Chapter 830 Convergence
Bei Sitian took out the mysterious talisman and said to Wei Zhongyuan and Tian Zhiye: "You two also watch."

After finishing speaking, she dropped the yellow talisman with her right hand pen and began to draw the talisman. The speed was quite fast in the eyes of those in the special operations team, but it was unpleasant in the eyes of the mysterious doctors.

When the pen falls, the symbol is completed.

After the mysterious talisman ignited spontaneously, a small pile of talisman powder gathered in Bei Sitian's palm.

Even if Chu Zhicheng and De Sandang made the same mysterious talisman, the talisman is not difficult, and it doesn't even need to be mixed with Chinese herbal medicine, it's all for dealing with the bug!

Wei Zhongxun and Tian Zhi also drew spells one after another, followed by Lin Yunping, followed by others, and it took several practice sessions before they were able to master it.

"Xiao Bei, how can this be used? You can't let those bugs drink the talisman water?" De San said with a smile.

Beth pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, "If the three masters have the ability to make them drink, Xiao Bei will admire you."

De San laughed, "No, no, it seems that I can't enjoy your admiration. Oh, they are here!"

Originally, those long-legged insects stopped when they crawled to a certain position, but when these small flying insects with a slight buzzing sound arrived, they also started to move around the corner.

Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help being surprised, but soon they realized that it wasn't that these bugs became conscious, but someone was manipulating them!
The soldiers of the special operations team were a little helpless in the face of these flying insects, so they could only retreat to the second line to preserve their strength for the time being, and the current home court was the mysterious doctors.

When Zou Yulu saw that the flying insects were all crawling on the ground, she felt that her three souls and seven souls had already run away. Seeing that Bei Sitian, who was also a woman, not only was not afraid, but also calmly taught spells, preparing to Fighting, I admire the five-body surrender.

Those flying insects flew over first, Bei Sitian picked up a bottle of mineral water and took a sip, then she sprinkled out the talisman powder in her hand, opened her mouth and spewed out the water all over her body.

The water mist and talisman powder covered the sky and covered the flying insects, and the flying insects immediately fell down like dumplings.

The worm's legs that fell to the ground were still shaking, and it was true that he had not died, but passed out.

Seeing this, De San's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and laughed, "Xiao Bei is so smart, I'll come too!"

De San immediately drank the mineral water and began spraying insecticide with his mouth...

Seeing that this method was effective, the rest of the people followed suit one after another. Although there were many insects that came, there were also many mysterious doctors who couldn't hold back. A dozen waves of flying insects were not even enough for these few people to share.

Seeing this, Chu Zhicheng felt emotional, not because they were so many and powerful, but mainly because the spell really worked, which he had never seen before.

Could it be that Beth Tian created it by herself?
If this is the case, he still underestimated Bei Sitian, thinking, he glanced at De San, this is also a capable person who can create spells!

In a quarter of an hour, these poisonous insects were wiped out by everyone, and everyone was very happy.

But Bei Sitian couldn't be happy. To those people, this poisonous insect is probably just a vanguard.

She thought of the bug that could eat people's brains without knowing it, and that bug hadn't appeared yet.

Winning so beautifully for the first time in a tit-for-tat confrontation made all the mysterious doctors happy, and even Chu Zhicheng smiled.

At this moment, a small voice came from not far away.

"Uncle... uncle and aunt... help us!"

The sound is intermittent, from far to near.

 Thousand-character chapter, the rabbit is updating as much as possible now, please give the rabbit some encouragement, and give the tickets to the rabbit. At this stage, votes and ratings are really needed. Please rate five stars. If you don’t plan to rate five stars, please subordinates Please don't comment.

(End of this chapter)

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