Chapter 949
After burying Mr. Jing, Jing Changle still had more than 2000 yuan left in his hands. This time, he was doing quite a fortune in Shilibacun. Everyone guessed that this was the money saved by Mr. Jing himself. suspicious.

Everyone even talked about Jing Changle's good work, and that he must have spent all the money saved by Jing Changle on it.

That's good too, it's not in vain for Mr. Jing to support him, it's better than that white-eyed wolf, and it's more comfortable to use for his own affairs than giving to that white-eyed wolf.

Because of Luo Yirui's relationship, the two tried their best to choose places with few people. However, because Jing Changle was by his side, Luo Yirui was also covered. After all, they were looking for one child before, but now they are two.

Although Jing Changle was born and raised here, he actually doesn't know where this place belongs to. He only knows what their village is called, and what the big village is called.

Luo Yirui decided to find a way to find out where she was while trying to contact her family, otherwise she would find it with great difficulty, but if she couldn't find the place, she would definitely be caught blind by then.

But thinking of his father, Luo Yirui knew that even if he didn't know where he was, his father would find him through this phone call.

Now thinking of his parents having such great abilities, Luo Yirui felt that he was very small and immature, and he hoped that he could be as strong as his parents.

When sitting down to rest, Jing Changle would play with the black bead. It really looked like a pinball, and it was a very ugly pinball in the dark. If it hadn’t been for Jing Lao’s words, Jing Changle would have even forgotten about the bead up.

He thought it was not something important, but it turned out that it was left to him by his mother.

In the past, Changle Chang would often wonder why his parents didn't want him anymore. Now he finally knew that it wasn't his mother who didn't want him, but his mother was dead. As for his father, he still didn't know anything about it.

Looking at this bead, Luo Yirui always felt that there was something weird about it, but he couldn't say what was weird about it.

"Show me." Luo Yirui said, taking the beads from Jing Changle.

He looked carefully, looked at the sunlight again, tilted his head and frowned thinking, and said, "This is not a pinball."

Jing Changle rolled his eyes angrily, "Nonsense, of course it's not pinball."

Luo Yirui knew that he didn't understand what he meant, but he couldn't express himself clearly, so he just stopped talking.

Jing Changle didn't know what it was, round and round, like glass but not glass, metal?Nor is it.

He probably wasn't a very useful thing, it might be something like a token of acknowledgment of relatives, so he kept it properly.

At first, he thought about whether he would go back if his family recognized him, but then he thought about it, his mother could be reduced to a person and ran to a remote suburb to give birth to him, which shows how much he has suffered. , he can't go back even for his mother.

If not, why hasn't anyone come to see mom for so many years?
Thinking of this, his feeling for this so-called home also faded. If it was a pack of wolves, it would be better for him to be alone.

What's more, with what grandpa said, he also wanted to be with Luo Yirui, he had met his parents, they were really powerful uncles and aunts.

What's more, Auntie invited him to study with Luo Yirui. He also wanted to learn such a powerful skill, so he planned to follow Luo Yirui to his house first.

"By the way, let's enter some big villages with caution, especially if the communication is good. I heard from my uncle who went out to work that the police have their own system, which can be connected to the Internet. Once they are wanted, everyone will know!" Jing Changle said.

Luo Yirui frowned, he had heard about it, because if his father was looking for someone, even if he was in BJ, he could find that person no matter where he was. Although the police were far inferior to his father, they definitely had their own means to arrest criminals.

But Luo Yirui felt that it shouldn't be so serious, he knew very well that he was just a child, if he became a wanted criminal, it might attract the attention of all parties, those bad guys are so secretive, they definitely don't want to attract attention.

Thinking of this, Luo Yirui suddenly thought of a way, since those people didn't dare to make too much trouble, and didn't dare to really arrest him, then he would find a way to completely expose himself to everyone, so that even if they wanted to arrest him Weigh it up.

Luo Yirui's eyes lit up, and she felt that this was a really good idea, not only would it make those people scruples, but also let her parents see her.

But how to fully expose it to the eyes of the world?

He told Jing Changle about this idea, Jing Changle thought about it, and said: "This is very risky, even if you really want to do it, you have to be quick and expose it once, let everyone know you, or you will be finished." gone."

Luo Yirui knew this, as long as they gave each other a chance, they would not give up their chance.

It can be seen from their relentless pursuit.

Alas, I don't know what happened to Uncle Yuan.

He was particularly worried, how could Uncle Yuan be able to deal with so many bad guys on the other side...

Thinking of this, he became a little impatient, wondering if his mother had found Uncle Yuan's whereabouts.

But he didn't know that his mother and father were going crazy now.

After getting the news of him and Wei Zhongyuan's disappearance, Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong rushed to the scene of the crime immediately, but all traces were destroyed artificially at that time, because the time interval was a bit long, even Luo Xudong could hardly figure out anything.

The son couldn't be found, so Bei Sitian got anxious and mobilized everyone to find Luo Yirui's whereabouts, whether it was the Wei family, the Qin family, or blessings from heaven everywhere, all the forces that could be mobilized were mobilized.

Qingyu's young master was lost, but it wasn't just Qingyu's people who mobilized, the Shi family mobilized everyone as soon as they got the news, mobilizing all the connections currently available.

Not only the Shi family, but also the ancient wood sect that had cooperated with Bei Sitian before, and some other small families and small sects also mobilized to find Luo Yirui's whereabouts.

Among them, there are naturally some who sell well, and there are also those who want to make friends with Qingyu, and they all take advantage of this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the Yunquan faction in the south also mobilized. After all, although Luo Yiruidu's place is north of the Yangtze River, it is very close to the south of the Yangtze River.

The Xuan Medical Association also sent out an important task of finding people, which was a self-published task. In addition to them, the eagle-eyed people also dispatched a special team to search.

All of a sudden, the whole world of mysterious medicine was shaken. Before, Qingyu was a rapidly rising school for them. The head of the family, Bei Sitian, was too young and too powerful, but perhaps because they were very low-key, Qingyu was in the Most people have that upstart feeling in their hearts.

But this time, Qingyu shocked everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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