Chapter 344 Dragon Slayer!ambush!

The deep and powerful sound of horseshoes resounded in this deathly silent slaughterhouse. Facing the messy corpses on the ground, the tall and strong one-horned devil horses walked along the street full of dead corpses towards the distance like walking on the ground. gallop away!

On the horseback, those riding were not Xia Hu, Wang Ran, Xiao Long and the others, but some old and weak children who couldn't move quickly!

On both sides and behind the horses were the guards of the Xiao family. They kept up with the running speed of the one-horned devil horse. They were all covered with heavy weapons, and they even carried some women and children on their backs!

Xia Hu, Wang Ran, Xiao Long, Xia Mei'er, Shui'er and the three captains also carried some women and children on their backs, circulating the soul power in their bodies, and followed closely behind the horse herd!
They must place these people who survived from the puppet's mouth in a safe place in the shortest possible time!

Fortunately, they didn't encounter any golems or soul-devouring beasts approaching, and the way to pass was unimpeded!
But when the group of horses galloped to a crossroad intersection, the one-horned devil horses running in the forefront turned into a pile of chopped corpses strangely, and some old people on horseback He and the children, along with the dismemberment of the unicorn devil horse, shattered into pieces of bloody flesh and fell to the ground!

The sudden change immediately alerted the guards of the Xiao family in front. While yelling at the galloping people behind to stop, they rushed to the front of the frontmost one-horned devil horses, and tightly held the reins on the saddles. , causing the galloping Pegasus to stop in an instant less than three meters away from the intersection!
Looking at the one-horned ghost horse on the ground that suddenly turned into a pile of broken corpses and some surviving old people and children, a trace of surprise and fear flashed in everyone's eyes, and screams began to come from the mouths of those women and children, resounding throughout the place. In a wide cross road!

"What's going on?!" Seeing the team in front stopped, Wang Ranfei stepped forward and asked a guard of the Xiao family in front.

"Uncle Ran! There seems to be something wrong ahead!" The guard of the Xiao family replied respectfully, and immediately, his eyes signaled Wang Ran to look in front of the intersection.

Immediately, Xia Hu and others who came behind looked up and found that on the ground at the crossroads, there were several broken corpses of one-horned devil horses, and there were many old people and children riding on the horses. The corpses of the children were spilled all over the ground with blood!
That miserable scene is simply unbearable to look at!
"What's going on here?! Uncle Ran?!" Seeing the cruel and bloody scene at the intersection in the distance, Xia Hu and Xiao Long asked in unison.

"What else could be going on?! It seems that we have been ambushed here! Everyone, step up your guard and protect yourself, the elderly and children!" Carry a big knife.

Hearing the sound, all the guards of the Xiao family, including Xia Hu and others, also clenched their weapons tightly, forming a circle from the inside to the outside, and in the garden were those old and weak women and children who were frightened, and the few remaining strong unicorns The devil horse was used as a meat shield!

The reason is that someone is in ambush!

That's because Wang Ran can clearly see the imperceptibly thin threads like spider's silk stalking the crossroads from a distance!
It was dragon-slaying silk, which was transparent and extremely tough. If it was coiled into a net in one place, once someone passed by, it would immediately be broken into piles of meat by the dragon-slaying silk!
It is able to use dragon-slaying silk, and it is specially set at the crossroads in the direction of escape for myself and others!
Obviously, someone here has already laid an ambush, waiting for me and others to drill in, and then, there will be a massacre!

As Wang Ran expected!
Here, it is indeed an ambush set up by people!

On both sides of the broad street, figures flew out one after another!

Dozens of youths in green and white robes stood on the collapsed roofs on both sides of the street, holding long swords, broadswords, shields, bows and arrows, crossbows and other weapons. Wang Ran and others were completely surrounded!

Condescending, the blasting arrows bowed and stringed one after another have been aimed at Wang Ran and others!

A disciple of Xianshuizong!

Xia Hu and the others shrank their pupils, and immediately judged from the clothes on these young people that these young people were all disciples of Xianshui Sect!
Today, this golem invasion was caused by the master of Xianshui Sect, Yun Litian, and now, there are disciples of Xianshui Sect to help out, that is a reasonable thing!
Dozens of Xianshuizong disciples surrounded Xia Hu and others!

Most of them are at the level of soul sages or soul masters, more than a dozen of them are at the level of soul masters, and two of them are at the level of soul masters!
Those two people, one with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, were as thin as a monkey. They should have a funny face, but they showed a different kind of coldness!
The other is a big fat man, chubby like a meat ball. The loose green and white robe is worn on his body. The eyes are narrowed into a slit, making it impossible to see the expression in his eyes!

But Xia Hu and the others could feel that deep in those squinting eyes, there was a viciousness like a poisonous snake!

As soon as the two sides met, more than a dozen disciples of the Xianshui Sect who had already wound up shot out their explosive arrows one after another!

'咻', '咻', '咻'——

The blasting arrows, like bolides, shot at Xia Hu and the others, making a sharp whistling sound, which hurt people's eardrums!

Immediately afterwards, there were successive explosions!
Blossoming small flames rose and exploded continuously, and the flames instantly enveloped Xia Hu and his party completely, engulfing them in an instant!

But the disciples of Xianshuizong did not retreat immediately, but still stood by the fire!
Today is the first stop of their revenge to the underworld!
Since Xianshuizong was hunted down by the lord of Trassui City "Gulazi", all Xianshuizong's disciples and deacons and elders have been hunted down like rats crossing the street in the huge underworld!

They have been hiding in the dark for a long time, and they have been accumulating strength and resentment, so that one day they can vent their resentment on these lands that exclude them!

Only then can their hearts be balanced!
They want to kill everyone in the underworld, this is their suzerain's promise to them!
Now is the time to make promises!

When the army of golems and soul-devouring beasts entered the east gate of Mangxiang City, thousands of Xianshuizong disciples who had been lurking in Mangxiang City for a month or two began their crazy revenge and vent!

They want to kill all living creatures that can move!

Therefore, when seeing Xia Hu and his small rescue team, these Xianshui sect disciples who had killed hundreds of black armor guards and thousands of innocent people once again stretched out their killing claws to them!
The thin-faced monkey and the fat meat ball are senior brothers among these people, and at the same time, they are also the leaders!

The eyes of the two of them have been staring at the diffuse fire below, they recognize Xia Hu, and know that the other party is Yun Lao's apprentice!

Yun Lao used to be a traitor of Xianshui Sect. If he and others killed his apprentice, then Yun Lao would definitely go mad with anger.

Today's Yun Lao, in the eyes of all Xianshui Sect members, is a heinous traitor who can be punished by everyone, and he does not feel guilty for killing him, and even less guilty for killing his disciples!

It is clear that Yun Lao's soul refining technique is very strong!

And Xia Hu is Lao Yun's apprentice, so the two fat and thin people naturally knew that Xia Hu must have defensive Horcruxes on him, and those blasting arrows that could only kill two strong battle soul masters were not It will have the slightest effect on them, and, in the other party, there are also two strong fighters!
The flames gradually dissipated!
As the skinny and fat people expected, Xia Hu did have a defensive Horcrux on his body, that is, the "fire-avoiding bead". No harm was done to them!

Inside the firewall, Xia Hu and the others stood in place. Even the old and weak women and children were not damaged at all. The previous explosion was completely blocked outside!

"You are indeed the apprentice of that old traitor Yun Lao! The bead in your hand must be the defensive Horcrux given to you by your master?!" The thin-faced monkey slowly pulled out a sickle from his waist, or said , a pair of double-edged claws, dark blue, with attack runes on it, obviously an attack-type horcrux, worn on the hand, but looking at Xia Hu below, with madness flickering in his eyes With a murderous intent, the corner of his mouth raised an awe-inspiring and evil smile, like a ghost walking at night, the eerie coldness is terrifying!
Hearing this, Xia Hu frowned. He knew that Elder Yun was a member of the Immortal Sect. As a disciple of the Immortal Sect, it was not surprising that the other party knew about Elder Yun's existence. He scolded his master face to face!He doesn't care if his master is a traitor of Xianshui sect, even if he is, as Yun Lao's apprentice, he will never allow others to scold his master Yun!

Xia Hu's face turned cold instantly, and he exhaled coldly, "Take back what you just said!"

"Oh?! What?!"

"You are not allowed to scold me, Master Yun!"

"Not allowed?! Why not?! Your master Yun Lao is an old traitor who betrayed the sect. Could it be that I am wrong?! Do you know why our Xianshui Sect attacked Mangxiang City first, not other main cities! That's because we Xianshuizong want to work together to kill your old traitor master!"

"You are not allowed to scold me, Master Yun!" Xia Hu's eyes were red with anger, and with a roar, the soul power in his body was turned, and the fist fist was launched brazenly!
The terrifying punch rushed towards the thin-faced monkey like a storm passing through the border!
In this regard, the thin-faced monkey did not dodge or dodge, and swung the double-edged claws in his hand violently. The dark red fist was torn apart in an instant, and swept away in all directions, trampling many buildings that were on the verge of collapse. Make a cloud of dust!

"Hey! Do you want to fight?! I'll accompany you! I want to see! That old traitor, Mr. Yun, how powerful will the apprentice he teach be?!" The thin-faced monkey sneered, with his feet pointing, the whole person disappeared like a ghost, next time When it appeared, it was outside the fire wall of the 'Fire-avoiding Orb', and the double-edged claws in its hands were covered with a layer of water mist, and stabbed violently!

The tip of the blade pierced into the wall of fire all at once, and when the diffuse water mist came into contact with the flames of the wall of fire, white steam of 'chi chi' came out!

Immediately afterwards, the thin-faced monkey's sharp claws cut across, easily tearing apart the firewall defense!
The whole person fell into the wall of fire in an instant, and directly took Xia Hu!
All of this happened too fast, and it was only completed in one breath of time!

Seeing the thin-faced monkey's sharp claws getting closer and closer to him, Xia Hu couldn't make any dodge moves!

There is no way, the difference in strength between the two sides is huge, and there is a difference of two or three levels!

(End of this chapter)

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