Chapter 859 Eagle Eye
The people below were in an uproar when they heard it, but it wasn't because Shi Lei's words were obviously deceitful, but because of the content of what he said!

Beth Tian's current feeling, the average IQ of these people is probably only [-]?Can't even judge the basic truth or falsehood.

She knew that it wasn't that the IQ of these people had decreased, but that these people infected with the hypnotic germ had reached an unusual level of identification with the carrier of the virus, basically everything he said was right.

She had seen it in some unofficial history or biographies of mysterious doctors before. Back then, a capable person cultivated a hypnotic germ, and its effect was many times greater than that of the current one. After being obtained by idlers, a riot immediately set off .

This person used hypnotizing germs to recruit a large number of young and middle-aged people among the people. He wanted to overthrow the regime at that time. If he could get support, he would really be under one person and above ten thousand.

At that time, Cao Mang got this kind of germ. If it was obtained by a treacherous and treacherous minister, I am afraid that the court would have changed hands long ago!

After the bloody suppression of this matter by the imperial court, they set their sights on the mysterious doctor. It would be good if he could use it for himself, but if he couldn't, then he should be eradicated completely, so as to avoid future troubles forever!

Later, Bei Sitian did not find a follow-up, but this kind of thing could really pose a great threat to the regime at that time, and it would never be tolerated!
Unless this is entirely in the hands of the state.

Now it seems that the effect of the hypnotizing germ is not as powerful as in the biography, but if it continues to develop, it will easily become a disaster.

For example, now, if the Shi family is allowed to use this germ to gradually control the mysterious medical family schools in BJ and the surrounding areas, and serve their own ambitions, it will be a disaster!
History has proved that this country is not suitable for dictatorship, and hypnotizing germs happen to be the best medicine for dictators!

Just as Bei Sitian was thinking for a moment, she saw several men and women behind Shi Lei carrying up a large porcelain pot.

"Everyone, time is running out. We will come up to get our medicines in reverse order. Please drink them immediately." Shi Lei said loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up and walked forward one after another in cooperation.

The surrounding big fans continued to blow. Under the influence of the drugs, these people didn't feel that their behavior was weird at all, but became more and more natural.

An extremely strange scene appeared in an auction, one by one bidders began to line up to receive their own 'good medicine'.

Bei Sitian didn't stand up, and naturally Qingyu's other people wouldn't stand up either, they, and the people at the table in front left didn't stand up either.

When Shi Lei saw the person still sitting below, he turned his eyes to the big fan beside him, then squinted his eyes, and understood what was going on.

"These people must be very talented, and they don't need the medicine to improve their aptitude. Why don't you invite them to rest for a while?" Although Shi Lei was asking, he waved his hand.

Following his actions, a dozen capable men suddenly rushed out from behind, with guns in their hands, and quickly surrounded the three tables.

Wei Zhongyuan and Qiao Hongjie sat at the same table, while Yan Jiu and Feng Qi at the side kept their expressions on their faces. Before these people came over, they had already put their hands inside their clothes.

For this scene, those who lined up watched with interest, and some people laughed and made remarks.

"For these people who don't know what to do, they should be picked up and thrown out!" The Chen family looked at the people below and sneered.

"It's a good deal for them to take them out, they should be shot, I really don't know what to do!" Tao Huailin said with his hands behind his back, with a look of disdain.

"That's right, Mr. Shi is such a good person. Everyone has medicine to improve their aptitude, and these people don't cherish it at all!"

People queuing looked at the people at the three tables who were still sitting in their original seats as if they were idiots.

Except for Beth Tian, ​​the people at the three tables below were seeing people infected with hypnotic germs for the first time. The behavior of these people was really surprising.

Even Wei Zhongyuan, who was always expressionless, looked straight at them at this moment, not missing their every movement and every word.

At this moment, the young man on the table in front left stood up slowly, "Shi Lei, formerly known as Zhang Di, caused 32 innocent deaths in total due to the production of banned drugs, 107 irreversible casualties, and has been at large for 12 years!"

The cold voice was poured on Shi Lei like a basin of cold water, no, it should be Zhang Di's heart, he looked at the young man with a look of horror on his face, and said in a hateful voice: "You are...Hawkeye?!"

Speaking of Hawkeye, Zhang Di felt his teeth itch with hatred, but at the same time his heart was cold, and his eyes were full of fear and embarrassment.

In the past few years, he had nowhere to go after chasing him. In the end, he could only find ways to go overseas, and he has been wandering in Vietnam and Laos. The conditions there are not good. In order to avoid the pursuit of Hawkeye, he is not as good as a dog!

In the past few years, Hawkeye suddenly relaxed towards him. After two years of observation, he decided to take the risk and come back. After returning, he hibernated for half a year and never heard from Hawkeye. He wondered if everyone inside would die. up.

While cursing Hawkeye, Zhang Di began to look for a way to return to the top. At this time, he met a group of people, and then he had a new opportunity.

What he never expected was that he would meet the eagle-eyed person again just as he made his appearance, and he happened to be caught right there!

He didn't believe that there were only these few people present!

Thinking of this, Zhang Di suddenly panicked, "Catch these people for me!"

Following Zhang Di's order, the dozen or so men rushed up like a swarm, including Bei Sitian's side.

The young man shook his hands and threw out three mysterious talismans. These mysterious talismans didn't look like flimsy talisman papers at the moment, but shot towards the three people like stones.

The mysterious talisman exploded instantly when it was more than ten centimeters away from the three people, and an invisible shock wave immediately swung the three people away. He fell to the ground with a bang.

These people mainly attacked the table on the left front, and the remaining three or four people surrounded Bei Sitian and the others.

"I'll give you a happy smile!" De San threw out two mysterious talismans, and the two mysterious talismans stuck to the faces of the two people like zombies, and then the two people sat down on the ground and laughed wildly .

"Take me again and cry so hard!" De San threw out two more mysterious talismans, and stuck them on the faces of the two people, and then saw the two people grinning and crying loudly. With snot and tears flying all over the place, a gentleman has lost all his image!
De San smiled and solved the four people, but it can also be seen that De San's main direction is to cure diseases and save lives, and he is not very good at fighting talismans. Compared with that young man, there is a world of difference.

(End of this chapter)

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