Chapter 293 Goodbye Xiao Long
In the medicine field in front of the Purple Bamboo Courtyard, Xia Hu followed Elder Yun's order and carefully cultivated the rare soul medicine herb in the medicine field!
A soul refiner, in addition to being familiar with all kinds of soul medicine herbs, soul-devouring beasts and powerful soul refining techniques, how to raise and cherish rare soul medicine herbs is also a basic course that many soul refiners must learn!

Therefore, in addition to cultivating every day, Xia Hu has to go to the medicine field for Yunlao to take care of these soul herbs!

He doesn't know how to cultivate it, and Elder Yun can't stay by Xia Hu's side all the time because of other things, so no one can teach him how to cultivate the soul medicine herb!

However, fortunately, Yunlao wrote down the training method in a booklet. If there is anything Xia Hu doesn't understand, he can also find the information he wants from this booklet!
Next to the medicine field, there is a water spring, but the water in that spring is not ordinary water, but, in order to nourish the spiritual soul herbs in the medicine field, Yun Lao specially used moon essence as a guide and day essence as food, Supplemented with a large amount of spiritual liquid, and then guiding the clear spring in the mountain, a spiritual spring was formed!
Spring water cannot be stored in ordinary wooden barrels, as that will cause the spiritual energy gathered in the spiritual spring to dissipate!
Only by using jade as a vessel can it be flourished!
In the soul refining profession, almost all soul refining masters believe that if they want to preserve soul pills or spirit liquids with a lot of spiritual energy, they must be decorated with jade!
Jade, fine and creamy, gentle and clear, has a miraculous effect on the maintenance of aura!

Sometimes, the best jade can be sold for a sky-high price, and the jade bottle made of it can be used to hold the soul pill, which can keep the aura of the pill alive for a hundred years, and some can even be preserved for thousands or even ten thousand years!
In short, ever since Xia Hu knew about the profession of a soul refiner, he has never seen anything other than jade for the soul pills and spiritual liquids he used to hold it. From this, it can be seen that jade is indispensable for a soul refiner. something missing!
Holding the jade pot in his hand, Xia Hu seemed to be watering the flowers as he shuttled among the large tracts of 'Ice Crystal Spirit Leaf Grass'.

The jade pot in his hand was about the size of his palm, and it was filled with liquid, which was a mixture of blue and gold!
Xia Hu knew that this spiritual spring became what it is today because it absorbed the essence of the moon and the essence of the sun. The blue color represents the essence of the moon, which is cool and transparent; the gold represents the essence of the sun, which is fiery and warm!
The spiritual spring sprayed from the spout of the pot is blue and golden, cool and fiery, like a small colorful rain, and a thick spiritual energy suddenly gushes out in the air, smelling it makes people whole body Permeable, Xia Hu felt that surrounded by these auras, his physical strength was slowly increasing again. He believed that as long as a period of time passed, he could absorb the soul power in the purple bamboo forest and the aura sprayed by this spiritual spring every day. With a large number of soul-devouring beast cores in the space bracelet, he is confident that in a short period of time, he will break through the current level of soul saints and reach the level of soul fighters!
At that time, he can be regarded as a strong man!
The blue and gold intersecting rain sprinkled on the large expanses of 'Ice Crystal Spirit Leaf Grass' leaves, visible to the naked eye, the leaves of those 'Ice Crystal Spirit Leaf Grass' began to rise with traces of golden blue mist, that is' Ice Crystal Spirit Leaf Grass' is produced by absorbing nutrients from the Spirit Spring!
Immediately afterwards, Xia Hu ran to another medicine field, where a large number of 'blood sun ginseng' was planted. The blood-like leaves fluttered gently in the wind under the sunlight, which was really cheerful. It could be seen that the cloud Take good care of them!
Each medicine field is planted with different soul medicinal herbs. These soul medicinal herbs have strict restrictions on the amount absorbed by the spiritual spring, no more, no less, and even the timing of nourishment is extremely strict!

Xia Hu is busy, taking care of dozens of acres of medicine fields, he is already exhausted!

But compared to Kulei, he was more pleased with the time he stayed in the medicine field, his body changed again unknowingly, through internal inspection, the bones in his body, the silver radiance increased a lot!
Just when Xia Hu was delighted, a familiar voice came into his ears, "Dragon—Xia Hu!"

Hearing the sound, Xia Hu turned his head to follow the prestige, and found that on the arch bridge across the creek in front of the 'Zizhuyuan', a young man in a dark purple robe was waving his hands excitedly at him.

Seeing the boy, Xia Hu was also overjoyed, "Xiao Long!"

So, he quickly put down the jade pot in his hand and went up to meet him.

"Haha! It's really you! Why didn't you come back sooner?!" Seeing Xia Hu, Xiao Long was so happy that he carried himself away and gave Xia Hu a bear hug.

After the farewell to Ghost Luo City, Xiao Long and the others returned directly to Mangxiang City. After all, Xiao Baimei is a disciple of Xiao Sect, so it is reasonable to return to the sect!

It has been more than ten days or even more than a month since I parted from Xia Hu!
Knowing that Xia Hu had returned to Xiao Sect, Xiao Long immediately came out to look for him!

"Hehe! Time was delayed because of some things!" Xia Hu laughed, "By the way! Where are Shui'er and Miss Baimei?! Aren't they with you?!"

"Sister Baimei went out to look for City Lord Xiao, Shui'er followed her, and Wang Ran and the others also went out together! Now that the battle between the conservative faction and the reformist faction is getting fiercer, if you don't find City Lord Xiao as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be no People can stop the battle that is about to break out between the two factions!"

"What about you?! Didn't you go with me?!"

"Sister Bai Mei and I are not in the same group! They are supposed to carry out the task today, and I have to come back. As soon as I heard that you and Mr. Yun and the others are back, I immediately ran to see you, right! Where is Miss Meier? Why didn’t I see her?! Is she okay now?!” Mei’er’s sister died, and she was sad for several days because of this, Xiao Long still knew about it, but now, when he came to find Xia Hu, he only found The latter was tending the herbs in the medicine field, but he didn't find any trace of Xia Meier.

"Meier is still practicing, she is fine!" Xia Hu replied, "Why did you come to see me?!"

"What?! As a brother, I can't find you if I have nothing to do?!"

"What's the matter?!"

"It's nothing! It's just a little boring. I want to hang out with you! You should have time now, right?!"

"Yeah!" After pondering for a moment, Xia Hu turned to look at the almost finished medicine field, and immediately continued, "It should be fine!"

"Then let's go out and have fun! Xiao Sect's market is very lively right now!"

"Xiaozong Market?!" Xia Hu recalled the small town he saw when he first came to Mangxiang City's Lord's Mansion two days ago, the market that only sold a large number of soul pills, soul soldiers, and various rare medicinal herbs. He has always hoped to go there for a while, but he didn't dare to go there alone, because he remembered Gui Jianya's warning. The target is locked on himself. If he goes to the market alone, he is not guaranteed to be poisoned by the reformists. Therefore, he has never dared to go, but stays in 'Zizhuyuan 1'. Monotonous and regular, but also very boring!
Now, Xiao Long appeared and invited him to go out for a stroll together, Xia Hu felt a little itchy in his heart!
After hesitating for a moment, he nodded, "Alright! After staying here for two days, I'm almost suffocated. Going out for a walk, there's nothing wrong with it!"

After all, he walked out of the 'Purple Bamboo Courtyard' with Xiao Long, and then got on a one-horned horse specially brought by Xiao Long when he came!
Once the horse's belly was clamped, the two of them rode the steed and galloped all the way to Xiaozong's market.

(End of this chapter)

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