Chapter 854 Revealed
Hearing Shi Shi's words, Bei Sitian was taken aback. The Shi family knew her family history very well. She planned to get in touch with the Shi family not long ago, but because of some delays, she put this matter aside. , I didn't expect the Shi family to come to the door by themselves.

"Some time ago, the head of our Shi family appeared." Shi Shi said.

Beth sweet: "???"

Did she think wrong?
"At that time, the Shi family was divided into two factions. One was willing to recognize the master, and the other was naturally unwilling. However, the Shi family has its own internal procedures, so when there is a disagreement, it will be resolved by voting."

This avoids civil unrest to a certain extent.

"As a result, the two factions still fought?" De San asked from the side.

Shi Shi rolled his eyes, "Of course not, what's the point of hitting after you've already voted."

De San was overjoyed to be choked by this brat, and shut up with a snort.

"The result of the final vote was to disagree." Shi Shi smashed it and smashed his mouth, "Because they didn't take out the Pisces jade plate, the keepsake of the master's family, it's not enough to just have a surname and know the secret at that time."

Bei Sitian lowered her eyes, and it was indeed a Pisces jade plate. It seems that the Shi family is really a subordinate family of the former Bei family.

The main purpose of her going this time was to find Qi Xinda, and it's better not to cause trouble for the time being. She didn't say anything, and continued to listen to Shi Shi.

"The old people in the family have always felt that the current Shi family is stronger than the main family. They really don't want to succumb to a family that is weaker than themselves. Who knows that they are actually very strong. When they are so strong, the Shi family will lose the ability to resist in a while." Time closed its eyes.

"Where is the power of the Shi family?" Bessian asked.

Time frowned slightly, and said, "I heard that they hired a powerful person who is good at germs."

Bei Sitian glanced at De San and Qiao Hongjie, and they both saw the speechlessness in each other's eyes. Sure enough, Qi Xinda's sudden departure was not a coincidence, not only was it not a coincidence, but it also added a huge obstacle to them.

Mysterious doctors who are good at germs are almost the same as those who are good at poisonous insects. They are very rare. There must be hidden people like De San, but Qi Xinda is probably the only one who is good at germs. In this era, there is only him, and it is not known whether there is a new generation.

"Are those people in your family?" Bessian asked.

Shi Shi shook his head, "I heard that they are going to come to BJ. No one knows what they are doing in BJ, but I can be sure that they have a plan!"

It's great to come to BJ, lest she run out.

"Is there anything special about this Shijiaben family?" Bei Sitian asked.

Time shook his head, "I know it's very powerful, especially when fighting talismans, it doesn't seem to feel tired."

This is very scary. Fighting talismans requires more energy than making talismans. Most of the mystic doctors can do this, but most of them have no fighting experience. To put it bluntly, everyone is a group of doctors. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to ask the doctor to go up and fight?

But at this time, everyone in Patriarch Shi's family seemed to be able to fight, and there were all kinds of tricks in fighting talismans, not only caught Shi's family by surprise, but also caused Shi's family to suffer a lot in terms of methods.

At this time, Wei Zhongyuan said: "Those people are already on their way to BJ, and some senior family members of the Shi family are also traveling with them."

This is the news he got before he came. Apart from this news, other news is still illegally blocked, and the association is ready to come forward to negotiate.

When Shi Shi heard it, he was a little excited. His body hadn't recovered yet, and he didn't get up after working hard for a long time. The effects of the germs were still there.

"Excuse me, is there a person named Shi Jianyun among these people?"

Wei Zhongyuan shook his head, "We don't know exactly who came."

Time is a bit disappointed, Shi Jianyun is his father, the patriarch of the next generation, if something happens to his father, it is very likely that the Shi family will be saved and will fall into civil war.

Because Bei Sitian and others joined, Shi Guang's heart is settled, and he can calm down for the time being to recover from his injuries. He needs to recover as soon as possible!
Wei Zhongyuan stepped up his manpower and began to collect information, especially where the other party is staying and what the other party's purpose is, we must find out.

What people didn't expect was that the family members of that group didn't know what happened during the journey. They kept it secret to the outside world at that time, so the outside world had no way to start. However, it can be inferred from the itinerary that the other party was three days later than normal.

I don't know what happened to this group of people in the past three days, but the intelligence personnel reported that the other party had casualties!
In the past two days, Bessie conducted another study on the blood of her daughters. The results of the experiment were very surprising. Although the blood of the two girls repelled each other, when they encountered germs, they died before it died. It was possible to keep calm before, although it didn't last long.

And another way of thinking, I don't know whether each kind of bacteria will have different effects on blood pinching.

This time the germs are chronic and sustainable. If the germs are not killed, time will surely die slowly under their influence.

Shi Shi shrank in the wing room of the small courtyard. Before he was sure, he would never let the other party find out that he had slipped through the net.

Those people didn't know what their purpose was, and there was no movement for a while after they came to BJ, but Luo Xudong finally found out where they were staying. With this address, they won't be able to find people for the time being.

At first, Bei Sitian and the others were still waiting, but after waiting for several days, they found that the other party really had no intention of doing anything, which made people feel sad. How could they find Qi Xinda if they didn't take any action.

At this time, Wei Zhongyuan got the news that they planned to hold an auction in BJ. It is said that the items in the auction are still of a certain standard.Some powerful different types of talismans, there are 3000-year-old ginseng, and even young children with good auction qualifications!
Of course, it is impossible for the association to sit idly by, but the comprehensive strength is not as strong as the Shi family. The association has failed to make the Shi family compromise many times. Instead, the Shi family gave the association a big slap in the face. caught off guard.

Beth Tian immediately decided to participate in this auction!

However, the people who entered the auction hall were all bigwigs from all walks of life, so I'm afraid it wouldn't work without an invitation letter!

As for where to get the invitation letter, Zhou Quan volunteered to recommend himself, and not long after, four invitation letters with gold rims appeared in his hand.

This time, De San, Wei Zhongyuan, Tian Zhi and Bei Sitian went.

Qiao Hongjie went with his own identity and did not join Qingyu's team. Yan Jiu and Feng Qi followed him.

After coming here, Bei Sitian has not encountered many auctions. The price goes to the bidder, and only cash is accepted. Other payment methods are different.

 Two more today

(End of this chapter)

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