Chapter 880 Guess
Shi Jiandong held his wrists, watching Bei Sitian dully walking down the mountain, stopped after taking two steps, turned his head slightly and said: "Just do your daily work well, don't delay things, I came in with great difficulty."

It was hard to get in...

Shi Jiandong suddenly felt ecstasy in his heart at this moment. Could it be that this woman is Hawkeye? Hawkeye knew the situation here, so he sent someone in!
No matter what, this woman still brought him hope!

Shi Jiandong didn't care about the injury on his wrist, waited in the mountains for a while, and then sneaked into the village. He wanted to tell the third elder the news as soon as possible.

Beth Tian returned to the village with a normal expression, and greeted the two women at the entrance of the village as soon as she came in.

Seeing the smile on Bestian's face, the two women looked at each other and felt relieved. They would not have to monitor her like this in the future. When they needed it over there, they could just come and accept it.

Shi Jiandong has been here for a month, and the Shi family is more agile, has his own line of action, and will not go to the village entrance at all, but he is also extremely careful, because Shi Jianbin's skill is not inferior to him, but now he has become One of the useless people.

After Bei Sitian went back to the house and closed the door, she began to think about the affairs of the Shi family. Maybe she should ask the Shi family for some blood.

On the other side, Shi Jiandong quietly returned to his room, and then went to the third elder's room through the main entrance as usual.

When Shi Jiandong entered the fenced yard, he swept the yard first and then entered the house. To outsiders, there was no difference, but only he knew that at this moment he was suppressing his excitement.

When Shi Jiandong entered the room, he saw that Zhongli had just woken up from a nap and was sitting on a chair thinking about something.

Shi Jiandong walked around the house, although he confirmed that those people would no longer monitor them, he still had to be careful, and then he couldn't wait to come to the table.

"Third Elder, they are here!" Shi Jiandong said in a low voice.

Clock Li was taken aback, "Who?"

"Eagle-eyed man!"

Clock Li's face changed slightly. Now they put their greatest hope on the Rude Deer School and Hawkeye. Hawkeye has come?
"Where? When?"

Shi Jiandong lowered his voice again, "It's that woman, I was impulsive today..."

Next, he told Zhongli about his contact with Bei Sitian, and Zhongli's expression was uncertain, so he asked him to open his wrist, take a closer look, nodded and said: "This is indeed the trace left by a fighting talisman." .”

As we all know, what Hawkeye is best at is not curing diseases and saving lives, but fighting charms to kill people!
"However..." Clock Li pondered.

When Shi Jiandong saw that he hadn't spoken for a while, he asked involuntarily, "But what?"

Shi Zhongli shook his head and asked, "She said she was a eagle-eyed person?"

Shi Jiandong was stunned, and shook his head, "I didn't say that, but who would come to save us except the eagle-eyed people?"

This woman is definitely not from the Rulu school. Judging from the traces of the fighting talisman, although it is impossible to judge the depth of the other party, she is definitely not an unknown person. If it is from the Rulu, they have naturally seen it.

"The third elder doesn't think she's eagle-eyed?" Shi Jiandong frowned.

If it is an eagle-eyed person, there is no need to guess what her purpose is, but if it is not, then the situation is complicated. What is the purpose of the other party coming here? If it is not for rescue or for other purposes, the situation of the Shi family may How much will it get better.

Zhong Li was silent for a moment, then looked at his wrist again, and said, "I can't tell, I've had quite a lot of contact with eagle-eyed people, and I've never seen such a No. [-] person, and..."

"And what!" Shi Jiandong was about to die of anxiety, and the third elder made half of what he said again.

Shi Zhongli glanced at him angrily, "And there are only two women in Hawkeye, one in the vanguard team and one in the logistics team. The logistics team is not only for logistics, but also very experienced in treating diseases. I’ve seen people before, definitely not the one in front of me.”

Shi Jiandong's complexion changed slightly, and the joy that had just arisen for a short time has now faded a lot.

The Shi family has only been out of the public eye for more than a month. They have always been very concerned about Hawkeye, and they will never be Hawkeye's secret weapon. Hawkeye is actually very reluctant to recruit women into the team, so Zhong Li ruled it out. this possibility.

If this woman is not eagle-eyed, where did she come from?

Shi Jiandong thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "Third Elder, do you think it might be the rescuers brought by Time?"

Shi Zhongli glanced at him, sighed and said: "I hope so, but Shi Shi is still young and has little experience. How many friends in the world are willing to take such risks for the present time?"

When Shi Jiandong heard it, it was also true, not to mention time, even they, those friends in the past, how many of them became friends only because of their status and future.

Not to mention now, when their home was attacked at the beginning, they sent out so many calls for help, but no one came to save them.

The Rulu School is far away from the water but not close to the fire. What about people from the same city and province?

He knew that Shi Shi had a good relationship with the patriarch of the Qingyu School, but the patriarch of the Qingyu School was a woman, who was several years older than Shi Shi, so how could he really become friends with Shi Shi? Barely.

But just like what the third elder said, there is really no need for people to take this risk for the sake of the present time. If it were the Shi family, they might think so.

After thinking this through, Shi Jiandong's disappointment was beyond words. It wasn't Hawkeye, and it wasn't the rescuers brought by Time, so who could it be?

"Don't be too busy to be depressed. The arrival of this person may be a turning point. Didn't she say that it's fine in daily life? Let's wait and see. After all, the person who dares to go deep into the tiger's den alone must not be a simple person. As long as she and this group of people have a relationship If there is no conflict, or other actions, it is an opportunity for our family!"

Shi Jiandong nodded, that was indeed the case, it was better than a stagnant water without any hope.

"Only the two of us know about this matter for the time being." The third elder ordered, and then added, "We will try our best to cooperate with her if the situation permits!"

Shi Jiandong nodded to express his understanding, no matter what the woman's purpose is, at least it is an opportunity.

At this moment, Bei Sitian was lying on the hard board bed and looking at the roof made of newspapers, and decided that it would be better to ask Shi's family for a few drops of blood. If she could solve the troubles of Shi's family, it would be a great help.

Just thinking about Shi Jiandong's actions, Bei Sitian couldn't help frowning. Could such an impulsive character really be a bad thing?

She didn't know that Shi Jiandong was about to collapse at that time, and the decision of the third elder was to sacrifice himself.

(End of this chapter)

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