Chapter 836 Come One by One
What did Chen Yang see just now?
How many yellow talismans are there in front of Bei Sitian!
Chen Yang thought he was wrong. When Bei Sitian came again, he felt that his knowledge of mysterious medicine had been subverted.

Bei Sitian and De San were the last two people who began to light the magic charms. The difference was that Bei Sitian took out seven mysterious charms at once!

This is not a big deal, the normal mysterious talisman is suspended in the palm of the hand, supported by the cyan aura, but Bei Sitian's is suspended in front of her body, a Zhang Xuanfu stands upright, and the surrounding cyan aura suddenly appears!
Afterwards, these mysterious talismans seemed to be conscious, and suddenly moved, surrounding Bei Sitian, at the same level as her chest, each and every one of them seemed to be submissive subjects, very obedient!

Beth Tian started to draw a pen, moved her feet slightly, and quickly drew a spell on the mysterious talisman, which was the one taught to them before!
After each talisman is completed, the cyan aura will become more intense. The time to complete each talisman is a little more than one second, and it takes no more than seven and a half seconds to complete all the seven yellow talismans!

This speed, even without adding any Chinese herbal medicine, is probably the fastest speed in the current mysterious medicine world!
But looking at Bei Sitian's appearance, she was still able to do a job with ease, otherwise it would be impossible to draw the spell at a uniform speed. Thinking about it this way, Bei Sitian probably still didn't try her best.

After all the seven mysterious talismans were completed, they did not spontaneously ignite, but returned to the initial trajectory one after another, and then flew outwards under the background of the cyan light.

In the process of flying out, the color of the cyan aura gradually faded, which indicated that Beth Tian's control ability was getting weaker and weaker.

When it was about one meter away, the cyan aura was already very faint, and the seven mysterious talismans burst together, and the talisman powder was flying all over the sky!

As the talisman powder exploded, the bugs fell vertically, and that area would soon become a vacuum!

Since Chen Yang was saved in this way!
But now, he didn't care about thanking him, he just looked at this scene stupidly, is this... is it really the method of the mysterious doctor?

Why has he never heard of it!

Not only him, but other people also had such expressions, even Chu Zhicheng was full of shock.

He did know that there was such a method, if he wanted to, he could control three mystical talismans at the same time, but three is his limit.

Moreover, when controlling multiple mysterious symbols, it is basically impossible to be as chic and comfortable as Beth Tian. Three cards will make him sweat profusely, and he will even be unable to continue to fight.

So Chu Zhicheng never thought of controlling multiple mysterious talismans at the same time. In terms of time, efficiency, and energy consumption, he is not as safe as one by one!

Chu Zhicheng used him to show off his abilities before, but it was only for showing off. After all, few people have heard of it, and few people have seen it, and it can only be done by great talents.

It can be said that this is the ability of Almighty, but not all Almighty can do it.

Bei Si Tianlu's hand immediately made Chu Zhicheng see the gap between him and her clearly. At first, she thought that maybe she was just a little better at attracting her, and her own level was not as good as his. Now it seems...

Almost all the people present were shocked by Bei Sitian's method. The mysterious doctors looked at her with shock, and the members of the special operations team also showed incredible expressions.

Except for Chen Jinliang, the other special operations teams didn't know that Mr. Luo's wife was so awesome!

That's right, evildoers and evildoers are a match made in heaven!
Along the way, when the mysterious doctors used their talisman-making methods, they were not too surprised. After all, it was not the first time we met, and it was just the difference between strong and weak.

But Bei Sitian's difference not only has a great visual impact, but also the effect is surprisingly good!

She went up alone and directly killed a large area!

"Hahaha, yes, yes, this is amazing, I'll come too!" De San's eyes lit up when he saw Bestian's actions.

He is also very capable, and he knows the principle of dispersing energy and spirit, so he naturally has the ability to use it, but he always walks alone, and Gu Ran is powerful, but some methods and methods are not as powerful as Chu Zhicheng. The background of the big genre can be learned.

Seeing what Bei Sitian said now, I immediately thought of this method, it would be possible, but...

When De San suddenly caused ten yellow talismans to float in front of him, everyone's eyes almost widened, but the next scene was really exciting...

"Hey, wait a minute, don't run around!" De San held a pen in his hand, dropped nine mysterious symbols, and ran after a disobedient mysterious symbol...

As he and the nine mysterious talismans got farther and farther away, the nine mysterious talismans, like disbanded students, instantly disrupted the order and began to float aimlessly in midair.

Some of them have a stronger cyan aura, some are lighter, and even some mysterious symbols lose their cyan aura and directly fall to the ground.

"You're disobedient, explode!" De San roared angrily, and scattered the mysterious talisman he was chasing...

"Senior! Stop!"

Frightened, Chen Yang lay down on the ground, then scrambled and scrambled to avoid the radiation range of the mysterious talisman. He stood up and looked at De San angrily.

Can you be more reliable!

The other nine mysterious talismans flickered like naughty elves in mid-air, and one of them was accidentally pasted directly on Chu Zhicheng's face...

Then, Chu Zhicheng tore off the mysterious talisman with a cold face, and saw that the talisman on it was missing strokes. Don't think about it, the missing strokes should be on his face!

Lin Yunping dodged a mysterious talisman that exploded, and also glared at De San, "Here, are you a spy sent by Fei Chong!"

The corner of Tian Zhi's mouth twitched, and then he touched his forehead. Why did he become so out of control when he came to the third senior?
Wei Zhongyuan didn't pay attention to this farce at all, a strange color flickered in his eyes, and Bei Sitian's performance seemed to open the door to a new world for him.

De San was too lazy to talk to Lin Yunping, and said to Chen Yang with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, these mysterious talismans don't seem to be very obedient, why don't you stay away?"

Chen Yang: "..." Is it the fault of Xuanfu for co-authoring?
The battle ahead was very tense. Of course, only Lin Yunping was nervous. He didn't have a suitable spell to make. Flying insects had already got into his ears. One or two could be tolerated, but if there were too many, he really couldn't bear it.

At such a critical moment for him, the wretched old man behind him actually started playing!

Lin Yunping is so angry, but he has no time to deal with it now, he can only say a few words, but in the time of speaking, some flying insects directly exhausted his mouth and got into his throat all at once.

Lin Yunping opened his mouth wide, trying to vomit but couldn't get it out, so he immediately backed away in fear.

No one pays attention to his side, except those who deal with bugs, those who avoid Tokusan...

At this moment, Bessie said, "Third Doctor, come one by one."

 The rest of the chapters will come later~
(End of this chapter)

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