of course, it was also the plane attacking from front to back, or wait for you to leave the city, and shoot you down in one fell swoop!
Bessie nodded immediately, "I'm leaving now, wait for me to prepare."

She can't lose her mind, there are no second chances, she has to do it the first time, so she has to be fully prepared.

A quarter of an hour later, Bei Sitian was ready and said to Qin Shi: "Dad, mother, take care of home."

Luo Anguo and Qin Shi shook each other's hands and nodded vigorously.

"Old man, I will leave the two little girls to you." Bei Sitian said.

During this time, Luo Anguo and Qin's family might also be uneasy. She was worried that something would go wrong, so she simply sent it to the old man. There will be someone to look after and protect her, so she can go out without worry.

Bei Sitian lifted her footsteps, and Wei Zhongyuan also stood up and followed behind. Several retainers of the Wei family looked at each other and finally did not stop them. Although Wei Zhongyuan is the head of the Wei family, I think the Wei family belongs to Qingyu now. Belonging to the family, in front of Bei Sitian, Wei Zhongyuan is also subordinate.

Bei Sitian glanced at him, nodded slightly, and then saw that Wei Zhongxun and Tian Zhi had packed up and followed behind, so she said: "Zhongxun stay to watch the house, there must be no one at home."

Since those people wandered around here, it is hard to guarantee that they did not discover the secret of the small courtyard, and there must be someone who is capable at home.

Qin Xinyu also wanted to follow, but was left behind by Bei Sitian, his face turned red, unlike Wei Zhongxun, he stayed not to guard the house, but because he was not qualified to follow.

Look at the people who followed Bei Sitian, all of them can be ordered to become magic spells!

Even though he knew that Bei Sitian was worried that he would encounter danger when he went there, this made him feel quite uncomfortable, and secretly vowed to work hard!
"This is the first time for me to build a military vehicle. I didn't expect it to be quite spacious. Are you going to fly in a while?"

Hearing this voice, Bei Sitian turned her head and found that De San was also coming up, looking left and right curiously, she couldn't help being dazed, and murmured: "Third doctor, you are..."

De San turned his head and said with a smile: "How can you not bring me in this kind of thing, I am a member of the Qingyu school, this is the first time you have forgotten me, if there is a next time, I will not be happy !"

Beth Tian couldn't help smiling after hearing the words, De San knew how dangerous it was to go this time, and he knew who he was going to face, even so, he followed him without hesitation.

"Well, there won't be a next time." Bessie said with lowered eyes.

Wei Zhongxun watched the crowd leave in the car, and took a deep breath. Although the task of staying at home was also very important, he still wanted to follow.

"You stay at home, old man, I will accompany you." Qiao Hongjie said.

He is sick, and it is inconvenient to go there, but it will be a drag on others. It is better to help Beth Tian protect the house. Anyway, he will stay in BJ for a long time, not to mention that he hates those people very much, so his stand is very firm.

Because she guessed the identities of those people and had a general destination, Bei Sitian simply flew to the military hospital where Fang Yushan was located. At around nine o'clock that night, the helicopter landed on the apron on the roof of the hospital. He and Zhou Biwu were already waiting there.

Although Wu Yuekai is not the primary and secondary person in charge of this mission, he is a backup reinforcement team, and there is no problem in participating now.

After Fang Yushan learned of this incident, his expression was very solemn. If something happened to that little guy, it would be hard for him to imagine the kind of anger that the elders of the Qingyu school and the special personnel of the ninth department of the general staff would have. How much trouble it will cause, this is something he absolutely does not want to think about and see.

Those people prefer to capture their children alive!
"I will pass the news to Mr. Luo through the encrypted channel, and the mission will be adjusted accordingly. Please rest assured, Doctor Bei." Fang Yushan immediately made a decision.

The mission has been adjusted, so it is natural to add a rescue of Luo Yirui, which is already quite a sincerity for the military department.

It is naturally the best to be able to inform Luo Xudong. Luo Xudong's combat power, Bei Sitian believes that with him, the chances of her son's safety will be greatly increased. However, thinking of those people Luo Xudong will face, she dare not completely relax.

But because of this incident, the task that has been stagnant has a new clue. Of course, you can't say this in front of Bessie, isn't it heart-wrenching.

Fang Yushan held a meeting between the military department and the mysterious doctor overnight. At the meeting, he didn't mention the matter of Bei Sitian's son, but said that the matter had made new progress. He found the other party's gathering place, and he might send the mysterious doctor to accompany him.

This was also a part of Fang Yushan's plan later, not because of changes in Bei Sitian's affairs. Those people are all mysterious doctors. It will be quite strenuous, and it will multiply the death toll.

After a brief discussion at will, it is the best way to send a mysterious doctor to accompany them. The army will protect the mysterious doctors, and the mysterious doctors will also protect the soldiers at critical moments.

The profound doctors have different opinions on this. Some people think they should be at the back, while others want to try it out. After all, the other party is also a profound doctor.

Fang Yushan will not force these people, and they are all voluntary to accompany them. Anyway, there are Bei Sitian and others.

But Fang Yushan didn't expect the final result. He didn't expect more people to go than he imagined.

Two people from the ancient wood school, including Chu Zhicheng, also went to the Chen family, Chen Yang and Chen Shan, and the Zhou family only went to Zhou Tong, and a total of two people from the association went. This adds up to seven people, which actually accounted for the majority. !

(End of this chapter)

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