Chapter 843 She Knows?
When Bei Jiale said this, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The person De San mentioned must not be simple, has Bei Jiale seen it?

"The third doctor is talking about this person, right?" Bei Jiale was also a little surprised, and turned to look at Bei Sitian, "Sister, have you forgotten what I said I was going to do?"

Bei Sitian suddenly remembered that Bei Jiale was looking for the person who could breed germs. Could it be that this person is the one De San said?

Knowing that this person was because of Jiang Mingzhong's assignment in the association, when an outdoor enthusiast fell into a coma due to germs, Bei Sitian rescued him before waking up.

"How's it going, did you meet someone?" Bessian gave her a pillow when she felt drowsy, which was really pleasantly surprised.

Who would have thought that Bei Jiale stretched out his slender fingers and scratched the tip of his nose, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't see it, and I didn't even go in the periphery."

Although she is able to point out magic spells, her level is at best higher than that of Wei Zhongyuan, but she is far behind Beth Tian. Where is Beth Tian's ability? It is only by means, otherwise there is no need for people to deploy their defenses.

Hearing their conversation, De San opened his mouth and said: "From your description, it is basically that old thing. From what it means, he has returned to the mountains and forests. It may not be easy to invite him out of the mountains."

Beth nodded sweetly, but all such high-spirited people want to be quiet, and there are very few people who are willing to come out.

"Does the third doctor have a solution?" Bessian asked.

De San spread out his hands, "I can't help you~"

If the other party can produce living germs, it means that the level is quite high. Beth Tian said before that this person's means must be very high, and judging from his behavior, he is definitely not a treacherous person, otherwise the defense will be in the The periphery is not the drug that causes drowsiness, but the drug that causes death.

Compared with those who feed poisonous insects, this person is even more clever.

Those people, Bei Sitian, must be eliminated, otherwise it will be difficult to vent the hatred in their hearts. Moreover, these people have done a lot of evil, and they have harmed countless children. They must be eliminated!
So Bei Sitian decided to take a trip to see if she could invite her out of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, De San shook his head, "It's difficult, but I know one of the opponent's weaknesses."

Bei Sitian was listening, but found that De San had stopped talking, and turned his face to the sky with a proud face.

"A box of secret milk tofu." Bei Sitian said.

Tokusan didn't speak.

"Two boxes, no more, you know it's quite troublesome to make." Beth raised her eyebrows sweetly.

De San sighed, "Except for me, no one knows his weakness."

Beth sweetly pursed her lips, and finally gritted her teeth, "Three boxes!"

De San stretched out four fingers, "Four boxes, not one box less!"

"Deal!" Beth sweetly said.

If Wei Zhongxun is here, I have to say again, 'Third Master, can we have something to do'!
If that person knew that De San sold him for four boxes of milk tofu, he didn't know how he would feel.

"That person basically has no weaknesses to follow, but he still has the only bond, which is his only granddaughter. If we can find this person, maybe we can meet him."

But it's just seeing them, whether they can be invited out or not depends on their good fortune.

Bei Sitian definitely wanted to give it a try. With the help of such a person, she would definitely be able to analyze a lot of information about the other party, so it was worth the trouble.

It's just that she didn't expect that this senior's granddaughter was actually someone she knew!

 Yesterday, a reader said that because the rabbit is too proud, it rarely replies to your messages. Seeing this, I feel inexplicably heavy. The rabbit is not proud, but it just doesn’t have much time. I am a mother, and I have to take care of the child when I go home. I can only code when the child is asleep, and occasionally I can scan the comments when I have time. Although the rabbit does not reply very much, the rabbit will read it every day!every day!It’s almost two o’clock after coding the last thousand-character chapter, and I have to go to work at six o’clock, not to mention hard work, this is what the rabbit is willing to do, because everyone is always with the rabbit, and I am happy in my heart!But one thing this friend said is right. Rabbit does have too little interaction with everyone, and will try to interact with you as much as possible in the future. In addition, Rabbit is on leave on Monday, and he did not update for no reason, but he forgot about the bookstore. Friends can't see it, so I'm sorry here, next time there is a similar situation, Rabbit will post it in the comment area of ​​the book city.

(End of this chapter)

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