Chapter 848 A Request

Qi Xiuhui learned about these things from her father, and her heart was very heavy. She really never thought that such things would happen between her father and her grandparents.

Father thought it was Grandpa who wanted to see her, but in fact, she might not be able to see Grandpa this time, and the people in the military department were also like this, otherwise they would not have tried everything possible to find her.

She looks very similar to her grandma, so she has been very favored since she was a child, but she was young at that time, and many things have been blurred.

On the night when Bei Sitian and others arrived, all the people in the army brought small horses to the training ground. Because it was summer, they built a stage on the training ground and performed performances here.

Beth Tian didn't know most of the members of the art troupe, but she was very familiar with one person.

Chai Xiaohu!
I thought that Chai Xiaohu had been transferred away, but I didn't expect that she was still here.

Chai Xiaohu is now the first sister of the art troupe, the real first sister, although she is relatively old, but the new art soldier is completely inferior to her, no matter how beautiful she is, she doesn't have that talent, and she doesn't have that clear singing voice.

Chai Xiaohu never admits her achievements, she always says a word to others, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people.

There is someone who will always walk in front of her!
The last time she participated in such a performance, Bei Sitian was sitting next to the military wives, very far back, and the angle was not good.

But now, she was sitting in the first row!
The host on the stage made a simple opening, and then began to introduce the leaders present. The performance itself was prepared for Beth Tian and others.

This time the host was not invited to introduce, but Song Fanggang came in person. One is because Bei Sitian is an old acquaintance and has a very close relationship with the old general. The other is that her status is very special. I am afraid that in some respects, even The status of the old general is far inferior.

After comprehensive consideration, Song Fanggang personally introduced her and Qingyu, but naturally, some sensitive words would not be included in the introduction, such as mysterious doctor, such as Qingyu.

However, it clearly explained how Bei Sitian's alliance with the military department.

It is an alliance relationship, not a superior-subordinate relationship.

The alliance relationship means that she has this strength!
In seven or eight years, a large number of soldiers have been discharged from the army, so many of the faces below are unfamiliar faces, and they don't know Beth Tian.

But this doesn't prevent someone from telling them that some officers know Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong.

They thought that Luo Xudong was going up like a rocket, but they didn't expect Mr. Luo's wife to be so capable, and now the military department paid so much attention to it, and asked the general to call him personally to explain.

Some military wives here still know Bei Sitian, and they were all dumbfounded when they heard Song Fanggang personally introduce Bei Sitian.

Is this Bei Sitian, Xiao Bei, the daughter-in-law of former Deputy Company Commander Luo?

No way!
Many people couldn't imagine that even though the health team had met Beth Tian in advance, it was still unbelievable to hear Mr. Song's deep voice.

And what did Mr. Song say, Mr. Luo?
So, Xiaobei's husband, Luo Xudong, is now a teacher?
Do you want to be so fast!

Song Fang just made an introduction, and many people below were dumbfounded, and some in the backstage were also dumbfounded.

Chai Xiaohu stood behind the curtain behind the backstage, opened a slit in her hands and stared blankly at Bei Sitian who was sitting there.

She actually came!
Chai Xiaohu was full of emotion in her heart, she had always wanted to see Beth Tian again, without her, how would Chai Xiaohu be today!

But, now that her identity is not what it used to be, does she still know herself?

A little melancholy floated in Chai Xiaohu's heart. It would be reasonable if Bei Sitian had forgotten her, but why did she feel sad when she thought about it?

The performances of the art troupe are still very exciting, and some innovations have been made in the content line. Because the popularity of male soldiers' performances has always been very high, this show has not been banned.

Chai Xiaohu was still standing in the background in a daze. She had an idea in her heart, but she felt that what she did was a bit too bold, it was a bit surprising.

But if you miss this opportunity, I am afraid there will never be a second time!

Chai Xiaohu twisted her hands together, hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

Song Fang was just sitting next to Bei Sitian to watch the performance with him, when he saw a beautiful figure walking over.

He took a closer look, and it turned out to be Chai Xiaohu from the Art Troupe. After thinking about it for a while, it dawned on him that Chai Xiaohu and Bei Sitian were old acquaintances, and they even fought side by side.

As for who to fight, it goes without saying.

Thinking about that wonderful performance, Song Fanggang seemed to feel that it was just yesterday, and it left a deep impression on people.

Chai Xiaohu came to Bei Sitian's side, it was really presumptuous to do so, but she really thought about it...

"Xiao Bei, ah no, Bei, Bei..." Chai Xiaohu didn't know what to call her for a moment. Bei Sitian was much younger than her, but she was more capable than her and had a higher status than her. What do you call it?

Bei Sitian saw Chai Xiaohu smile, "Just call me Xiaobei, long time no see~"

Chai Xiaohu saw that Bei Sitian had no airs at all, and she didn't feel superior at all, her face was in a daze, if it was anyone, even she, she would have drifted away long ago.

"Sit here." Bessie said.

Tian Zhi hurriedly gave way to Chai Xiaohu.

The two whispered a few words, and Chai Xiaohu mustered up the courage to say, "Xiao Bei, I have one thing to ask you!"

Bessie was slightly taken aback, "Tell me."

Chai Xiaohu clenched her hands and said, "Xiao Bei, can you accompany me again! This time, this time I can do it, and I want to be able to accompany you!"

These years, if there was no accompaniment at the beginning, she might not have made such great progress at all, so that some units wanted to transfer her, and the current unit would not let her go, even relying on relationships.

Bei Sitian didn't expect her to make such a request. Song Fanggang frowned and said, "Xiao Chai, go back and prepare your show well. Doctor Bei has a special status, so how can I accompany you!"

I usually feel that Xiao Chai is a very smart person, so why would he be stupid at a critical moment? No matter how good the relationship was before, but now the status and status are so different, it is impossible to have more intersections.

If it's a chorus, it can also be said to promote the relationship between each other, the relationship between the mysterious doctor and the soldiers, but what's the matter with her accompaniment.

How could you agree to such a thing!

"Okay, then let's cooperate again, this time, we must do our best!" Beth said with a sweet smile.

Song Fanggang: "..."

Chai Xiaohu was overjoyed.

 And more~
(End of this chapter)

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