Chapter 120 Purple Demon Thunder Beast
Instantly imprisoned Zi Molei, Xiao Yuan didn't stop, his body folded in mid-air, and Zhong Wuji waved his thunder claws from behind, and shot past him close to his body!

Turning around in the air, a water spiral naturally condensed in Xiao Yuan's hand, his body fell to the ground, and with a light tap of his toe, he shot towards Zhong Wuji like a sharp arrow!

Zhong Wuji, who was in mid-air, had no time to dodge, and his spiritual thoughts controlled the purple magic thunder to block him, but even so, he was still vomited blood by Xiao Yuan's 'water spiral', and crashed into the hard stone slab of the battle platform among!
"Hehe! To be honest! Zhong Wuji, you are really strong. If I hadn't broken through to the Soul Sect, I'm afraid that it would be impossible for me to defeat you! Admit defeat! If this continues, you will be injured !" The dust and smoke dissipated, Xiao Yuan landed gently on the ground, his light blue eyes stared at Zhong Wuji in the hollow on the floor, at the moment the latter was covered in dust all over his face, his silver robe was in tatters, and at the corner of his mouth, there was a smile on his face. There are traces of blood!
Ignore Xiao Yuan's good words and persuasion!

Zhong Wuji in the hollow, with his blank eyes half open, his chest heaving violently, after a while, he stood up tremblingly, reached out his hand to wipe off the blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at Xiao Yuan with lavender eyes, and said coldly He smiled, "Sorry! Unless you maim or kill me, I will admit defeat! Impossible!"

As the words fell, his hands quickly formed a series of psychedelic handprints, and on his back, the purple gold gourd trembled violently!

I only heard bursts of deep roars of thunder rolling out from the purple gold gourd on Zhong Wuji's back!

One road, two roads, hundreds of roads!
Densely packed, innumerable purple magic thunders rushed out of the purple gold gourd on Zhong Wuji's back like bees coming out of a nest, and surrounded Zhong Wuji in groups!
"Hey! Xiao Yuan! If you can take this blow from me, it doesn't matter if I admit defeat! I'm afraid, you don't have that ability!" Looking at Xiao Yuan with a sneer, Zhong Wuji said gloomyly. With lavender eyes and purple awns soaring, a thunder-like roar came out of Zhong Wuji's mouth, "Congeal!! Purple Demon Thunder Beast!"

The deafening roar resounded throughout the Golden Zone, and Zhong Wuji's terrifying aura doubled again, sweeping towards everyone in the entire arena like a hurricane!

After feeling the momentum of Zhong Wuji's change again, those elders of various sects all looked horrified!

They really couldn't figure out how these juniors cultivated today? !
Why is each strength so terrifying? !

"Purple Demon Thunder Beast?! Has Wuji been forced to this point?!" Above the battle platform, Lihu hovered in the air, staring down indifferently. Zhong Wuji couldn't help sighing, "But, even so, Wuji! You are no match!"

On the battle platform, Zhong Wuji, who was tightly wrapped by the purple magic thunder, instantly transformed into a giant beast surrounded by purple lightning!
The whole giant beast looks exactly like a magic wolf!
Sharp fangs, tyrannical purple eyes, and hairs that stand on end like steel needles!
Scary purple thunders wrapped around the giant beast like snakes, making bursts of 'crackling' sounds, blowing up the air and twisting it slightly!

"Hey! Xiao Yuan, if you can defeat me who is transformed into a purple demon and thunder beast, then I, Zhong Wuji, will concede defeat in this match!" The huge purple monster uttered words, listening to its voice and Zhong Wuji's voice , exactly the same, obviously, this giant purple beast is the incarnation of Zhong Wuji with the power of the purple magic thunder!

In such a form, his attack and defense are far superior to his who has not yet transformed into a giant beast!

The only shortcoming, perhaps, is speed and agility!

Because the size of this giant purple beast is too huge, its size alone occupies nearly two-thirds of the entire battle platform!

Therefore, although Zhong Wuji's attack defense has become stronger!

But its speed and agility are limited in this small space!
If this is not a competition field but a battlefield, then Zhong Wuji in this state will kill far more enemies than Xiao Yuan!

But, unfortunately, this is not a battlefield!

"Hehe! Good! This is what you said! If you beat you, you will admit defeat!"

"Hmph! Then you have to be able to do it! Empty talk is not what a big man does!" With a cold snort, Zhong Wuji immediately swung his huge Zilei beast claws and slapped it hard in front of him, the small ones were like ants. Like Xiao Yuan.

"Boom!" The explosion sounded, and under Zhong Wuji's blow, half of the battle platform was instantly destroyed. The sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the raging turbulence directly tore a big hole in the emerald green barrier, and hit it hard On the colorful enchantment on the outer layer!
Seeing this scene, almost everyone watching the battle couldn't help but gasp!
That Zhong Wuji turned into a thunder beast, the power of one blow is so terrifying? !

To tear the barrier easily, if there is no layer of five-color barrier outside to block it, I am afraid that hundreds or even thousands of people will die under Zhong Wuji's blow!

"Hehe! It's amazing! But, you can't defeat me like this!" Holding the ice upside down in his right hand, Xiao Yuan galloped up along the thick arm of the purple giant beast, and said with a faint smile.

After almost reaching the armpits of the giant purple beast, Xiao Yuan turned the ice, and a dazzling ice crystal flashed in the air!

And with the disappearance of the ice crystal, the thick arm of the giant purple beast fell to the ground powerlessly!

At the same time, with a thought of Xiao Yuan's mind, a water prison imprisoned the animal arm that had been cut off by him and wanted to turn into the purple magic thunder again!Make it unable to escape from its shackles!
In this way, Zhong Wuji's strength will be reduced by half!
As for Zhong Wuji, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he realized that Xiao Yuan had cut off his arm so easily!
You know, the defense power of the Lightning Beast transformed him has nearly doubled, so how could he have his arm cut off so easily? !

"Next is the other one!" Smiling lightly, Xiao Yuan lifted the ice upside down, and disappeared like a ghost. The next second, the other arm of the giant purple beast also fell powerlessly, and was imprisoned by Xiao Yuan in the water prison Among them, you can't struggle!
'puff! ','puff! '

With two soft sounds, the two thick legs of the giant purple beast fell to the ground one after another, and was imprisoned by Xiao Yuan!

Such a short time!

On the battle platform, there was only a monster with no hands or feet, roaring unwillingly!

The fierce eyes of lavender looked at Xiao Yuan, full of unwillingness!

"Hehe! I beat you! You have to admit defeat!" Standing upright in front of the giant beast's head, Xiao Yuan didn't care the slightest bit about the unwilling eyes of the giant beast looking at him, and just said to himself.

When the words fall, the hands are cold, falling together!
The huge animal head broke suddenly, and at the moment the animal head broke!
Huge animal bodies turned into streaks of purple lightning and charged into the purple gold gourd on the back of Zhong Wuji who had turned into a human form!
Kneeling on the ground, Zhong Wuji gasped for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xiao Yuan!
After staring at the latter for a while, he said in a low voice unwillingly: "This game! I—— lost!!"

After saying that, Zhong Wuji stood up straight, walked slowly to Xiao Yuan, and said coldly: "This time I lost to you, next time, I will definitely beat you! Xiao Yuan, wait for me!" "

After saying that, when he came to those water dungeons and put all the purple magic thunders into the purple gold gourd, Zhong Wuji's figure slowly disappeared on the already devastated battle platform!
Only Xiao Yuan was left alone, quietly standing there, smiling wryly to himself!

 Jun is off today!Will work hard to add more codes!Everyone, please collect, recommend and support!There will be another update later!

(End of this chapter)

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