Chapter 313 The Ant Emperor Appears
The black mist sphere made by the color fairy is completely presented as a closed space, plus the vacuum pressure created by the queen ant's own body, the queen ant in the black sphere screams again and again, and the sound of pain resounds through the world!

Its howl of pain is like a magic talisman to the bloodthirsty ant colony. In the huge ant colony, bloodthirsty ants the size of cats kept rushing towards the black sphere, trying to rescue their 'queen' !
However, their seemingly solid bodies and carapaces were as fragile as sheets of thin paper in front of the strongly devouring and corrosive black mist. Bloodthirsty ants died tragically in the black mist. None left!
Facing those bloodthirsty ants who have no time to take care of themselves, Gui Jianya is like a fierce tiger hunting and killing little rabbits. He dances the blood-colored epee "Gui Ya" wildly in his hand, opening and closing the room wide open. , there was a trace of lightning and thunderous explosions, and the scorching flames swept over the bloodthirsty ants that rushed up, and immediately turned them into a sticky molten slurry!

For Gui Jianya, the painful wailing of the bloodthirsty ant queen was his magic weapon for protection. Under the sound of that wailing, the bloodthirsty ant colony was completely disorganized. They only wanted to rescue their own queen. Facing Ghost Jianya, the executioner who killed many of his companions, they didn't want to make a move at all.

After all, if one's queen stays in the black mist sphere for a second longer, it will be more dangerous!
At the moment when the bloodthirsty ant colony was in turmoil and the Ghost Sword Yasha was on the rise.

A louder and more powerful voice than the Queen Ant's just now came from behind the ant colony, rolling in from a distance.
In an instant, Gui Jianya's face changed, his eyes and expression were full of surprise and panic!
The terrifying aura mixed with the heart-pounding roar directly made Gui Jianya freeze on the spot, holding the hands of 'Gui Ya' trembling faintly!

He could feel, feel the anger and killing intent from that aura and the roar, and at the same time, he could also feel the breath of death approaching!

He knew what it was. The mighty roar and terrifying aura were far higher than the appearance of the queen ant. Her huge figure was comparable to two adult woolly white elephants. Except for the queen of bloodthirsty ants, who else could it be? ? !

The color fairy said that the appearance of an ant queen must be accompanied by the ant emperor!
The painful roar from the ant queen in the black mist ball was not seeking help from her own people, but calling for her own emperor, her husband!
Gui Jianya only felt his scalp go numb. He could feel the completely different auras of the Ant Queen and the Ant Queen. If the strength of the Ant Queen was comparable to that of the Soul Sect, then the Ant Emperor on the opposite side was definitely as powerful as the King of Souls up!
"Smelly old man! Is it okay?! That bitch has attracted the male!" Ghost Sword Ya, who didn't care about killing the bloodthirsty ants, spread his soul wings on his back, and the whole person flew into the air, suspended in mid-air , looking down at the billowing black mist that was constantly lingering below, he opened his mouth and yelled loudly, fearing that his shout would be overwhelmed by the roar of the queen ant, so that the celestial beings in it would not be able to hear his voice clearly.

Leaping up in midair, Ghost Sword Tooth was tantamount to exposing himself to the eyes of the Ant Emperor. He was still yelling at the black mist ball below. Pushing down from the center, with a sound of '咻', Ghost Sword Tooth was like a fire meteor flashing across the night sky, and fell heavily to the ground, stirring up smoke and dust into the sky!
As soon as Ghost Sword Yam was pressed to the ground by the invisible force, the bloodthirsty ant colony that had been frenzied and chaotic and desperate to save their queen ant returned to their original order after the ant emperor appeared. Bloodthirsty ants the size of cats abandoned the black mist balls, each with a pair of sharp claws, and pounced on the ghost sword teeth that fell from the sky!

As for the Ant Emperor, his huge figure fell into the black hole of space. When it reappeared, the ball of black mist was like a balloon bursting with water. , swept around, revealing the ant queen covered in flesh and blood as if being eaten by countless tiny worms, and the huge ant emperor with a terrifying aura, and the color of flying out of the sky at the first time Fairy!

The sudden appearance of the Ant Emperor completely disturbed the steps of the Immortal Color. The strength of the opponent was comparable to his or even surpassed. In front of the Ant Emperor, it was simply impossible to kill the Ant Queen. Therefore, the moment he saw the Ant Emperor breaking through the space and appearing in the black mist ball, the Immortal Color dissipated without even thinking about it. The swirling black mist suddenly exploded in all directions, and he took advantage of the explosion And the moment the Ant Emperor was about to attack him, he flew back from it!
Looking around, the bottom is densely packed with blood-red waves, which are bloodthirsty ants about the size of cats, and the center covered by these bloodthirsty ants is Ghost Sword Tooth!

I saw Ghost Sword Yam surrounded by bloodthirsty ants in the center, constantly waving the blood-red epee in his hand, the monstrous flames billowed endlessly, wave after wave of bloodthirsty ants rushed one after another like desperately, every bloodthirsty ant Once it gets close to his body within a radius of ten meters, it will be instantly turned into flying ash by the flames, and will be blown away by the wind!
Originally, bloodthirsty ants are afraid of fire, but I don't know if it's because of the appearance of the ant emperor. Facing the scorching flames covering Ghost Sword Ya's body within a radius of ten meters, these bloodthirsty ants are not afraid. Instead, they are inexplicably excited. All of a sudden, the monstrous flames showed faint signs of being about to be extinguished!

Standing in the sky and looking down, the position of Ghost Sword Yam seems to be the center of the blood-red wave. A huge blood-red 'vortex' appears in sight, with flames constantly rising and bloodthirsty ants swarming , and hordes of bloodthirsty ants continued to disappear into the flames!

After such a tossing, in the face of these countless bloodthirsty ants, Gui Jianya gradually felt exhausted, the soul power in his body began to be lacking, the spirit began to be exhausted, and his expression began to slump. For a long time, several of them were not burned by the flames The heads of all the bloodthirsty ants flew onto Ghost Jianya's body, tore his robe, and scratched or bitten bloodstains on his body!
Today's bloodthirsty ant colony cannot be described as crazy at all. With their emperor's existence, they are simply a group of destructive machines!
Seeing with his own eyes that his apprentice was gradually exhausted, and even the immortal with many injuries on his body, he immediately swooped down from the sky and came to the center of the blood-red 'vortex'. Fog rushed out of the sleeves like a storm, and suddenly enveloped the bloodthirsty ants swarming all around. Immediately afterwards, the color fairy who dared not love to fight grabbed Gui Jianya's shoulder, tiptoed, and the whole body The person soared into the air, and quickly fled towards the distance!

But the Ant Emperor is not willing to let him and his master and apprentice go, let alone, the color fairy beat the ant queen to death, and the ghost sword tooth slashed and killed millions of bloodthirsty ants under the flaming epee. Just because bloodthirsty ants are naturally violent and bloodthirsty, it is impossible for the bloodthirsty ant emperor to let the two masters and apprentices go!

Looking up to the sky and roaring angrily at the color fairy who fled far away, the huge figure of the ant emperor also leaped into the air, and the huge claws kept tearing the space, and it continuously shifted space. Below, tens of millions Even hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty ants followed behind the Ant Emperor, trampling forward all the way!

Holding the ghost sword teeth, the color fairy dare not teleport in space. The oppressive force of the black hole in space is very strong. Only the souls whose strength has reached the level of the king of war, and when their bones of hundreds of bones have evolved and strengthened again, can they move in the sky. When performing space teleportation, withstand the terrifying pressure of the space black hole, of course, there are exceptions to everything!

For example, Yun Lao, even if he does not have the strength of the Soul King, he can still teleport through space. There is no other reason. It is because Yun Lao has the space horcrux "Time and Space Blade". With a space horcrux, ordinary souls can Use it to cut through the space, and at the same time, when teleporting through space, the space horcrux can also emit some kind of strong enchantment, protecting the user from the oppressive force of the space black hole!
Naturally, the quality of the space Horcrux determines the distance the user can travel. Although the grade of the 'Space-Time Blade' refined by Yun Lao is not high, it can only teleport a distance of 1 meters, but it is better than Space Horcruxes are rare, so they are also rare treasures!
But now, because Ghost Sword Tooth doesn't have a space-time horcrux like the 'Space-Time Blade' by his side, even if the color fairy wants to teleport through space to get rid of the pursuit of the Ant Emperor behind him, he can't!
He could only look anxiously at the huge figure of the Ant Emperor, who kept getting bigger and bigger under the constant short-distance teleportation, and the angry roar was constantly loud!
"Stinky boy! Can you still move?!" Holding the hand on Gui Jianya's shoulder, he shook it vigorously, and the fairy said anxiously.

Shake violently, let alone wake up the fainted one, even the dead. Immediately, Ghost Jianya buzzed, "What are you doing?!"

"What else can you do?! Escape for your life! Can you still move, kid?!" The Sexian cursed angrily.

"Of course it can!" Gui Jianya replied.

Hearing this, Sexian didn't say a word, and immediately let go of his right hand, and Gui Jianya immediately fell in a straight line, and he didn't even have the time to react. He screamed for a while, and then spread his soul wings and fluttered into the sky!

"Smelly old man! You want to kill people!"

"If you don't want to die, get out, run outside the barrier area, it will be safe there!"

"And you?!"

"Someone must stop that man!"

"Aren't you going?! Let's go together!"

"Okay! Brat! Get the hell out of here! If you keep talking, we're both going to die. The sooner you get out of the barrier, the sooner, old man, I won't have to entangle with that male ant!"

At that moment, Gui Jianya no longer hesitated, he believed in the strength of the Immortal, an Ant Emperor, his strength was at most equal to him, he couldn't kill the Ant Emperor, and the Ant Emperor couldn't do anything to him!
The most urgent thing is that I must evacuate as soon as possible, don't let the color fairy worry, otherwise, with myself present, the color fairy will definitely not be able to fully devote himself to the battle with the ant emperor!
With a flap of soul wings, Ghost Jianya disappeared into the dense forest in an instant. He headed all the way to the small stream where the previous team had gathered, because there was the point where the sixth generation of Mangxiang City lords set up a barrier. When you get there, then you will be safe, and it is impossible for the bloodthirsty ants to break out of the barrier, even for the Ant Emperor!
 Update to!It's been a few days, I'm really sorry!Now, the computer has been brought back!Twice a day!Once there is more, I will let you know!This is the first update today, and there will be another update in the evening, thank you some readers, even if Xiaojun has not updated it, he is still collecting and voting!Thanks!This book, no accident, is estimated to be finished next year. At that time, Xiaojun will publish a new book. It has already been structured and has several main texts. To say these are nothing else, just to assure everyone that this book Definitely not a eunuch!I also hope that everyone will continue to support and recommend collections!Thanks!


(End of this chapter)

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