Otherworldly Demon King List

Chapter 37 Breaking the Seal

Chapter 37 Breaking the Seal
The strike of Lei Po Dao is fast and gorgeous.It's so neat that you can't find any flaws at all.

However, it was this lightning strike that was suddenly stopped abruptly by a certain force.

In the void, a figure in a black robe gradually became clear.This black shadow is none other than Lin Cheng who disappeared on the ring earlier.

The power that blocked the Lei Po Dao's crosscut was neither Lin Cheng's weapon nor his shriveled, withered hands.It's his teeth.

That's right, teeth!
This Lin Cheng actually frantically used the bite force of his teeth to precisely stop Lei Po Dao's crosscutting.

Everyone was stunned by Lin Cheng's move.

Even Murong Fei in the restaurant was dumbfounded. Lin Cheng was so crazy that he dared to use his teeth to stop the attack from a 'knight' whose strength was comparable to that of the War Soul Venerable!

Seeing this, Lei Tianshuang looked at Lin Cheng solemnly, and immediately said in a low voice: "Riding skills—— Lei Zhen!"

The blade of Lei Po Dao instantly exploded with lightning.

As for Lin Cheng, the moment Lei Tianshuang used his riding skills, he immediately flew back.

In mid-air, several blue electric glows emanating from Lei Po Dao swept towards Lin Cheng like snakes.

Backing away quickly, two withered, shriveled hands fluttered feebly like willows in the wind.The wind under his feet hovered like a tornado.

With squinted eyes, he cast a gloomy glance at the several lightning bolts flying towards him, Lin Cheng gave a low laugh coldly, and immediately, his figure stopped suddenly.

He raised his right leg, followed by a slash.

The right leg with the dark blue whirlwind.Like a steel whip, it swiftly swept across the lightning bolts that were flying towards them, and kicked them off the stone platform a few meters away in an instant, making a series of explosions.

Lin Cheng's speed was not weaker than Lei Tianshuang's in the slightest, so Lei Tianshuang's 'Lei Zhen' did not pose any threat to him at all.

"Is that the only way? I'm so disappointed! I thought you were very powerful and fun?" Lin Cheng dodged Lei Tianshuang's lightning bolts and came to Lei Tian with ease. In front of Shuang, a snake-like smile appeared on her pale face.

The right leg with the dark blue wind whirling around swept out again like a steel whip, straight for Lei Tianshuang's waist.

And Lei Tianshuang was not slow to react, the Lei Po Dao stood upright at his waist, blocking Lin Cheng's sweep, and then said in a low voice: "Riding skills——thunderstorm!"

"Tch!" Lin Cheng cast a disdainful glance at the Lei Po Knife whose blade inflated like a balloon, and retreated sharply, saying in a cold voice, "Soul Skill——Wind Shield!"

After the cold voice ended, a dark blue wind shield guarded Lin Cheng like a fortress, and the moment the wind shield took shape, the blade of Lei Po Dao also exploded.

A huge water-blue energy dome appeared again, surrounded by arcs of thunder around the dome.

However, the moment the energy giant egg appeared, a huge dark cyan tornado shot out from the giant egg, like a snake with a broken shell, instantly destroying the energy giant egg into energy fragments all over the sky.

"That Lin Cheng is too strong! Unexpectedly, that guy is so terrifying. Even with his hands sealed, he can have such terrifying strength, and he is on par with Senior Brother Lei!" Looking at the ring, the dark blue tornado wantonly destroyed the covered area. The energy dome of the thunder arc, Murong Fei said with an unbelievable horror.

"Cut! Lei Tianshuang, you disappointed me too much." Destroying the explosive power of Lei Tianshuang's 'Thunderstorm', Lin Cheng rushed out of the protection of the wind shield and came behind Lei Tianshuang, with his right leg crossed. Cut, take the former neck straight.

"Riding skills --- Lei Zhen!" Lei Po Dao was raised behind him, and Lei Tianshuang coldly shouted.

"Only these two tricks?" Seeing Lei Tianshuang using 'Lei Zhen' again, Lin Cheng taunted impatiently, "Fighting with you is too boring, let me end this battle as soon as possible! Wait, with the current you, you are not qualified to accept everyone's challenge on the stage in Trasarui City. Because, you are too weak!"

"Soul Skill——Ghost Claw of Evil Wind", a cold voice came from Lin Cheng's mouth.

As soon as the drink fell, his originally dark and cold eyes instantly turned red, and his eyes were full of brutal killing intent.

The sleeve robe on the right arm was completely destroyed by Lin Cheng's sudden surge of momentum.

The shriveled, withered, zombie-like right arm was completely exposed, and circles of dark blue light surged back and forth.And on the right arm, faintly, black talisman seals twisted and moved like snakes on the arm.

Bursts of bewitching black light kept desperately resisting the dark blue light emanating from that arm.It seemed that the dark blue light wanted to break free from a certain bondage.

"Then Lin Cheng is forcibly breaking the seal!" Murong Fei said in surprise when she saw the scene on the stone platform.

In the private room of the restaurant on the other side, several old men in black robes who were traveling with Lin Cheng looked at each other: "You can't let the young master forcefully break the seal. In this way, his hands will burst!"

After finishing speaking, several people were about to fly out of the window sill.

However, do not wait for them to act.

On the stone platform, Lin Cheng's eyes were red, like a demon possessed by a demon, with a hideous and terrifying expression.

"Go to hell!" The body suddenly charged, and the ferocious roar resounded through the world.

The unconscious right arm gradually regained some consciousness under his forcible breaking of the seal.

However, the seal was not completely broken, and those black talisman seals desperately suppressed the surging power on the right arm.

As a result, Lin Cheng's seal was only half-opened.

However, ajar -- enough!
In midair behind him, a huge ferocious cyan skull slowly emerged.

In an instant, the gloomy wind blows.

"Riding skills—thunderstorm!" Sensing Lin Cheng's soaring aura, Lei Tianshuang couldn't help but look dignified, and used his strongest 'thunderstorm' without hesitation in his heart.

The swollen Lei Po Dao brazenly hit the blue ghost claw that Lin Cheng swung head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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