Chapter 387
There are more than [-] kinds of medicinal materials needed to relieve the cold poison, namely Wangxianvine, Baihancao, Blazing Vermilion Fruit, Glazed Golden Flame Root, Earth Fire Spirit Root and so on.

Among them, more than [-] kinds of medicinal materials, such as Wangxian vine, Baihan grass, and blazing red fruit, survived in Xia Hu's space bracelet, only the glazed golden flame root and the earth fire spirit root were missing.

These two kinds of medicinal materials grow on the wall of volcanic lava. They are nourished by high temperature and made of lava. They gather the evil energy of earth fire from the lava. They are specially used to treat toxins such as 'ice-cold poison'. .

Xia Hu left Lei Ling and came out alone to find these two kinds of medicinal materials. Both the glass golden flame root and the earth fire spirit root are in the lava of the volcano. I have discovered from a distance that there is a tall and protruding peak in the middle of the mountains, which is a dormant volcano. , Xia Hu can conclude.

He didn't know whether there were glazed golden flame roots and earth fire spiritual roots in the dormant volcano, so he could only hope that God would bless him.Then, we can only find another way, think of a prescription to suppress the cold poison in Ghost Jianya's body, and then find the whereabouts of the Liuli Jinyan Root and the Earth Fire Spirit Root.Ever since he knew that Ghost Sword Ya had the 'cold poison' in him, Xia Hu already had a plan and a way out.

The dormant volcano is not far from where Xia Hu and the others are located, only a few kilometers away, and there is a ghost snow cat that has become the size of a tiger as a mount.Xia Hu devoured the core and ran the "Soul Devouring Mind Method" to heal and restore soul power and physical strength, while riding the Ghost Snow Cat quickly towards the dormant volcano.

The ghost snow cat was very fast, darting through the jungle like flying, and within a short while, it brought Xia Hu to the foot of the dormant volcano.At the same time, Xia Hu, who was closing his eyes to heal his wounds, had swallowed and absorbed the power in the soul-devouring beast's core, and suddenly opened his eyes, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, like a knife like a sword.The sluggish breath of the whole person also became tyrannical, and the pale complexion returned to ruddy. Even the hundreds of scars on the body, under the coiling and entanglement of the black mist, quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the scabs fell off. Become new skin.If Xia Hu's clothes were not torn and his body was covered with sticky plasma, no one would have been able to see that he was seriously injured a few minutes ago.

Seeing Xia Hu's tyrannical ability to recover from injuries in an instant, Guiming Xuemao couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable, but at the same time felt that he deserved to be a person with the blood of the Demon Emperor. This recovery power is abnormal!
Jumping off the ghost snow cat, Xia Hu stood at the foot of the dormant volcano, looking up at the sky. It was a canopy of trees that covered the sky and the sun. It was difficult for the sun to pour down, making this dense forest a bit dark and cold.

Guimingxuemao changed its shape, shrunk down to the size of a fist, jumped onto Xia Hu's shoulder, and fell asleep on the latter, recovering from the old injuries that had been entangled in his body for many years.It has a hunch that as long as there are more than ten days, the injuries in its body will definitely recover, and even its strength will be greatly improved. This is the legendary aura of the demon emperor on the "Demon Emperor List".

The demon emperor's breath may be a disaster for a human soul, enough to crush a person's soul.However, for soul-devouring beasts like Guimingxuemao, it is simply a huge healing tonic.

Therefore, now it obeys Xia Hu's words, and is more willing to be Xia Hu's mount, neither angry nor complaining.

Scanning around, Xia Hu was looking for a way to climb the mountain. The dormant volcano in front of him was hundreds of miles in diameter and more than 300 feet high, almost vertically distributed.Thousands of boulders overlap and criss-cross like canine teeth, adding a bit of aura and evil to this dormant volcano, and the surface is covered with layers of smooth green moss.It is quite difficult to climb to the crater easily.

Surrounding the foot of the volcano, Xia Hu's figure walked quickly. After a while, he saw a passage leading directly to the crater on the top of the mountain.

It was a winding path like a swimming snake. The rocks were cut open by a tyrannical force. Judging by the freshness of the gravel along the path, it is obvious that this path leading to the crater should have just been dug. soon.

Moreover, on that path, some inconspicuous footprints can be seen every ten meters or so. Obviously, after digging this mountain path, someone ran all the way towards the crater.

"Could it be that someone is looking for the glazed golden flame root and the earth fire spiritual root like me?" Looking at the newly dug mountain road with a diameter of tens of meters, winding all the way up to the crater, Xia Hu pondered. The opponent's strength is very strong, almost at the same level as Gui Jianya.What should I do if I go up to meet the other party and have a dispute because I am also looking for the Liuli Jinyan root and the earth fire spirit root?
After hesitating for a moment, Xia Hu finally jumped on the road, for Ghost Sword Ya, he had to get the Glazed Golden Flame Root and the Earth Fire Spirit Root no matter what.

The mountain road is very rugged, and ordinary people want to climb it is as difficult as reaching the sky. However, for Xia Hu, who has soul power and his own strength, this kind of mountain road cannot hinder his progress.

After sprinting along the mountain road for half an hour, Xia Hu discovered that the mountain road changed direction and connected to a dark cave in the middle of the mountain that was six meters high and four meters in diameter, and could accommodate four people walking side by side. , obviously, it was just excavated not long ago, and it was punched through by someone.

After swallowing a disguise pill, Xia Hu transformed himself into a burly bald man, held his own breath, and restrained his own soul power fluctuations.Walk forward and head towards the entrance of the cave.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will be greeted by a scorching air flow. It is obvious that the cave is connected to the interior of the dormant volcano.

Without hesitation, Xia Hu went deeper into the cave bit by bit. As he went deeper step by step, the temperature in the cave gradually increased, and waves of heat waves rushed towards him, and a little scarlet light appeared in front of his eyes.

Xia Hu knew that it was the fire light formed by the magma inside the dormant volcano reflected on the cave wall, and he was not far from the belly of the dormant volcano.

At the same time, as Xia Hu continued to deepen, he also gradually heard the voice of a conversation coming from the inside of the dormant volcano——

"Brother Lan Feng! In this cave, can we find the Liuli Jinyan root and the earth fire spirit root?" The voice was a pleasant female voice, with some impatience and questioning tone. Judging from the immature voice, it was obvious that the other party was no older than 16 years old.

"Oh! Bing Lan, don't bother you, Brother Lan Feng! When I came out to look for Liuli Jinyan Root and Earth Fire Spirit Root, Lan Feng and I came out together. Who asked you to follow? What's wrong now? I'm a little impatient Already?" The voice was a bit teasing, it was a young man who should be around seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as Xia Hu.

"No, Sima Kuang, who are you helping! You just bully me with your mouth! If we have the ability, the two of us will fight alone!" The sweet female voice was slightly angry.

"Okay, okay! Miss, I'm afraid of you. You and Lan Feng are both the first and second most powerful figures in the younger generation of the family. I, a little character, fight alone with you, don't you?" Are you courting death!" The young man begged for mercy in a slightly embarrassing voice.

"Then shut your mouth!" the female voice muttered dissatisfied.

"Shut up, too, if you don't want to call the 'Earth Fire Dragon'." At this time, another slightly cold voice came out.Suddenly, the girl's voice didn't sound again.

After hearing the other party's conversation, Xia Hu's face immediately became a little ugly. It seemed that he was really afraid of something. The other party also came to find the glass golden flame root and the earth fire spirit root.

Walking quietly, Xia Hu came to the entrance of the cave close to the interior of the volcano. He leaned against the cave wall and looked towards the interior of the volcano. A few tens of feet below him was a circular lava lake with a diameter of about one thousand meters. With the scorching air bubbles and the pungent smell of sulfur and gunpowder smoke, the interior of the space was scorching hot. After a while, Xia Hu's body was already drenched in sweat.It can be seen that how terrifying the high temperature inside the volcano is, if ordinary people stay here for a second, they will immediately die of respiratory failure.

His eyes wandered, and in an instant, he found three teenagers and girls walking on an ice-blue ice road at a distance of three to four hundred meters from the entrance of his cave on the lower left.

A burly boy, about 1.8 meters in size, should be that Sima Kuang.Because, the opponent's body shape, the muscles full of explosive power on his body, and the scorching aura that is not weaker than that of the War Soul Saint powerhouse can show his madness!

The other one, walking in the middle, was a blue-haired girl wearing a white palace dress. Xia Hu guessed that it was called 'Binglan'.

As for the young man who walked in the front, wearing a water-blue robe and embroidered with the special runes of the Sima family, he was restrained and could not feel his strength. However, the icy aura emanating from the other party was overwhelming. Like falling into an ice cellar.There are circles of water waves under the feet. Every time you take a step, a four-meter-wide ice crystal avenue will automatically condense under the opponent's feet.Ganqing, the ice road that winds down the inside of the volcano is the work of that boy.Seeing this scene, Xia Hu couldn't help gasping, which showed how powerful and terrifying the opponent's soul power had reached.

Looking at the target of the boy who opened the way in the front, Xia Hu suddenly found that in a crack on the mountain wall near the lava, there were three golden vines with a few golden leaves growing. The vine is not big, only about two feet long and slender as a pole. There is a golden liquid flowing inside, like small golden flames.

And in the magma pool below the Liuli Jinyan root, there is a tree net. Where the tree net intersects and converges, the roots of the scarlet flames are growing tenaciously, full of endless fire spirit, which is exactly the ground. Fire root.

Glazed Golden Flame Root, Earth Fire Spiritual Root!

Xia Hu didn't expect that he was so lucky that there happened to be medicinal herbs that he needed to search for in this volcano. Moreover, there were three Liuli Jinyan roots, and there were hundreds of Earth Fire Spirit roots.This is beyond his imagination.

However, the only fly in the ointment is the blending of those three people.

Seeing the talisman on the young man in the water-blue robe, Xia Hu concluded that the three should be the disciples of the Sima family. He was afraid of conflicting with the other party, revealing his identity, and then being besieged and killed by the other party.

Xia Hu could clearly feel that Sima Kuang possessed the strength of the Saint of War Soul, and the one named 'Bing Lan' was still above Sima Kuang. Because, it can only be estimated that the strength of the opponent is not inferior to that of Ghost Sword Tooth.

He suppressed the urge to rush out to rob, so he could only hide quietly on the cave wall, observe everything quietly, wait for the right opportunity, and then try to grab the glazed golden flame root and the earth fire spiritual root.

(End of this chapter)

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