Chapter 249 Breakthrough
Sitting cross-legged on the sofa in the carriage, Xia Hu closed his eyes and entered a frozen state!
Absorbing the dead energy from the outside world, transforming it bit by bit into the dark red soul power circulating in the body, circling to the "soul whirl" in the dantian part of the body, a dark red soul power flow, circling non-stop, like a The small tornado makes a whistling wind!

Gathering the soul into a spin, this is the realm where a soul master has advanced to a soul master. Now, Xia Hu's strength is already at the level of a soul king, and this "soul spin" has also been condensed into a soul pill, far exceeding the "soul spin" of the soul master !
Now, after a series of events, Xia Hu obviously found that the spirit pill in his body has expanded much more than before!
The half-red and half-black round pill, which is almost the size of a grain of rice, has now swelled to the size of a thumb, with an even color and a condensed and full texture. Compared with the Lingpo Pill, it is even more solid!

Xia Hu knew what this half-red, half-black round pill was swollen nearly a circle compared to before, and the surface of the pill body was still surrounded by red flames and black thick fog, what it represented!
The inner elixir symbolizes that the soul has stepped into the soul sect level!
In other words, the current Xia Hu has already begun to break through the soul king and enter the soul sect!
And with Xia Hu's breakthrough into the Soul Sect, the soul power of the eight generations of Hades sealed in a corner of Xia Hu's body was also injected into Xia Hu's inner elixir, and the milky white brilliance shone!

The inner panacea that was still absorbing the soul power to grow stronger, stopped absorbing in an instant, and became the size of a pigeon egg!
In the half-red and half-black color, there is actually a little bit of white light mixed in!
Opening his eyes suddenly, Xia Hu transported the soul power existing in the inner panacea in his body to the palm of his right hand!

Sure enough, as he expected, the half-red and half-black flames in the palm of his hand were surrounded by traces of silver-white electric current!

Electric attribute soul power!
That is to say, the soul power injected into his body by the eight generations of Pluto was the soul power of electricity!
After advancing to the Soul Sect level just now, that part of the soul power was dissolved into a small part of the inner spirit pill in his body!
So much so that, in addition to possessing the soul power of darkness and fire attributes, the current self also has the soul power of electricity attribute that is enough to be called the fastest soul power with the thunder attribute!
In other words, the current self has three different types of soul power in his body, which is almost twice that of ordinary people!
Xia Meier's gaze was still looking out of the car window, without any fluctuations in her eyes, even if Xia Hu broke through at this moment, she did not ask any questions.

But Yun Lao in front of the car felt Xia Hu's breakthrough, quickly opened the curtain, looked at Xia Hu and asked, "What?! Breakthrough?!"

"Well! The inner spirit pill has been condensed! I have successfully broken through to the Soul Sect!" Xia Hu smiled, and the half-red and half-black flames surrounded by silver-white currents in the palm of his right hand were captured by Yun Lao before he lifted the curtain. He absorbed it into the body.

"Advanced into the Soul Sect?! It seems that you have been able to send and receive soul power at will?!" Seeing the half-red and half-black flames surrounded by silver-white electric current in the palm of Xia Hu's right hand, in Xia Hu's hand, It flashed and flickered, the latter was completely effortless, and asked aloud at the moment.

"Well! The soul power has been able to flow with my own will, can be sent and received freely, and condensed into the appearance I want. It is no longer like the soul king, who is not skilled enough to control the soul power!" Xia Hu smiled. Nodding his head, he replied.

"Look at the silver-white electric current lingering outside your half-red and half-black flame just now, is it possible that you now have the third attribute soul power?!"

"Hmm! It's the electric attribute soul power!"

"Really?!" Yun Lao was slightly startled, but his eyes showed a look of relief. The average soul person only possesses one type of attribute soul power, and it is quite rare to have two types of attribute soul power. However, Yun Lao didn't expect that his apprentice, after breaking through and entering the Soul Sect, would have a third attribute, soul power!
"How did you awaken your third attribute soul power?!" The attribute soul power comes with the soul person's natural system, and will not increase a type of attribute soul power with the improvement of cultivation level. It is clear that Xia Hu used to have only two attributes of soul power. Now, there is a third attribute, so he will naturally ask where does the third attribute soul power come from? !
"It came from the dragon scale pattern!" Xia Hu responded. He never mentioned the matter of the Eight Generations of Hades, because it was a promise to the Eight Generations of Hades. However, what puzzled Xia Hu was that the usual Once the dark attribute soul power is integrated into other soul powers with different attributes, it will be transformed into the dark attribute soul power and fire attribute soul power it needs. However, the electric attribute soul power absorbed by the eight generations of Pluto today has not been absorbed. The dark attribute soul power in the body is assimilated, but completely absorbed and integrated into it, so that Xia Hu has three types of soul power!
Could it be that the electricity-type soul power injected by the eight generations of Pluto is not ordinary electricity-type soul power? !

Xia Hu thought secretly, he could feel that the electric soul power sealed in a corner of his body was much more pure and violent than the electric soul power possessed by ordinary souls, and, from that electric soul In the midst of the power, he could feel a huge and dreary 'king' breath, it seemed that the electric soul power entrenched in his body was a beast that was still sleeping!

But what it was, he didn't know!
All I know is that this electricity attribute soul power can compete with the fire attribute soul power and dark attribute of my Nine Demon Emperor's bloodline!
Hearing Xia Hu's answer, Mr. Yun pondered for a moment. Although he knew that Xia Hu might just find an excuse to perfuse himself, who doesn't have a little secret in his heart? !

Since my apprentice is unwilling to say more, then I don't need to ask more!
Smiling, Mr. Yun flipped his right hand, and there was a thick book in his hand, and handed it to Xia Hu, "This is some notes I made for my teacher over the years, which recorded various soul herbs and pictures. There are some recipes and refining methods for refining soul pills, as well as the experience of being a teacher. In addition, there are also matters and steps that need to be paid attention to in refining tools and talismans! Today, I will give it to you as a teacher, When you have nothing to do, you can open it and take a look, and then try to refine it yourself!"

After receiving the book handed over by Mr. Yun, Xia Hu felt warm in his heart, carefully flipping through the book tied with a gold thread, it contains about soul medicine herbs and what is needed for refining soul pills, horcruxes, and explosive charms The steps, precautions, and various formulas are clearly recorded and very detailed. Behind each prescription, there are written all the experience of Yun Lao's life. Looking at this book, Xia Hu knew that this was Yun Lao. One can imagine the preciousness of Lao's painstaking efforts over the years. At this moment, he felt his nose sore, and thousands of words were reduced to one sentence, "Thank you!"

"Hehe! Silly boy! This is a gift from the master, and at the same time, it is also a task entrusted to you!"


"Hehe! The underworld is very large, and there are many places that I have never been to even as a teacher. The things recorded in this book are not complete. Therefore, if you encounter any adventures in the future, and you encounter soul medicine herbs that you have never seen It can be recorded in this book, and the alchemy recipes that have not been written in this book are also recorded one by one. I hope that this book can become the "Soul Refining Encyclopedia" of the entire underworld! Anything that is not there , as long as future generations read this book, they will be able to find the refining formula and method of the soul pill or horcrux, and pass it on!"

Seeing Yun Lao talking in general, Xia Hu couldn't help but be a little fascinated. He understood Yun Lao's intentions, and he hoped that he could complete what this book didn't have and pass it on to future generations!
Immediately, he nodded, "Master Yun! Don't worry! If there is something that is not in this book in the future, I will record it and complete it!"

"Hehe! Then please!" Yun Lao smiled and patted Xia Hu on the shoulder.


A sound of snake sound suddenly came from far away, the frightened horse felt the danger ahead, raised its front kick high, stopped moving forward, actually stopped!

Feeling the strange situation, Xia Hu and Yun Lao's complexion changed, and they stepped out of the carriage one after another, looking up at the front!

Across a 200-meter-high yellow sand dune, a dust tornado rolled in, and two scarlet eyes the size of lanterns shot out from the dust tornado!

Xia Hu gathered his eyes and found that besides the dust tornado, there were also robust youths in coarse cloth shirts who were carrying the tornado up, screaming and screaming!

A long tongue shot out like a sharp sword from the tornado, piercing through the chests of those young people in an instant, dragging them into the tornado, and the sound of chewing bones came from the tornado , It's frightening!

At the same time, on the yellow sand dunes, dozens of youths who escaped with their lives, carrying baskets full of placer gold in their hands, were desperately fleeing, shouting for help while throwing short spears and hoes in their hands to chase after them. That deadly tornado that I don't want to give up!
Seeing that scene, I heard the sound of snakes coming from the dust tornado!
Xia Hu, who had read the "Picture of Identifying Beasts", knew that it was a common 'soul-eating beast' in the desert - the golden sand python!

(End of this chapter)

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