Chapter 2 Distress
Walking in the vast green forest, surrounded by giant trees with twisted roots and dense crown leaves, the bloody sunlight in the sky is torn into mottled fragments, which are scattered all over the ground. Protect your heart.

In the dense forest, surrounded by cold, and the air is full of unpleasant smell of death and blood, fear and uneasiness is like a ghost gradually crawling out of the tomb, Xia Hu couldn't help shivering all over his body.

The footsteps moved forward slowly, eyes full of panic and vigilance, looking around, slightly lowered his body to pick up a long wooden stick about the thickness of an arm, Xia Hu felt a little confidence in his heart.

"Shut!" "Shut!" Just after Xia Hu had been walking for about half an hour, the sound of a gust of wind blowing leaves slowly came from a distance and echoed in Xia Hu's ears.

In this quiet dense forest, Xia Hu's nerves have been tense all the time. Although the sound was so slight that it was almost inaudible, it was still caught in his ears, like a firecracker that suddenly exploded beside his ears.

He instinctively turned around, facing the direction of the abnormal noise, holding the dead wooden stick tightly with both hands, and posing in the "Japanese-style chopping" fighting mode, and this was just a three-legged cat he learned from Japanese animation middle school during his lifetime , As for why you don't use the 'Chinese style', the reason is that Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound. A rookie like him only needs to know how to cut people.

He swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva in his throat, and his Adam's apple was moving up and down uneasily.

His dark eyes, like a hunting cat, were fixed on the direction of the abnormal noise.

"Swish!" "Swish!"

Time is like fingertip sand, passing by bit by bit, and the strange sound is also like dense drumbeats, from far to near, and a tyrannical breath suddenly rises in the air, which is so dull and oppressive that Xia Tian Hu felt a suffocating feeling, and even his heart beat violently at twice the normal speed because of the breath.


The sixth sense intuitively told Xia Hu that the approaching sound would be the first danger he faced when he came to this world.

Under the consciousness of self-protection, the brain directly transmits Xia Hu's order that walking is the best policy.

But for some reason, he couldn't move his feet. He could only stand where he was, his legs trembling and weak, as if he was instantly drained of strength by the sound of the wind whistling from far away.

"Huh!" There was a sound of wind.

A huge black shadow flew over Xia Hu's head in the air, and a gust of wind was blown up, almost blowing Xia Hu down.

"Bang!" The dull sound of landing resounded behind Xia Hu, his face froze, his pupils shrank, and he turned around violently like an electric shock.

The dead wood stick pointed at the huge black shadow on the opposite side.

The huge scarlet eyes are full of mania and tyranny, like two huge red lanterns, with covetousness and greed, staring at himself like staring at a delicious meal.

The huge scarlet eyes that suddenly appeared in his eyes made Xia Hu tremble all over, the palm of the hand holding the dead wooden stick unconsciously oozes cold sweat, and the hair on the back is also standing on end.

What kind of look is that? !Eat people!

In short, Xia Hu has never seen such a terrifying look in his eyes. Compared with the lions and tigers he saw in front of him, the latter are undoubtedly much more docile and lovely.

With the help of the dappled light and shadow cast by the blood-colored sunlight in the jungle, Xia Hu finally saw the true face of the giant scarlet eyes hidden in the darkness.

It was a wolf, a giant wolf that was much bigger and stronger than the wolf Xia Hu had seen before.

Under the blood-colored sunlight, its hair reflects the terrifying scarlet light, and its roots stand like steel needles. Its vigorous limbs are full of terrifying explosive power and metallic texture like cast steel, and its sharp claws are like the sharpest claws. The dagger, reflecting the cold light, did not make people doubt its hardness and fierce attack power. The huge wolf head was like a fleshless skull.

If it weren't for the huge scarlet eyes that showed a very humane greed and covetousness from the beginning to the end, I am afraid that Xia Hu would only treat it as a dead thing, and would not think that the guy in front of him is enough to endanger his life. living creatures.

"This——is———what is it?!" No one answered Xia Hu, his eyes were turned in horror, his lips were trembling like blue, and his steps almost moved back unconsciously.

However, for a moment, he calmed down again in an instant. He was forcing himself to calm down. There was no way. In this situation, self-disruption is undoubtedly self-defeating. Calmness may have a way to deal with it.

"Roar!" A low, thunderous roar came from the giant wolf's mouth.

As if to guard against Xia Hu's sudden escape, the giant wolf took a step forward with its sharp claws, and its body crawled slightly, as if preparing to attack.

Seeing that the giant wolf was about to attack him, Xia Hu yelled at the giant wolf, not to be outdone: "Come on! Dead monster! I'm not afraid of you!"

After roaring, regardless of 21, he threw the dead wooden stick in his hand, and it flew towards the giant wolf's head. Then, when the huge withered wooden stick blocked the giant wolf's sight, Xia Hu immediately squatted down again, lying on the ground. Pick up a bunch of sharp, small stones.

"Crack!" With a sharp wave of its sharp claws, the dead wooden stick thrown by Xia Hu was easily blasted into debris all over the sky. Just as the red-eyed giant wolf was about to pounce, dozens of sharp stones, shining coldly, shot straight It flew towards its eyes, and couldn't dodge, the right eyeball was hit by several sharp stones, bursting like a balloon with a 'boo' sound, and blood spilled out instantly.

The red-eyed giant wolf rolled and howled in pain, and its four sharp claws kept waving in all directions. Many thick trees collapsed and shattered under the claws of the red-eyed giant wolf, and fallen leaves scattered all over the sky.

Xia Hu in the distance, while dodging the trees cut off by the claws of the red-eyed giant wolf, for fear of being knocked down and injured, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, "Fortunately, I played basketball since I was a child!"

Indeed, it is also thanks to Xia Hu who played basketball since he was a child, and even joined the school team in high school as a point guard and gold medal pitcher. He is still confident in his ability to hit the target. Otherwise, in the unarmed situation just now Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to hit the red-eyed giant wolf in the eye, causing him to die of pain.

Without hesitation, Xia Hu took advantage of the moment when the red-eyed giant wolf's eyes were blown out by herself, and turned around decisively and ran in the opposite direction. Immediately stopped thumping, opened his mouth and roared, opened the other intact left eye, and stared fiercely at Xia Hu who was running wildly, the core soul power in his head surged, and the blood-colored hairs all over his body stood up like steel needles , Braving the piercing cold light.

Feeling the coldness coming from his back and the crisis like death approaching, Xia Hu glanced back, just in time to see the red-eyed giant wolf with hair standing on end like steel needles, glistening with cold sweat, ready to Ready to go, Xia Hu's face immediately changed, and he chose a thick tree nearby and hid behind it.

The blood-colored hairs in the sky were shooting towards the area where Xia Hu was like rain. The area, the fallen trees and the ground were full of blood-colored steel needles, even the giant tree where Xia Hu was hiding was covered with dense blood-colored steel needles, and some steel needles even directly penetrated the trunk and shot at Xia Hu. Hu's back and thighs, the pain caused the latter to sweat coldly, and he almost yelled out.

This needle is painful, it is more than a hundred times more painful than the injection when I was sick when I was a child.

Enduring the pain on his back and legs, Xia Hu continued to run as hard as he could. Right now, he doesn't have any strength to deal with that giant wolf. It would be a fool's act to smack him to death. The current situation is to evacuate as soon as possible. If you want to survive, you must escape.

In the rear, seeing the prey fleeing again, the red-eyed giant wolf roared again, spreading its hooves and rushing to catch up.

The so-called two-legged ones can't run with four-legged ones, Xia Hu and the red-eyed giant wolf ran away and chased, the distance between the two sides suddenly shrunk under the agility of the red-eyed giant wolf, just a few breaths, The red-eyed giant wolf is only less than ten meters away from Xia Hu, and Xia Hu in front of him can also feel the nose and smelly breath from the red-eyed giant wolf, and at the same time, he can also feel the breath coming from the red-eyed giant wolf's gaze. greed and anger.


Finally, the red-eyed giant wolf, who couldn't wait to eat, uttered a thunderous roar again. With a huge body, it leaped suddenly, flew high, and flew straight towards Xia Hu in front of it. A huge shadow immediately enveloped the fast running Xia Hu.

The cold feeling of the approaching death came again, and now Xia Hu had no possibility of dodging and escaping. The red-eyed giant wolf had completely locked him in, and it was obviously impossible to escape from the opponent's claws.

Desperate, he could only smile wryly, close his eyes helplessly, and stood still on the spot, unable to move at all.

The moment he closed his eyes, the string of emerald green Buddhist beads on his left wrist immediately shone with a hazy blue light, and the blue halo enveloped Xia Hu's whole body, forming a solid eggshell defense, and at the same time , the eggshell wall also permeates and rolls out traces of dense cyan mist, and the mist is extremely spiritual and rolls towards the red-eyed giant wolf that is flying towards it. His figure stopped immediately, as if he had been given a 'fixation technique', with sharp claws, fangs bared, and blood-colored eyes staring like a sinister statue.

The pain of being torn apart did not come, and there was no 'crack click' sound in the ear when the red-eyed giant wave gnawed at his own flesh and blood. Xia Hu slowly opened his eyes, and happened to see the red-eyed man who was fixed in mid-air, face to face with himself. Giant wolf, at close range, the other party's face like a ghost, startled him, almost didn't scare his heart out.

The surrounding blue light attracted Xia Hu's attention. At the same time, Xia Hu also noticed the thick blue fog wrapped around the red-eyed giant wolf. He didn't know why, so he searched around, trying to find out who saved him. The source of the blue light of life, but unexpectedly, this blue light comes from the emerald green Buddha beads on his left wrist.

It was something given to me by my mother. It was my mother who went to the "Tianzi Hall" to pray for my own safety. It is said that the eminent monk even made consecrations and spent hundreds of dollars on my mother, but I did not expect that this Buddha bead He actually came to this world with him, and saved his life when he was in crisis.

Regardless of the red-eyed giant wolf imprisoned in mid-air by the thick blue fog, Xia Hu resolutely continued to run for his life. While running, he began to pull out the blood-colored steel needles on his body, and when he pulled out the last blood-colored steel needle When he came out, his feet suddenly stepped on the air, and his figure instantly fell into a boundless black hole that suddenly appeared on the ground.

In the depths of the deep black hole, Xia Hu's angry scolding could be faintly heard, "Who dug the trap for nothing?!"

 Follow the advice of Boss Ziyi and change the chapters. Xiaojun can’t cover everything, but he will try his best to correct it. Thank you Boss Ziyi for his opinion. I really appreciate it. I will slowly modify the following. If there are still shortcomings, You can feel free to comment, okay, there is no update today, because of changing the chapter, it took some time, and I have to get up early tomorrow to practice the car, so, that's it, divide the time, from now on, every Saturday , day, Xiaojun will revise the previous chapters bit by bit, and update it from Monday to Friday. I hope everyone understands, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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