Chapter 368 Hall of Elders, Conspiracy!
"That damned brat! He broke his promise! He broke his promise! This old man must kill him!"

Lei Wanting, Lei Wanming and many other deacons of the Lei clan stood on the shore of the golden beach, waiting quietly with a group of Lei clan's guards, waiting for the boat to return Lei Ling to appear in the vast purple mist.

Half an hour passed, an hour passed, an hour and a half passed, and they were still waiting——

After three hours had passed, no ships appeared on the vast sea of ​​purple mist. Lei Wanming was furious immediately. He was tricked, and again by Ghost Sword Tooth. His furious roar echoed like an angry beast. In this golden sandy bay, I lingered for a long time.

Lei Wanting, Lei Ming and many members of the Lei clan all had ugly faces, gloomy and uncertain.

That damn Ghost Sword Tooth deceived the feelings of all members of the Lei clan!

"Ghost Jianya, you brat! This old man curses your whole family to death!" Lei Wanting was also furious, and roared towards the distant purple mist sea.

"Deacon Wanting, do we want to catch up?! Rescue Miss Lei?!" Just as Lei Wanting was furious, a member of the Lei clan bowed forward and said in a low voice.

"Still chasing a fart! The other party didn't know where he went?! How the hell are you still chasing?!" The poor Lei clan became Lei Wanting's venting tube, and all the latter's anger was vented. on the other side.

He directly scolded the members of the Lei clan like rainwater, so he had no choice but to bow down submissively, and immediately retreated slowly.

"What should we do next?! If something happens to Ms. Lei, none of us can bear the responsibility!" One of the old men in black robes came to Lei Wanting and said in a low voice.

"Go to the Hall of Elders, tell the elders, and see how they decide?! Should I ignore it, or send people from the clan to pursue it?!" Lei Wanting said coldly, and immediately, with a flick of his sleeves, his figure disappeared instantly. Bringing up a small whirlwind of horns, he led Lei Wanming and several other deacons in black robes, and flew towards the north of the island.

The Hall of Elders of the Lei Clan is located in the center of a bay in the northern part of the island. The whole body is made of white jade with cyan patterns. Sacred breath, six thick white jade pillars, topping the square dome, like six magnificent giant soldiers, full of irresistible majesty, these six white jade pillars emit misty white light, forming a white energy mask , enveloping the entire Elder Hall in it, making it look more sacred, the golden runes on the column flowed and slid like flowing water, and there were golden lightning currents crackling and flickering on it, making a crisp bursting sound, a burst of grandeur Righteous thunderbolts, densely covering it, are the strongest attacking runes of the Lei clan, even if a warrior of the Emperor of War has no one to lead him, if he breaks in casually, he will scatter on the golden runes Under the bombardment of the golden thunder, the damage was not small. It is said that this golden thunder rune was carved by an ancestor of the Lei clan who opened the "thunder eye of thousands of generations". It has infinite power and has guarded this elder hall for generations.

In front of the gate of the Presbyterian Hall, there is a white marble bridge spanning 200 meters. The bridge surface is as smooth as a mirror. It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to walk on it. If one is not careful, they will fall under the bridge, and the bottom will be filled with blue thunder. In the emerald green lake bay, those who are bombarded by thunder and can walk on it must also have the strength to reach the level of a warrior.

At this moment, on the mirror-smooth white marble bridge, several figures in black robes hurriedly walked. Under the blowing dance, they danced wildly like a flag, and the thunder under the stone bridge flickered and exploded, but they seemed to have never heard of it, like a few ghosts coming out of the night, without any expression on their faces, Some were only cold and gloomy, and they were Lei Wanting and Lei Wanming, the black-robed deacons.

Hurriedly walking across the 200-meter-long white marble bridge, Lei Wanting and others came to the white jade stone steps leading to the Elder's Hall. Dozens of members of the Lei clan who were powerful enough to rival those of the War Soul Venerable stepped forward to stop them. In the footsteps of Lei Wanting and others, "The forbidden area of ​​the Elder's Hall, ordinary people are not allowed to enter without permission, please show the Elder's token!"

The expressionless Lei Wanting immediately tore off a dark blue token from his waist. The surface of the token was engraved with several dense lightning bolts, dancing wildly like a swimming snake. , forming a dark blue word '雷', which is the token of the elders of the Lei clan who want to get to the elder hall. Only those who can hold this token, such as Lei Wanting Only the deacons of a family deserve to have it.

Seeing the elder token in Lei Wanting's hand, the member of the Lei clan bowed and retreated, and many members of the Lei clan who served as guards gave way to Lei Wanting and other deacons.

Ignore the unreasonableness of these members of the Lei clan, after all, they also act impartially.

Lei Wanting and the others hurriedly stepped up the hundreds of white jade steps, half a quarter of an hour later, they came to a closed white jade gate, Lei Wanting's spiritual power gathered in his throat, coaxing: , "The black-robed deacon Lei Wanting, I have an important meeting with all the elders."

The sound rolled like thunder, and the roar echoed in front of the gate of the Elder's Hall. After a while, there was a pause in the sound, and the closed white jade stone gate slowly retreated to the sides, making a dull "creaking" sound.

Seeing the door open, Lei Wanting and others immediately stepped into it. When they came to the head of the elder hall, they happened to see a total of five black-robed elders sitting at the head and the two ends of the main hall.

These five people were all much older than Lei Wanting and the others, all of them had white beards and hair, as bright as snow, and their bodies were emaciated, as if only skin and bones were left, their cloudy eyes could not be focused, but everyone From the five pairs of turbid eyes, one can feel the overwhelming power of thunder and lightning. The five white-robed old men are surrounded by traces of lightning and light arcs naturally forming around them, which are not controlled by their consciousness. Compared with the symbol of Zhanpo Emperor's level, the five white-robed old men here have all opened the rumored 'Thousand Thunder Eyes'. In the entire Lei clan, only five of them have opened the powerful 'Pupil Art'!
Therefore, when they saw these five white-robed old men, Lei Wanting and other black-robed deacons showed reverence on their faces, and their attitudes were extremely pious, just like meeting the gods of their own Lei clan.

"Come here so far, what are you talking about?!" At the head of the hall, the white-robed old man in the middle glanced at Lei Wanting and the others who were kneeling in the hall, and asked aloud. An aura of majesty, just like an emperor who has been on the throne for a long time, even if he abdicates, he still retains the unparalleled majesty of the emperor.

Lei Wanting knelt down on the ground, not daring to be negligent. He knew that the old man in front of him was the most powerful existence in the entire Lei clan, the great elder of the Lei clan, and the eldest brother among the five white-robed old men. He is a sworn brother who grew up together since he was a child. Knowing his strength and power, Lei Wanting naturally did not dare to be too rash, and responded with a very pious and respectful attitude, "Miss Lei Linglei was robbed and robbed by outsiders today. If you are incompetent, let the elders decide!"

"That little girl Lei Ling?!" The person speaking was an old man in white robe sitting cross-legged on the right side of the main hall. He frowned slightly and whispered, and immediately asked, "What's going on?! Tell me in detail!"

Lei Wanting took the order and told the whole thing straight away.

After listening to Lei Wanting's narration, the Great Elder at the head of the hall waved his hand, "Okay! I'll find out about the matter, and I'll take care of the next thing. You step down for now, and I will publicize you if there is something to do! "

Hearing this, Lei Wanting and others took orders to retreat.

Just after Lei Wanting and the others retreated and the huge door of the main hall was closed, an old man in white robes on the left said urgently, "Brother! What should I do?! Now that Lei Tianshuang has finally been tricked back from the underworld, Lei Ling That stinky girl was hijacked and left again. This is the second time she has escaped. When can I take out the body of the Five Demon Emperors?! In order to obtain the power of the Five Demon Emperors, we have spent a lot of energy Only then did Lei Jianying and his wife be killed, and Lei Tianshuang and Lei Ling were taken away! The two brothers and sisters, one is the cage and the other is the key. They can't release the five demon emperors with the key, so now the two brothers and sisters have enough strength, brother, we can't miss it anymore! We must make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry! Things will always turn around! Isn't that boy Lei Tianshuang back?! Since his sister fled in another way, then I can use him to find his sister. We will secretly send someone to follow, once the key and the cage meet, the day of releasing the five demon emperors is just around the corner. Besides, the last time that stinky girl Lei Ling fled to the spirit world, the five demon emperors had appeared before, which shows that as a She is imprisoned, and her sealing power against the Five Demon Emperors is getting weaker and weaker, even if Lei Tianshuang's key is not used, the Five Demon Emperors in Lei Ling's body will wake up and break the seal sooner or later, what are we in a hurry for?!" The Great Elder smiled coldly, his solemn and majestic face was full of coldness and ferocity.

Hearing what his elder brother said, the other four white-robed old men nodded in agreement.

After the discussions were over, someone outside announced that Lei Tianshuang had returned.

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of the five showed cold smiles that seemed to be half-smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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