Chapter 112 Bloodthirsty
"That's right... We've been looking for you for the past three days, you know how anxious we are, and Shasha almost got hurt because of it!"

"But." Gong Yuxi and Ri Yuluo felt even more suspicious.

At this time, a few people in black suits and sunglasses walked in, with burly figures and well-trained looks.

The leader said respectfully, "Master, Miss!"

"Hello there!"

"I'm here to pick you up, everyone please!" The man made a gesture of invitation.

They had no choice but to leave, and suddenly Ri Yuluo seemed to think of something and asked, "Where's Nangong Qi?"

"Miss Nangong is already waiting on the plane!"

"Oh... let's go!" Ri Yuluo took Gong Yuxi's hand and walked out.

How many people got on the plane...

On the plane: As soon as Gong Yuxi and Ri Yuluo came in, Nangong Qi stared at them, stared at their clenched hands... There was a hint of viciousness and jealousy in his eyes.

Gong Yuxi counted you as lucky this time, but next time you won't be so lucky, I must make you die without a place to bury you, this is what will happen to you and my elder brother Gunluo!
Gong Yuxi lowered her head, bloodlust flashed in her eyes, and a sneer appeared on her lips.

Heh, Nangong Qi, you are not dead, how can I die?How can I die before your family is destroyed?You owe me so much, how can you be so cheap?Congratulations, though, for successfully pissing me off!
This means that a bloodthirsty game is about to start...

Nangong Qi, Nangong Yi, Wen Wanni, let the Nangong family enjoy this last good time...

After they came back from "Island of the Dead", Yu Muxun and Yin Mosha slept like dead people for three days.And Gong Yuxi also launched her own bloodthirsty plan - revenge.

Only the three of them, Ri Yu Luo, didn't know what they were doing, and they disappeared for several days.

When Yu Muxun and Yin Mosha saw Murong Fan and Nan Fengchen, they both looked tired, and there were faint shadows under their eyes, which made Yu Muxun and Yin Mosha feel pain in their hearts.

Yu Muxun looked at Murong Fan with distressed eyes and asked, "Honey, are you swollen? You look tired!"

"It's okay!" Seeing Yu Muxun and Murong Fan, he immediately regained his energy.

Yin Mosha looked at Nan Fengchen distressedly, "Honey, you've lost weight!" Her eyes were full of pity.

"It's okay!" Nanfeng Chenlou lives in Yinmosha... With you by my side, this little hardship is nothing.

Just when the two young couples were sweet, Ri Yuluo also came. As soon as he got off the bus, Ri Yuluo started looking for someone, his eyes changed from anticipation to disappointment.

"Where's Yuxi?"

"She's busy!"

"Oh." Ri Yuluo was obviously disappointed. He rushed over as soon as he finished his work, but he didn't expect that the person who was thinking about it day and night was not there.

"You have something to do with Yu Xi."

"Um... nothing but want to see her... Where is she?" He hasn't seen Yu Xi for a long time, since he came back from "Dead Island." He hasn't seen them except talking on the phone every day, and After coming back, Ri Yuluo has been very busy with things and the two of them didn't have the chance to meet each other, so he rushed over as soon as he finished his work, he really missed her...

"Okay, I advise you not to come to Yuxi these few days, she has something to do!"

"what's up?"

"I don't know! Anyway, Yuxi has been very busy recently."

"Oh, okay." What happened that he couldn't even see his boyfriend... Ri Yuluo had a face of reluctance.


"By the way, ask Yuxi to call me!"


Ri Yuluo drove away helplessly.

Ri Yuluo drove halfway through the car and his phone rang. Ri Yuluo looked at the flickering screen of the phone, and his face turned cold inadvertently.

"What are you doing?" Hiyuluo said coldly, "Luo, let's go home this week!"

"Oh! I have a home!"

"Uh... Dad knows I'm sorry for you, but you have to give Dad a chance to make amends... Son, go home. And, I want to talk to you about you and Qiqi!"

"Heh... You are here to redeem your sins now? Do you think you have enough time? Dad? What a dad. I haven't had you as a dad since that time! Also, I won't be engaged to Nangong Qi! My happiness is still there It's not your turn to intervene!"

"..." There was silence on the other end of the phone...

"That's it, I'm hanging up!" Ri Yuluo hung up the phone and parked the car on the side of the road...

In fact, Ri Yuluo didn't want to do this either, and his heart was also very painful, but he loved that man, that nominal father.

Riyu sat in the car in a daze.Suddenly a mocking smile appeared on his lips.

Atonement?Is there still time?He is too naive!

Dark underground cell: Several burly men's clothes are in tatters and bloodstains. Although they have dried, it can still be seen how miserable they have been. The scars were shocking.

At this moment the cell door opened.

A girl with a pink mask came down.

"Wake them up with cold water!" the girl said casually.

"Yes!" After speaking, the people around the girl came up with several buckets of water, and the cold water mercilessly fell on the scarred men.

"woke up?"

" can you be so vicious!" a man said weakly.

"Hmph! Who told you to be ineffective! You would lose someone if you were told to follow them. What use are you!" Nihuage said. "Never raise waste!"


"Don't you need to explain?" The girl glanced at the strong man.

"Hmph! We only do this." Yi "Served, never served for a cruel woman like you... ah..." The whip lashed towards him, hitting his body side by side, over and over again. It was such a big flaw, but he bit his lip to prevent himself from shouting out, just because he was a strong man.

"Oh?" The lackey of "Yi"! Humph! It's the same as "Yi", but I told you guys." "Yi" has already gone to the west! Hahaha." The girl's eyes were full of viciousness.

"No!" Yi said, "he is still alive, he will always live in our hearts!"

"Hmph! So what, everyone is dead anyway! However, as long as you give me a reasonable explanation, I can consider leaving you a whole corpse!"

"Oh! We have nothing to say! Kill or scratch as you please!" Anyway, they were ready.

"Oh! That's it! Then don't blame me! Call me!" The girl smiled brightly.

So, a massacre began again, even if they were tough men, they still couldn't escape the fate of being killed, and finally they died in endless pain.

After several men died, the woman walked out of the cell with a sneer.

Not long after, a boy wearing a black mask appeared in the cell. He looked at the corpses on the ground with a look of pain, and suddenly there was a heavy "plop." The boy knelt in front of several corpses.

The boy looked at the corpse, with tears in his eyes, and then hugged his head in pain...

(End of this chapter)

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