Chapter 129 Thunder Eye Awakens?

'Peng! ' With a sound, the sky is full of dust and smoke!
Under Xiuyang's blow, Lei Tianshuang was ruthlessly blasted into the ground of the battle platform!

Flying to the ground, Xiuyang flicked his sleeve to cover his nose, first looked angrily at the place where the dust and smoke billowed in the sky, and then looked sadly at his right sleeve which was blown up by Lei Tianshuang with a thunderstorm. Xiao Baimei's lipstick marks!

Xiao Baimei!That's the goddess I swore I would never marry!

Now, all my lipstick marks are gone!
One can imagine, at this moment, to what extent does Xiu Yang's hatred for Lei Tianshuang reach? !

Originally, he didn't want to do anything, but from the very beginning, he wanted to make a formality. He knew that Lei Tianshuang and Xiao Baimei were both from the spirit world!
Moreover, Lei Tianshuang was a member of the Lei clan who was once brilliant in the spirit world. Xiuyang always thought that if he asked Lei Tianshuang, the latter would definitely know the news about Xiao Baimei!

That's why he talked so much nonsense with Lei Tianshuang before the battle started!
As long as he got news about Xiao Baimei, he, Xiuyang, would immediately turn around and run away!

What kind of sword sacrifice ceremony, in his eyes, compared with Xiao Baimei, the sword sacrifice ceremony is not even a fart!

But, in the end, what he didn't expect was that Lei Tianshuang was so ungrateful? !If I talk nicely to him, it's fine if he doesn't understand!She dared to destroy one of her own sleeves, especially since there was the only lipstick mark of her goddess on this sleeve!
'Swish! There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and a figure flew out of the sky filled with smoke and dust. It was Lei Tianshuang who was hit in the chest by Xiuyang's blow!
"That guy! He's so tough! He stopped my elder brother and my blaster?!" Seeing that Lei Tianshuang was safe and sound, Xiuyang couldn't help frowning. He knew how powerful his blaster was!
With Lei Tianshuang's strength, he could be disabled if not killed!

How can it be like this, it's completely fine!
Um!There are weird!
As soon as he thought of this, Xiuyang withdrew and flew back, because Lei Tianshuang's attack had arrived!

'boom! 'Smoke and dust billowed into the sky!

Lei Tianshuang's ordinary blow is already equivalent to the power of Xiuyang's previous wind-breaking cannon!

"How is it possible?!" Xiu Yang was startled, the previous cynical look no longer appeared on his face, but a dignified one!

Because, the current Lei Tianshuang is really abnormal!
Compared with before, his current attack power has at least increased several times!
Just this ordinary slash is enough to match nearly two-thirds of the power of 'Thunderstorm'!
The difference between the front and the back is too big!
Xiuyang didn't understand why Lei Tianshuang's strength became so terrifying in just a few breaths. !

Could it be that the latter had hidden his strength from the beginning? !

Impossible!Judging from Lei Tianshuang's attack with all his strength at the beginning, the former must have no hidden strength!
So, what happened to all this? !
In the lounge!

"Lei Tianshuang's attack seems to be much stronger than at the beginning! Right! Xiao Yuan!"

"Hmm! It feels a little strange! Looking at Lei Tianshuang's previous attack, he should not have hidden his strength! But why has his strength suddenly increased so much now?!" Like Ghost Jianya, Xiao Yuan was also confused. Water, before and after the match, only half a quarter of an hour later, Lei Tianshuang didn't hide his strength at first. Logically, it is impossible for him now to increase his attack power so much in a short period of time? !

Unless, Lei Tianshuang ate the soul pill that can increase strength!

However, the power soul pill seems to have no effect on knights without soul power!

Could it be that Lei Tianshuang has some secret method to instantly increase his strength? !
"Perhaps, Lei Tianshuang should have used some kind of secret method that can increase strength, so that his strength and attack power have increased so much in a short period of time!"

In the audience!

"Hey! Drunk old man! Have you taught Tianshuang the secret method to increase strength in a short period of time?!" Elder Qi Yunzong, Qi Shan was still worried about whether Lei Tianshuang could defeat Xiuyang at first, but when he saw Lei Tianshuang After being hit by Xiuyang, Shuang's strength soared, she couldn't help being confused, she turned her head and looked at her side, as if she was also a drunken fairy with a confused face!
"No—no! Knights can only increase their soul power through battles and nourish their own spiritual soldiers, so that their strength will continue to grow! As you said, using some kind of secret method to increase the strength of the knight to instantly increase the strength of the knight, that is simply Impossible! Besides, me, how can I find a secret method to improve my strength? If there is, that girl Murong Fei will definitely kill me!!"

"How did Tianshuang become so powerful in such a short period of time?!"

"I don't know! But, unless——" At this moment, Drunken Immortal suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Unless?! Unless what?!"

"Unless Shuang'er——his Leiyan awakens!!"

"Awakening Leiyan?!" Hearing this, Qi Shan was taken aback suddenly, the Lei clan in the spirit world, besides Xie Lei, is the most famous Leiyan who is of blood!
Leiyan is divided into three sections, Baishi Leiyan, Qianshi Leiyan, and Wanshi Leiyan!

However, according to Qi Shan's knowledge, Lei Yan, a member of the Lei family in the spirit world, wants to awaken, unless the opportunity comes, otherwise, it is impossible to successfully awaken!

Take Lei Tianshuang as an example, the former has been in Qi Yunzong for nearly seven years!
Since worshiping the Drunken Immortal as his teacher, Lei Tianshuang has been practicing painstakingly day and night. In addition to training the power of the soul, the most important thing is to practice Leiyan!

However, after several years, Lei Tianshuang's Leiyan still hasn't awakened!
Now, just by counting the time, Lei Yan, who had failed to awaken after several years, was awakened from Lei Tianshuang's body, how could this be possible? !
It's no wonder that at this moment, Qi Shan's expression is stunned, full of astonishment and disbelief!

Glancing sideways at the astonishment on Qi Shan's face, the Drunken Immortal was silent for a long while before saying, "Don't believe it! The Lei Clan in the spirit world, the awakening of Leiyan is the coexistence of cultivation and chance, but chance accounts for the vast majority of it." Part! Shuang'er has practiced Thunder Eye for nearly seven years, but still failed. Now, if he awakens Thunder Eye, then it means that the opportunity for Shuang'er has arrived! Perhaps, it is also because of this opportunity! Let him successfully awaken Leiyan! Otherwise, now that Shuang'er's strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, there is no reasonable reason to explain it!!"

Hearing this, Qi Shan suddenly nodded, "I hope Tianshuang successfully awakened Leiyan, then there is a great chance of winning this competition!"

 The second update arrives, and the two updates will continue tomorrow!Hope to collect and recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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