Otherworldly Demon King List

Chapter 12 Killing Monsters

Chapter 12 Killing Monsters

"Hey! Hu Xia, we are here to look for food. You have nothing to do and drag me to build traps and pile rocks together. What are you thinking in your head?" He piled the big rocks in his hand on a pile of rocks , Xia Meier wiped the sweat from her forehead, looked at Xia Hu who was busy digging traps on the other side, and immediately couldn't help complaining.

"I'll find you something to eat!" In the trap, Xia Hu explained impatiently while working hard.Today, Xia Meier didn't complain like this once or twice, but moved a stone, she had to chatter for a while, and the former's ears were almost callused!This girl, is she a machine gun?
"Please, you have said this 1000 times today. It has been hours since you dug a trap and piled up a pile of rotten rocks, and I haven't seen what you said to eat. If you find something to eat It's so difficult, Miss Ben would rather pick wild fruits and eat them!"

"Oops!" Climbing out of the trap, Xia Hu brushed off the dust on her body, looked at Xia Meier's delicate appearance with her little lips pouting, sighed, and continued: "I said big Miss, do you see any wild fruits around here? If there are any, I don’t want to be so troublesome, sir?”

While talking, Xia Hu covered the trap with all the dead branches and grass, and then sprinkled it with soil.

Finally, he clapped his hands, glanced at the almost seamless trap, and said with a smile, "Hey! You're done."

"Miss, wait for the meat!" Looking back at Xia Meier, who was sitting on the rock with her buttocks on the rock, her cheek resting on one hand, looking at her with a look of 'disdain', Xia Hu couldn't help but be proud of her He raised his hand, as if to show off, that there will be meat to eat soon.

Xia Meier ignored Xia Hu as if she had never heard of it, as if she was afraid of knowing him.

"Let's go, let's lure a 'soul-devouring beast' here." Xia Hu strode forward, grabbed Xia Meier's hand, and led her to run deep into the dense forest.

Ten minutes later—

The two came to a small lake and waited quietly under the cover of boulders and crowns.

"Hush! This is the only water source around. There are no 'soul-devouring beasts' now, but there should be 'soul-devouring beasts' coming to drink water in a while. So, what we need now is to wait quietly and choose one." Appropriate." Staring at the somewhat empty small lake with both eyes, the calm lake surface was as quiet as a mirror, reflecting the blood-colored sunlight, Xia Hu whispered to Xia Meier.After spending two days in the 'Soul Eater Demon Forest', Xia Hu used herself as a bait to lure the 'Soul Eater Beast' at the risk of her own life in order to make a living.

And in the past two days, this small lake was the one he visited the most. Firstly, it was the only water source around, and secondly, the "soul-devouring beasts" who came here to drink water were basically the lowest-level "devouring beasts". Soul Beast' is easy to start with.Otherwise, if encountering a monster of the level of the 'Hundred Poisonous Grass Thunder-Pedale', I'm afraid Xia Hu would have died long ago.

Hearing this, Xia Meier was obedient and didn't interrupt, her beautiful eyes stared at the calm lake not far away through the crown leaves.

It didn't take long to wait quietly.

Not long after, Xia Hu and Xia Mei'er noticed a rustling sound coming from the forest on the other side of the lake, presumably a certain 'soul-devouring beast' came to drink water.

"Huh!" There was a burst of wind.

I saw a huge 'blood howling pig' rushing out from the jungle.

The blood howling pig arched the turf all the way forward, and finally, it arched into the small lake.Gudong Gudong drank the water.

"Hey! The prey is here, and it's still the 'Howling Pig'! We're lucky tonight!" Xia Hu glanced at the 'Howling Pig' who was drinking water through the gap between the crown leaves, and couldn't help laughing strangely , couldn't help being surprised.

On the one hand, Xia Meier also had a look of surprise on her face.

"Okay! Let Miss Ben go and kill it!" Maybe she was too excited, or maybe she was afraid that the prey would escape, Xia Meier rolled up her sleeves like a man, and wanted to rush out to kill the drinking water The 'pig'.

Seeing this, Xia Hu was startled, grabbed the former's arm, and reprimanded: "What are you doing?"

"Miss Ben is going to kill it!"

"Can you beat it? Or should I lure it into the trap."

"How can it be so troublesome? It's just a pig. I can deal with this lady. Don't forget, this lady is also a soul user after all. Dealing with this low-level 'soul-devouring beast' is not a piece of cake." Said After that, he no longer cared about Xia Hu's obstruction, the fiery red soul power in his body quietly circulated, a layer of faint fire glow looming on the soles of Xia Mei'er's feet.

Immediately, the soles of his feet lightly stepped on the ground, and his whole body flew two or three meters away in an instant, erratic like a ghost.

"Is that the effect of using soul power just now?" Shocked by Xia Meier's movement, Xia Hu recalled that just now Xia Meier just lightly touched the ground with her feet, and then swept two or three meters away, holding back. I couldn't help but exclaimed: "If I can use my soul power in this world, then I won't be the Olympic long jump champion? What Jordan Flyer, Kobe Peter Pan? They are all so weak!"

This miraculous scene made Xia Hu look forward to how to use his soul power.

Both pupils watched Xia Meier's every move closely, and in just a few breaths, Xia Meier quietly came behind the blood howling pig.

Immediately after the sudden attack, the whole person jumped up instantly, gliding like a flying swallow.

With a soft shout: "Soul Skill——Red Flame Whip!"

Immediately, a slightly illusory fiery red long whip jumped out from Xia Meier's right hand like a snake, and ruthlessly beat the 'blood howling pig' who was drinking water.

A scorched black mark immediately appeared on the back of the 'Blood Howling Pig'.

The sudden throbbing and burning pain made the 'Howling Pig of Blood' who was drinking water immediately let out a miserable howl and an angry growl like a pig being slaughtered.

Turning around abruptly, her scarlet blood eyes stared at Xia Meier's pretty face which was gradually turning pale with resentment.There were bursts of low-pitched roars from the mouth, and white steam gushed from the nostrils.

"How——how could it be impossible to whip it to death?" Seeing the 'Blood Howling Pig' who had only suffered a little skin trauma under the whipping of his 'Red Flame Whip'.Xia Meier's whole heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and her eyes gradually lost their focus, "Have you already become so weak?"

Feeling the weakness in her body that her soul power was exhausted due to using the 'Red Fire Whip', Xia Meier didn't even have the strength to escape at this moment.

In my mind, I kept repeating this sentence, "I'm so weak? Can't even beat the 'Blood Howling Pig' to death?"

An angry roar suddenly resounded, and the blood howling pig lowered its ferocious head, and rushed towards Xia Meier, hustling like a bulldozer.

But Xia Meier was still stupidly stunned in place, but she didn't realize that the attack of the 'Blood Howling Pig' was approaching.This low-level 'soul-devouring beast' only attacks with its head.However, the head of the 'Blood Howling Pig' is as hard as steel, ordinary people will be smashed to pieces if hit, even if Xia Meier is a soul, once hit, she will either die or be injured, and it must be that kind of serious injury!

'Blood Howling Pig' is very fast, its running speed can be compared with the starting speed of an ordinary car.With just a few breaths, he was about to bump into Xia Meier.

Just when the former was about to hit Xia Meier, a purple figure flew by in an instant, hugged Xia Meier's waist, and rolled away, just in time to avoid the blow of the 'Blood Howling Pig'.

"Why are you still in a daze? Run!" Holding Xia Mei'er with one hand, Xia Hu hastily scolded.

Immediately, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the 'Blood Howling Pig' attacking again, and the former immediately pulled Xia Meier and ran quickly towards the direction where they dug the trap earlier.

Time passed minute by minute--

After running all the way for nearly ten minutes, Xia Hu gradually discovered the trap he had dug.

"It's still close." Xia Hu said anxiously, and couldn't help speeding up.

Behind him, the 'Blood Howling Pig' was in hot pursuit.

"Ten meters left!"

"Nine meters!" "Eight meters!" "Seven meters!" "Six meters!"—————

"One meter! It's now!" Calculating the distance between himself and the trap clearly in his heart, when Xia Hu was only about one meter away from the trap, he hugged Xia Meier and rolled out a few laps in a volley, avoiding falling danger of falling into a trap.

However, disaster happened to the 'Howling Pig' behind him. He accidentally fell into the trap carefully dug by Xia Hu, and couldn't get out for a while.

Letting go of Xia Mei'er in her arms, Xia Hu crawled to the side of the stone stile, hugged a piece of stone and slammed it into the trap.

Just listening, there were bursts of miserable howls resounding one after another.

After about half an hour, the ear-piercing howling in the trap gradually weakened until it finally became completely silent.

Xia Hufang's legs gave way, and he sat down on the ground. On his forehead, big beads of sweat slid down his cheeks, and he kept panting heavily.

Pause for a while—

Xia Hu turned her head to look at Xia Mei'er who was still lying on the grass in a daze.

"My eldest lady, that pig was about to bump into you just now, why didn't you hide?" Xia Hu scolded Xia Meier after struggling to get to Xia Meier's side.

Hearing this, Xia Meier tilted her head and stared at Xia Hu with a pair of empty eyes, without saying a word.

"Are you okay?" Looking at Xia Meier's empty eyes as if she had lost her soul, Xia Hu was startled.

"I'm fine!" Slowly sitting up, Xia Meier hugged her knees with her hands, her cheeks lightly resting on her knees, and she responded quietly.

"Are you all right?" Looking at Xia Meier's still empty eyes, Xia Hu was dubious.

"It's really okay."

"Hey! Let's do it! Although we have only known each other for less than a day. However, compared with yesterday, there is obviously something wrong with you. Tell me. If you can confide what is in your heart to another person, your mood should be It will be better."

Turning her head to look at Xia Hu, Xia Meier hesitated for a while, and then said weakly, "Are you laughing at me? Laughing at me, the previous arrogance, self-righteousness? I even have a 'blood howling pig' Can't kill them all?"

"Eh? No no! I didn't laugh at you, but I envied you. I envied that you can use your soul power to fight the 'Blood Howling Pig' head-on. It's very brave. Unlike me, I can only kill you with this stupid method." 'Blood Howling Pig'." Saying that, Xia Hu looked back at the trap filled with stones.

"Really?" Xia Meier laughed at herself, "After all, I am the worst in the family, and I have been treated with indifference and indifference. The eyes of those people are really disgusting!"

"What did you say?"

"Xia Hu, let me ask you, why do you want to learn to use soul power so much?"

"You don't need to ask, of course it's to become stronger!"

"Become stronger?" Xia Meier was silent, "Same as me!"

"What's the same?"

"The goal is the same. I want to become stronger just like you!"

"Oh! Then what is your reason for wanting to become stronger?"

Hearing this, Xia Meier was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "In order for everyone to see my indifferent eyes disappear!"

"Eh? It seems like you don't understand it? Miss, can you explain in more detail? You can't just say half of it!"

"Hmph! Why?" Glancing at Xia Hu's curious cat look, the hole in Xia Meier's eyes gradually faded, and then she snorted coldly and said unceremoniously.

Hearing this, Xia Hu was stunned for a moment.

What happened to this girl?
 It has been changed, if there are deficiencies, please feel free to comment, Xiaojun can make revisions.

(End of this chapter)

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