Otherworldly Demon King List

Chapter 10 Pluto and His 2 Hades

Chapter 10 Pluto and His Twelve Hades

Neither Xia Hu nor the young girl thought that because of the meeting of the two 'Hundred Poisonous Grasses', they were lucky enough to escape the fatal calamity.

Behind him, there were bursts of explosions and vibrations, as well as the deafening roar of the thunderclap.

Xia Hu knew that the two thunderclaps had already started fighting.

After pulling the girl away for a distance, Xia Hufang made a silent gesture to the former.Immediately, he hid in the bushes and watched the two thunderclaps fight.

Seeing this, the girl didn't refute, she squatted quietly on the side, and through the crown leaves, she fluttered a pair of big watery eyes, watching the battle between the 'Hundred Poisonous Grass and Thunderbird' with great interest.

If the girl watched the battle between thunderclaps, it was out of interest and curiosity.That Xia Hu is purely for profit, naked profit.

According to Xia Hu's observation, the strength of the two thunderclaps is at least between the same.As long as I squat here and wait quietly, until the two thunderclaps fight and lose both, then I can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

You know, the hundred poisonous grasses and thunder scorpions are treasures!
As long as the bones, blood, flesh and other useful things such as the bones, blood, and flesh of the hundred poisonous grasses are collected, Xia Hu guesses that if they are sold, they will definitely make a lot of money.

Moreover, what Xia Hu cares about the most is not the bones, blood, and flesh of the thunderclap, but the core of the thunderclap.

If he absorbed a thunderclap core, Xia Hu believed that the soul power in his body would definitely increase a lot.

Therefore, the current Xia Hu is as insidious as a profiteer, sitting and waiting to see the two thunderclaps fight in the dark.In the end, let yourself go up and make up for it one by one, and just pick up the ready-made ones.

There was a bit of expectation in his eyes, staring at the place of the battle.

It was already a mess, with pitch-black potholes everywhere, like hornet's nests blasted out by bombs, and bursts of smoke and dust lingered in the sky.

In this mess, the huge body of the thunderclap that was chasing and killing Xia Hu twisted strangely, like a pitch-black chain, swift and tricky.

The 'thunder'-like unicorn on the head is covered with a demon-like dark green gas.Apparently, that is the unique poison in the thunderclap.

Strong and highly poisonous, it has the terrifying power to kill people when they touch it.

Lightning attack speed combined with terrible poison.

Xia Hu and the two knew exactly what kind of terrifying destructive power it possessed.

The violent toxin even caused the air to make strange noises like being corroded.

"Clang!" There was a sound.

The swift attack arrived in the blink of an eye.

The other thunderclap counterattacked in the same way, and two huge horns filled with dark green gas crashed into each other, making golden and iron-like cries.Waves of violent air surged towards the surrounding turbulent waves like waves.

Two pairs of scarlet blood pupils stared fiercely at each other, colliding with sparks in the air.

Immediately afterwards, an angry hiss sounded suddenly.

I saw the thunderclap that was chasing and killing Xia Hu, its huge rear tail swung forward like a steel whip.

The terrifying power caused the giant trees that were swept around to burst into debris, and scattered leaves fell on the ground like snow.

Finally, it ruthlessly swept the other thunderclap.

"Clang!" The golden and iron-like chirping roared again, and the former, who was caught off guard, immediately roared to the sky in pain.Scarlet eyes filled with unspeakable resentment and anger.

On its body, one part of the hard carapace was damaged, and it was covered with a disgusting dark green viscous liquid—that was the poisonous blood from the thunderclap.

Drops of poisonous blood spilled on the ground, and the ground was immediately corroded into a cloud of green smoke, leaving tiny potholes.It can be seen that the poisonousness of the 'Hundred Poisonous Grass and Thunderbird' is severe.If it gets on a human body, it will corrode the human body into pus and blood all over the place in an instant.

After a successful blow, the 'Thunderwig' took advantage of the momentum to pounce on it again, and the poisonous horn on its head suddenly stabbed towards the belly of the other Thunderwig.And that part is the most vulnerable part of the heart of the thunderclap.Obviously, the former has already planned to kill with one hit.

From this point of view, it does not live up to the brutal reputation of the 'Hundred Poisonous Grass Thunder-Pedale'. It can kill its own kind so viciously and decisively.

In the end, unexpectedly, he was hit on the head by a tail of his own kind, which almost didn't blow its head off, it was just a little dizzy.

The huge body immediately retreated like a snake, and then formed a circular formation, using its own hard carapace to protect the vulnerable parts and prevent further attacks from the opponent.

"Tch! These two guys have the same level, attack power, and attack methods. How long will this fight take?" Looking at the fierce battle between brothers in the field, Xia Hu couldn't help but pouted depressedly, thinking, Could it be that the wishful thinking in my heart has been ruined?The fisherman himself can't do it at all?
"Let's leave first! They won't be able to tell the winner for a while, if they stay for a long time. If there is any trouble, it won't be good. Moreover, this'Soul Eater Demon Forest' is full of'eating monsters' everywhere." With the existence of "spirit beast", what if the battle between these two "Hundred Poisonous Grass Thunderbolt" attracts more terrifying monsters. Then what should we do?" Similarly, the girl became a little impatient, and stared at Xia Hu , kindly reminded.

Hearing this, Xia Hu nodded, the other party was right, the battle between the two thunderclaps was too loud, and if more powerful monsters were attracted, he might be the one who was unlucky.

"Well! Okay, I listen to you, let's go." Gritting her teeth, Xia Hu said helplessly, pity her core!That's it.

As soon as the words fell, Xia Hu led the girl to escape to the distance with the help of the surrounding dense jungle.

As for the life and death of the two thunderclaps, Xia Hu couldn't care less.

The most urgent thing is to find a safe place, always running around in the dense forest like this, it is easy to be dangerous.



Half an hour, after a long journey.

Xia Hu led the girl around in a big circle, and finally returned to the cave where she was originally.

Entering the cave, without saying a word, the former blocked the entrance of the cave with the wooden fence that took him two days and two nights to make.Then there are strings of thorns like steel nails wrapped around the wooden fence to prevent the attack of the "soul-devouring beast" in the middle of the night.And in the depths of the cave, he also spent a lot of thought on making many traps.Moreover, he also found a secret passage that can be used to escape from the cave. Once he encounters a crisis situation, he can escape through the secret passage.

Therefore, as long as he returns to this cave, Xia Hu will have an unprecedented sense of security, just like a sailboat drifting in the ocean has found a harbor of life.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xia Hu found that his injuries had miraculously healed.The pierced flesh had begun to scab, just like in the cave, soaked in the black blood pool, Xia Hu's wound pierced by the needle hair of the 'Blood Shadow Demon Wolf' also healed as quickly as now.

It felt like his body was like an invincible cockroach. As long as he didn't get a headshot or a broken heart, he could quickly heal his injuries in a short period of time.

Even Xia Hu himself didn't know, when did his body become so strong?

As if he was more monster than monster.

"Could it be that all the girls in the underworld are so beautiful?" Xia Hu couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked up and down at the slim girl in front of her with a pair of black pupils.The girl in front of her is as beautiful as the jade girl in the comics.Just looking at it makes people tempted!Of course, it is the lust heart that moves.

"Bah! What are you thinking about?" He secretly despised himself, and Xia Hufang raised his eyes to look at the girl again, "That's right! What's your name? Where is this place? Where did you come from?" Yes? Also, is this the underworld? Can you introduce it in detail.”

"Didn't you be very cruel to Miss Ben just now? Why did Miss Ben tell you?" Mei Mou squinted at Xia Hu, and the girl didn't give Xia Hu any sympathy, and said viciously.

Hearing this, Xia Hu was taken aback for a moment, then scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and then said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my attitude was bad just now. But, seeing that I saved your life somehow, can you show me some face?" ?”

Turning her head to look at Xia Hu, there was still a trace of anger in the girl's beautiful eyes. Just now, when she was surrounded by thunderclaps, it was the guy in front of her who yelled at herself. This lady has never suffered from such uselessness.You know, women are stingy, but they hold grudges very much.It's no wonder that the girl didn't give Xia Hu any good looks.

However, having said that, the guy in front of him did save his life.

"Hmph! Forget it, for the sake of saving Miss Ben. Just forgive him this time."

After contemplating, the girl just said reluctantly: "My name is Xia Meier, and I am from Trasarui City. Also, what kind of place do you think this is? Please! Don't you know it's here when you come here? 'Soul Eater Forest'? Besides, this is the underworld."

"Hmm! Do you know Yan Luo?"

"Yan Luo?! What?"

"Uh—————Forget it." I wanted to ask this girl named Xia Meier if she knew anything about Yan Luo?Unexpectedly, the other party asked himself directly, 'What is that? 'All right!I'm speechless, it seems that I can't ask anything, "By the way! What do you mean, Trassui City?"

"One of the twelve main cities of the underworld, please! You don't even know this? Where did you come from?" Xia Meier rolled her eyes helplessly, Xia Meier was extremely depressed about Xia Hu's ignorance, "Yeah? You just ask Miss Ben’s name? What about you? What’s your name again?”

"Me? My name is Xia Hu."

"Xia Hu? Cut! Who are you trying to 'scare'?! Such a weird name?"

Hearing this, Xia Hu couldn't help but blush. Before he was alive, his invincible mother gave him this name, so when he was studying and going to school, whenever someone called his name, he couldn't help pointing at his name and making fun of it. some.Xia Hu asked his mother several times to change his name in the account book, but his mother refused to say anything.

Now, when he heard Xia Meier's words, he couldn't help being embarrassed, wishing he could dig a hole and get in.

"Cough!" After coughing in embarrassment, Xia Hufang continued: "No, let's not talk about this. By the way, can you give me a detailed introduction to the underworld? This is the first time I have come to this place. familiar."

Hearing this, Xia Meier was stunned for a moment, and immediately fixed her gaze on Xia Hu, her pair of beautiful eyes stared at Xia Hu's eyes, as if she wanted to see something in the other's eyes, full of hostility, "Don't you Could it be someone from the ghost world?"

"Ghost world? What is that?" Xia Hu asked in confusion as he scratched the back of his head because he didn't know.

"Are you really not from the ghost world?" Mei Mou looked at Xia Hu, Xia Meier's face still had a hint of guard.

"Ouch! I don't even know where the ghost world is. How could I be from the ghost world? Speaking of which, what exactly is the ghost world?"

Seeing that Xia Hu didn't seem to be lying, the vigilance and vigilance in Xia Meier's eyes slowly faded, "He should not be from the ghost world. If he was from the ghost world, I'm afraid I would have died long ago. "

"Okay! It's okay if you don't know, let me introduce you to the underworld."

"Okay, hurry up."

"You're making a fuss!"

"." God!Is the girl with the face of an angel in front of me really a girl?Damn, his temper is more violent than a pure man.

"Listen clearly! Miss Ben will only say it once."

"The supreme ruler of the underworld is the king of the underworld. According to records, from the beginning of the establishment of the underworld to the present, there have been a total of ten underworld kings in the underworld, from the first generation of underworld kings to the tenth generation of underworld kings. Below the underworld kings, there are two Dharma Guardians, Twelve Hades. As for the twelve main cities of the underworld, they are guarded by the Twelve Hades. There are millions of underworld troops under their command, and they are the supreme kings of the entire underworld."

 Changed, of course, only a small range of punctuation and sentence formatting.Hope to support!

(End of this chapter)

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