Chapter 954 I Envy You
Luo Yirui thought about what Uncle Yuan said, so she dialed her father's private phone number, which was held by her father, and only the family members knew about it.

After dialing the phone number, there was no expected 'beep' sound, only a long period of no response, like dialing a false number, or the feeling of not finishing dialing.

Luo Yirui didn't believe in evil, and dialed again. The situation was still the same. He made the same call three times in a row, so he could only give up temporarily and dialed his mother's number instead.

After dialing this time, there was no sound like his father's, and even if he didn't give up, he dialed again, and it was the same...

Luo Yirui lowered her eyes, the possibility that her parents' phone calls could not be reached at the same time is almost zero, if it is possible, it can only be...

He moved his eyes, and instead of dialing the landline of the small courtyard, he dialed Uncle Tian Zhi's phone, but the result was the same.

It is impossible for everyone's phone to have problems, so it can only be that the phone he uses has a problem, is it a phone problem, or a human problem?

After going through so many things, Luo Yirui's xinxing has been greatly tempered. He will not bluster and rashly ask if there is something wrong with the phone, but hand the phone to Hao Rong.

"I don't know what my parents are doing. I'll call again later. By the way, where are you going this time?" Luo Yirui easily changed the subject. Seeing that Hao Rong didn't call, he just talked to the bodyguard, and the bodyguard answered. past.

Out of the corner of his eye, the bodyguard reached out and pressed a few buttons after taking the call, most likely to check the number he just dialed.

This action made Luo Yirui's heart tremble, if it wasn't that there was something wrong with Hao Rong, then there was something wrong with the bodyguard.

Having said that, Hao Rong put down the red wine, and his pretentiousness also decreased a lot.

"My sister-in-law is sick, and the strange thing is that the cause can't be found. Didn't I hear that there is a powerful doctor in Ningjin County, so I'm going to ask for it!" Hao Rong shook his head and sighed.

Jing Changle on the side asked, "Didn't you go to the hospital?"

In his mind, hospitals in first-tier cities like BJ Shanghai are omnipotent.

Hao Rong rolled his eyes, "It's up to you to say, can you not go to the hospital? Foreign experts have invited several experts, and they went there by special plane. It's useless. No one can find the reason."

In fact, he has no hope for this so-called powerful doctor at all. What kind of powerful doctor can be better than foreign experts?

The medical level of foreign countries is ahead of China by more than 01:30. Even the top three hospitals in BJ Shanghai can’t do anything about it. How can an unlicensed doctor in the private sector do it?
But this is an important task his father entrusted to him, and he must complete it!
Ever since Luo Yirui felt that there might be a problem, she became more careful when speaking, "Since there is hope, I must go and have a look. I didn't know you were busy before, and it wasted your time. Please stop by the village ahead for us. .”

He decided to run away.

There is no way, now that he is already troubled all over himself, he can't cause more troubles. As for Hao Rong, he still hasn't figured out whether Hao Rong has any problems, and he can't talk about being righteous. In case Hao Rong himself Is there a problem?
When Jing Changle heard what Luo Yirui said, he swallowed what he originally wanted to say. Although he and Luo Yirui didn't spend much time together, they unexpectedly had a tacit understanding. He knew Luo Yirui very well, but he would never give up contact if possible. Parents.

If the phone works, he will not selectively forget about it.

Hao Rong leaned forward, looked through the front windshield, turned his head and asked, "The village in front? Can you do it?"

"Whatever it is, just put it in front." Luo Yirui smiled.

Hao Rong looked Luo Yirui suspiciously up and down, "I always feel that once you start talking properly, kid, you won't hold your fart well."

It was like this last time. The kid looked good at talking, and when he turned his head, he lost consciousness in his arm.

Luo Yirui: "..."

Jing Changle chuckled, it seemed that it was true.

The car drove to the village over there, just in time for a wedding there, if Hao Rong's car stopped, there would be a traffic jam, so the car could only drive forward.

"The next village will be put down for you." Hao Rong said.

Luo Yirui nodded, as long as she could give them directions.

When they arrived at the next village, Hao Rong's extended version parked beside the Dayan, and Luo Yirui and the two got out of the car.

Hao Rong put down the car window and said: "I have given you the contact information, please contact me if you have anything to do." He was about to shrink back.

Luo Yirui stretched out her hand at this time and said, "Thank you very much for the little gift I gave you. Do you still remember what you wanted at the banquet last time? Also, I really envy you. Your father can hand over such an important task to you." You, we can't do it, you are too young."

After finishing speaking, he waved at Hao Rong, who was a little stunned, and told Jing Changle to leave.

Watching the car start, a cloud of dust soon turned into a small dot, Jing Changle asked, "What did you give him?"

They are now poor and white, with nothing but some money on them.

Luo Yirui looked at the extended version going away, and said leisurely: "The paralysis talisman."

Hope he doesn't have to.

Thinking of this, Luo Yirui sighed, finally got a chance to make a phone call, but it might turn out to be another big trouble, he is lucky, this year is not the year of birth, why is everything not going well?
Jing Changle looked at the extended version and sighed, "Big brother is pretty good, at least he stopped when we stopped the car."

Luo Yirui turned around and walked towards the gate, can he not stop, can he run over them?

But I guess they don't do that, Hao Rong will stop when he sees it, otherwise how can he show off his extended version...

Well, no matter how I think about it, I feel that Hao Rong's bad nature is causing the trouble.

"Where are we going?" Jing Changle followed Luo Yirui and asked.

"Go down, there is such a big target on the big fence moving, if a police car passes by, you won't even be able to run away." Luo Yirui said.

The reason why he went down was also to see if there were any larger villages. Although the most likely reason why he couldn't get through the phone just now was that the other party had tampered with or blocked the signal, but he was more and more worried about his parents.

And he was worried that the phone call just now accidentally exposed the private phone number of his parents. In this way, it may also bring opportunities for some people with bad intentions. Fortunately, both parents are extremely smart people. If you use this to threaten or coax, you will definitely be noticed by your parents if you are not good enough.

The person Luo Yirui is most worried about now is actually Uncle Yuan. I don't know how he is doing. Did Mom and Dad find Uncle Yuan?

(End of this chapter)

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