Chapter 839 Friends, take care!
The cleaning work will be carried out for about a month, and we will try our best to eliminate all poisonous things in the forest.

Therefore, Bei Sitian and others can safely and boldly try to eliminate the female worm.

In fact, Bei Sitian already has some understanding of the nature of this female insect. Those flying insects are used to paralyze people's nerves, so that these female insects can penetrate into the human body, it should be said to penetrate into the human head.

Beth sweetheart was thinking about what kind of spell could kill this kind of bugs. Ordinary insecticides couldn't kill them. If they were burned by fire, eggs and the like might be left behind.

Bessie had heard of such wriggling insects before. In order to preserve their vitality in the event of a fire, they would bury their eggs in the ground or attach them to other creatures and take them away.

If there is a better way, Bei Sitian does not intend to give this dangerous species a chance of survival. It is best to let them go extinct completely. Species that should not have appeared in the world in the first place.

I quickly searched for a suitable spell in my heart. Those female worms didn't know whether they were not smart enough, or they were sure that they couldn't do anything about them. They just wriggled in the belly of the big fish like that. Except for being eager to move towards Lin Yunping before, there was no chance to get close to it later. group of humans.

Knowing too little about this kind of bug, Bei Sitian didn't think of a better spell for a while, but when she saw Lin Yunping in a blink of an eye, her heart moved and she suddenly had an inspiration.

Because we know too little about the properties of these insects, we don't know what kind of spell can kill them. There is only one chance. If they can't be killed, these female insects will definitely launch a flying insect suicide attack to cover them from escaping.

In this case……

"Buy me some time." Bei Sitian said to De San and the others. After speaking, she took a few steps back and stood among the crowd. Wei Zhongyuan immediately filled the vacancy.

Bei Sitian recalled the spells she used in her previous life, and immediately took out the yellow talisman and a brush to draw quickly. Without any Chinese herbal medicine, she drew for nearly five seconds, which was already a very long time for Bei Sitian.

Bei Sitian drew three pieces of the same spell, and after drawing all of them, she repeated the trick to push the mysterious charm towards the female insect, and then it exploded.

The talisman powder was scattered from the air, and when they came into contact with these talisman powder, the female worms paused for a moment, and then resumed their normal clumping and wriggling.

But soon, there seemed to be a problem among them, and one bug started to attack the other bug, killing the bug in no time.

Immediately afterwards, this worm was killed by another one!
Within a minute, the female worms in the belly of the big fish were messed up and started to kill and devour each other.

Chu Zhicheng was taken aback. He had been wondering when Bei Sitian made the talisman just now, and seeing this scene, he no longer hesitated.

"Doctor Bei, this is..."

Beth nodded, "That's right, I used the method of raising Gu!"

Chu Zhicheng frowned slightly, "Is it really appropriate to do this!"

Bei Sitian smiled slightly, "Don't worry too much, Doctor Chu. My medicine has an inhibitory effect, and it won't make this last one a problem, and without the next steps, these poisonous insects will not be a problem."

Chu Zhicheng also realized when he heard it. Although the effect of the mysterious talisman produced by this spell is similar to that of the medicine for nourishing Gu, there is still a difference. If we don't proceed further, it won't really come out with highly poisonous Gu worms.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at the flying insects, and said, "Doctor Bei, can it be used on these flying insects?"

Bei Sitian thought about it too, she was inspired by the means of raising Gu, at best, it was to let these bugs fight by themselves, and then consume them quickly, these flying insects are also applicable!

But this time, Bei Sitian didn't pass this spell on to others, only to Qing Yu and others, and she also took precautions, lest these people have crooked thoughts or develop such thoughts in the future, and use the spell to raise Gu Harmful.

Gu worms can also save people, but this has a long-standing inheritance.

Qingyu's people quickly scattered the mysterious talisman on the flying insects, and soon the flying insects fought each other!

Without the order of the mother insect, the flying insects were already sluggish, and now they are fighting each other, so no one cares about the mysterious doctors on the ground.

Chu Zhicheng quickly came to Lin Yunping's side, tried several times, and found that he couldn't force the poisonous insects out of his body at all, so he had to ask Bei Sitian for help.

But he was a little hopeless, and with Bei Sitian's temperament, he might not talk to Lin Yunping.

"Okay." Bessie said and walked over.

Chu Zhicheng didn't expect her to agree immediately, and he was very grateful in his heart.

"Thank you, Dr. Bei, Dr. Bei's mind is admirable!"

Bei Sitian is repaying grievances with virtue, and her mind is indeed admirable.


People who know Bei Sitian don’t think so. If Lin Yunping’s life is in danger, maybe Bei Sitian will abandon his previous suspicions and save his life, but now Lin Yunping can go back and have an operation to take out the bug. Bei Sitian Definitely won't care.

Since she plans to take care of it...

Including Wei Zhongyuan, several people in Qingyu looked at Lin Yunping with pity.

Take care, friends!
Bei Sitian came to Lin Yunping's side, raised her hand and gently pressed Lin Yunping's stomach, just now I saw flying insects flying in, did it fly into the stomach?
"There's not much in the ear, but it's easy to deal with. If you don't deal with the stuff in the stomach, I'm afraid it will explode." Bei Sitian said.

It's true that Lin Yunping can survive until he goes back for surgery, but he will also have to go through a lot of suffering and suppression, if he can't suppress it.

It was precisely because Chu Zhicheng understood this truth that he sought Bei Sitian's help. Now hearing what Bei Sitian said, it was no different from what he judged.

Bei Sitian took out a small piece of incense from her body, lit it, placed it next to Lin Yunping's ear, and then breathed in lightly. After the smell of the incense entered, Lin Yunping's body trembled quickly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw one or two... a total of five flying insects crawled out of it, and flew out in disgust. Just after flying out, they were killed by their companions.

Chu Zhicheng knew that it was not easy to make this kind of incense, and the general methods of making incense were secret, and although the ancient wood school also knew it, there was nothing surprising about it.

After drawing out the flying insects in Lin Yunping's ears, although Lin Yunping's head was still a little swollen, but there was no persistence of the paralysis effect, his head soon became clearer, and he felt embarrassed when he saw that it was Bessian who was saving him.

But soon, he couldn't care about these emotions, and he really didn't expect that such a thing would greet him.

Bei Sitian immediately made a talisman, then handed it to Lin Yunping and said, "Drink this."

Lin Yunping did not hesitate and drank it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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