Chapter 882 I only hate being born at the wrong time
Bei Sitian got the blood of Shi's family, and it was Shi Jianbin's. Why does the single sentence belong to him, because he was affected by two kinds of bad water, so it is more valuable to refer to.

If Shi Jianbin can be treated by the way, it will be of great benefit to the possible battles in the future. Several "Jian" characters of the Shi family are quite good at fighting talismans.

Although there is no clear communication between the two parties, Beth Tian always feels that they can establish a basic trust. If it is another family and genre, there may not be such trust.

At noon the next day, Bei Sitian suddenly felt that the amount of bad water in the food had nearly doubled, and she moved in her heart, and continued to melt the food into juice and pour it out.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, just as Bei Sitian had researched some clues about the two kinds of bad water, she heard a loud noise from outside, like the sound of an engine.

When she walked out of the house, she saw two jeeps parked in the middle of the village road. Six or seven men got off, all wearing black T-shirts. This T-shirt had a blue flame embroidered on the left chest, and it looked very special when paired with a black vest. Heaviness, a depressing sense of suffocation came oncoming.

It was not the first time I saw this blue flame logo, Beth Tian looked at the two cars with curiosity on her face.

After seven or eight people came down, several women led five children and walked over. Although the distance was not too far, they all lowered their voices when they spoke, so they couldn't hear them at all.

Bei Sitian didn't need to listen. Seeing this scene, and seeing the indignation, sadness, and complex emotions on the faces of the family members, it is not difficult to guess what they are going to do to pick up these children.

Among the crowd, Shi Jiandong kept staring at Bei Sitian, probably because he knew that Bei Sitian was not an ordinary person, so this time he clearly noticed the coldness and anger in her eyes.

Shi Jiandong felt at ease, if Bei Sitian didn't react when he saw this scene, it would be really scary, and then their Shi family had to make second-hand arrangements as soon as possible.

Bei Sitian noticed that after she came out, she looked around for a while, and found five eyes staring at her vaguely, which must belong to some family members, and of course there were also those seven or eight people.

The women saw Beth Tian's curious face, but they didn't rush forward, nor did they see any other emotions, so they nodded naturally.

Among the seven or eight people, there was a man with a flat head, in his thirties, who stared at Bessian for a while, and his eyes were the most direct.

"It's not bad, keep it. I think it will be used next time. Recently, there is a lot of goods needed there, and there are new goods delivered recently. You clear up five rooms and wait." The crew cut man said to the woman.

This time, because they didn't deliberately lower their voices, both Bei Sitian and Shi Jianbin, who were close to each other, heard it. It was obvious that the other party no longer regarded Bei Sitian as a threat.

Bei Sitian blinked her eyes, her face was only curious, but her heart was cold, what?
The car drove away quickly, and Bei Sitian went into the woods according to her previous habits, and no one cared about her. After eating bad water for so many days, even if the king of heaven came, it would still work. not coming back?
This time into the mountain, Bei Sitian brought a satellite phone. Since she was 'assimilated', it was not easy to try to close the windows or something, which would easily arouse suspicion, so she could only go up the mountain to make a phone call.

After Cheng Shuwei got the news there, he immediately sent eagle-eyed people to follow up.

"Are you all right?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Bei Sitian, Bei Sitian was startled, but when she turned her head, she saw Wei Zhongyuan coming out from behind the tree.

"Why are you here?" Bessie asked involuntarily, and then looked around.

Wei Zhongyuan glanced at the lunch box in her hand, and Bei Sitian immediately understood that the food was delivered by him, but why didn't she leave today.

"It's nothing, it's going well so far, try not to approach this way, those people are very vigilant." Bei Sitian pulled the rest of the meal into her mouth, smiled and was ready to leave.

When Bei Sitian took a step, she felt a tightness on her wrist, and when she turned her head, she saw Wei Zhongyuan holding her wrist.

"Be careful, I'm nearby, if something happens, remember to send a signal!"

It was rare to hear Wei Zhongyuan say so many words, Bei Sitian couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, I regret my life." Feeling the loosening of the strength on her wrist, she walked away without looking back.

Wei Zhongyuan watched the slender figure disappear into the dense forest, and looked down at his palm, the delicate softness from his palm just now was so real.

He was really worried about Beth Tian. No one agreed to her to do this, but she insisted on going, and only she can find a solution to the bad water in the shortest time. She is the best candidate.

Although Wei Zhongyuan knew that his appearance was very risky, he couldn't even sleep at night if he didn't see Bei Sitian safe and sound with his own eyes.

Maybe she doesn't need his protection, because someone is guarding her, but he is still willing to watch by silently. When that person can't take care of it, he will fill the vacancy. No matter what, she can't be hurt at all. harm.

In fact, he knew in his heart that this protection, this waiting, was destined to be fruitless, but he was willing to do so, without complaint or regret.

"I just hate being born at the wrong time." Wei Zhongyuan said lightly, then turned and left.

After passing the news, Beth Tian breathed a sigh of relief. I hope the eagle-eyed people can find the source. If they can't find it...will they save those children?

Beth Tian closed her eyes, now she can only think about the good things.

This incident made her quite uneasy.

When Bei Sitian passed by Shi Jianbin's door, Shi Jianbin fell down for the nth time, so that she could come in to get blood, but today Bei Sitian didn't seem to see him, and went straight back to her room.

Shi Jianbin relied entirely on listening to the sound, and only when he heard the door close next to him did he realize that Beth Tian was really not coming to get blood, so Shi Shiran stood up by himself, and it felt good to be lifted up by the goddess, so he fell Had to work extra hard.

I didn't feel pain in the past, why do I feel so much pain today?
"I said, are you okay? I'll help you up."

The corner of Shi Jianbin's mouth twitched, "I can get up by myself."

It's Shi Jianhua.

"Did you step on the bench just now?"

"...I'm practicing balance."

Shi Jianhua turned his head to look at Bei Sitian's room, and then followed Shi Jianbin into the room. Women are not interested in the relationship between these two people.

I don't know if she was stimulated by those children, but Bei Sitian has been immersed in researching the composition of the bad water and the treatment method, and finally found the result at three o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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