Chapter 889
Shi Jianbin squeezed the powder in his hand tightly, while Shi Jiandong on the side looked at him in pain and struggled, and glanced at the woman who had been watching outside, but finally said nothing.

Brother, I can only wrong you temporarily.

Shi Jianbin didn't struggle with pain for a long time. He knew that Bei Sitian was planning to go deep into the tiger's den. He had to heal his eyes as soon as possible before he could help her!

When Shi Jianbin regained his senses, he knew that he had to wait for the right time. At this moment, he could see that he was patient. The talisman powder that healed his eyes was in his hand. Opportunity to fight back, otherwise there will be a risk of premature exposure.

In the dead of night, the bright moon in the sky illuminates the village road cleanly and brightly. Without the illumination of city lights, the moonlight looks extraordinarily bright.

At this time, a figure flashed by on the village road. The speed was very fast. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was the shadow of a tree swaying, but there were no trees in front of or behind the cottage, and there was no wind blowing at the moment.

Shi Jianbin suffered from insomnia. He thought about the day's events over and over again in his mind. In fact, there were many details that could not be deliberated, but when it came to Beth Tian, ​​he couldn't help but think about it over and over again.

You don't have to worry about getting up early tomorrow, who will care about you now.

he thought to himself mockingly.

At this time, he suddenly heard a slight movement under the bed. In this late night, every little movement can be heard clearly. Shi Jianbin's eyes moved slightly, and he lay on the bed calmly.

Could it be that some wild animal ran into the village?

Boom, boom, boom.

The knocking sound was very rhythmic. Although it was very subtle, it was the second time. Shi Jianbin sat up and left. He knew it was definitely not a beast.

He got out of bed and fumbled to the window, and asked in a low voice, "Who?"

After a while, the sound moved up to the window, and Shi Jianbin felt that the people outside wanted him to open the window.

Although this small mountain village is not a paradise that does not close its doors, it is impossible for thieves to come in. The biggest possibility is the people in the village.

Although Shi Jianbin had guesses, he didn't dare to be too casual. He leaned against the wall and stood by the window, holding a flat but heavy stone in his hand, which he used to pad the corner of the table.

He gently opened a gap, and just about to ask who it was, he felt something fly in and fell to the ground with a thud, and then there were very faint footsteps outside, and the person left.

Shi Jianbin closed the window, then groped to the place where the sound came from just now, picked it up and saw that it was thrown in with a piece of paper wrapped in a stone.

There must be words on the paper, but he can't read it yet, so he can only read it when Jiandong comes tomorrow.

Who could this person be? It must not be the Shi family. Could it be that they were hiding in the dark to meet Beth Tian?
Shi Jianbin thought in a daze, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

When Shi Jiandong came the next day, Shi Jianbin hadn't woken up yet, and he opened his eyes after sitting for a while.

Shi Jianbin groped his way to the table, and when Shi Jiandong pulled the bench away for him, he grabbed Shi Jiandong's hand and squeezed it.

Shi Jiandong understood and pretended to look outside as if nothing had happened, but no woman was staring at him.

"It's okay." Shi Jiandong said in a low voice.

Shi Jianbin showed him the note that was next to his body, "What is written on the paper?"

Shi Jiandong was taken aback, took it over and took a look, his expression changed slightly, "Sister Bei said, don't act rashly, wait for the right time."

This note was not written by Bethtian, but it expresses Bethtian's meaning.

"Who sent it?" Shi Jiandong asked in a low voice.

Shi Jianbin shook his head, "I came in the middle of the night, and I didn't see anyone."

so mysterious?

There is also a possibility that the other party is from this village, in order to avoid the eyeliner of those women.

If this is the possibility, it is not difficult to guess who it is...

Shi Jiandong pondered for a while, thinking of a boy who had been going to Bei Sitian's place for dinner recently, this boy was different from other children, he was the oldest here.

His age seemed very abrupt, all the children in the village were between four and thirteen or fourteen years old, only he was 16 years old, and his face was very indifferent, never seeing a smile.

I noticed him before, but this young man ignored everyone, and there was a woman staring at him, so he didn't have a chance to talk to him.

In the past few days, I saw him always running towards Beth Tian, ​​is it possible?
But isn't this boy controlled by that organization?
Shi Jiandong and Shi Jianbin didn't dare to discuss more, they said a few words briefly and emphatically, with Pu in his heart, Shi Jiandong left, he had to tell the three elders about it, and then conveyed it to several important members of the family. people.

The Shi family lay dormant, waiting for the opportunity that Bei Sitian said.

On the other side, after Bei Sitian was brought into the car, she drove all the way to the outside of the mountain road.

With such a big commotion, Zhongyuan should know about her leaving the village, so Hawkeye must know about it too.

This time, she might be able to take the opportunity to find the other party's lair and wipe out the other party, so she doesn't have to worry all day long.

Beth Tian became honest after getting in the car. These people saw that she was very knowledgeable about current affairs, so they ignored her and started to close their eyes in turn to rest their minds, as if there was still something to do next.

There were four people in the car including her, plus the driver who was driving. They were all wearing black T-shirts with the Qingyan logo on their left chest, but their spirits were mixed.

What makes her feel interesting is that these two men who act like thugs have the same spirit as ordinary people, but the driver has an extraordinary spirit!
At least a mysterious doctor!

Why so hidden?

Beth Tian's eyes flashed, and she always felt that things were too simple.

There were two jeeps in total, one of which was always in front, but it went down the mountain road in the middle and parted ways with the car made by Bessie.

Beth Tian had a feeling that the place where the car went was likely to be another blood circle!
The blood circle hidden in the deep mountains is the most difficult to be discovered, and according to what Mr. Xing eavesdropped on those women, the blood circle usually does not exist for more than two years, and it will definitely be transferred after two years.

It's no wonder why it is so difficult for Hawkeye to find the other party. The other party's hiding is too deep, and the tricks are ever-changing. What Xing Jun said is just the tip of the iceberg.

If it weren't for this, with so many abducted children, and this organization doing such outrageous things, it would have been discovered long ago and aroused public outrage!

Hawkeye had already begun to investigate this matter, but unfortunately, he had been confused by various clues deliberately released by the other party, and had not been able to sort out a reason until not long ago.

It can't be said that Hawkeye is incompetent, but that the organization is doing its best to guard against Hawkeye, because only Hawkeye is very cohesive and executive, and the fighting symbols are all good players.

 more tonight
(End of this chapter)

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