Chapter 398

"It's you?!" Xiao Long said coldly, staring at Li Lan who had a gentle smile on his face but a cold look in his eyes in astonishment.He didn't expect that Li Lan, who thought he was one of the bartenders in heaven and earth, would turn out to be a master Sima Kou secretly interspersed, a strong man whose strength is not weaker than that of Zhan Hun Zun.

"Dear guests, we meet again. Now you don't need to use any disguises, right? Isn't it better to show your true colors and be honest with each other?" Seeing Xiao Long whose right shoulder was pierced by his blow, the corner of Li Lan's mouth twitched. The gentle and harmless smile gave people a feeling of spring breeze, but there was a cold murderous intent hidden in that gentle smile, and he said lightly with a slightly frivolous tone.

Xiao Long smiled, his body shape began to change, and after a while it returned to its original appearance.

Seeing Xiao Long's true face, Li Lan smiled and said, "Sure enough, he is one of the murderers that Master Sima Kou chased and escaped a few days ago. I expected that you would come back to rescue your companions, so Master Sima Kou set up such a special event." Engagement feast. How is it? Isn’t this grand feast specially created for you?”

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Xiao Long stood up and snorted coldly.

Li Lan's face suddenly turned cold, and his eyes were cold, with killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"Let that girl go, this matter has nothing to do with her!" Xiao Long looked at Li Lan and said out loud.

Hearing this, Li Lan turned her head and looked at Lei Ling, who was captured by her subordinates behind her, "You told me to let her go? Haha! Don't be ridiculous, this girl is an accomplice who attacked my Sima family. But it's a big crime. You asked me to let her go, is that possible? You also said that this matter has nothing to do with her, do you think I'm a fool? "

Li Lan murmured and chuckled, and was just about to turn her head to glance at Xiao Long, but she didn't expect that the other party approached at an extremely fast speed, and the black mist surged, and it rushed towards the sky and the earth in an instant.

Seeing this, Li Lan's complexion changed slightly, he leaned back suddenly, kicked his legs and flew out, avoiding the rolling black mist. At the same time, with a move with his right hand, a water whip wrapped around one of his subordinates flew into the In the billowing black mist.

The man in black who was entangled by Li Lan's water whip didn't have time to let out a scream, and was immediately swallowed up by the black mist rolling in from the depths of the corridor, disappearing without a trace.

Xiao Long's figure emerged from the black mist, holding the 'locking sickle', his face was icy cold, his eyes flashed with scarlet killing intent, he really looked like a death-death god walking slowly out of the gate of hell.

The death-locking scythe was thrown by him, piercing through the air, and with a fierce momentum and billowing black mist, it went straight to Li Lan's face.

The flying speed of the lock sickle was very fast, and it came to Li Lan from [-] meters away in the blink of an eye. Thanks to the latter's strength and quick response, the water attribute soul power in his body rotated, and a semicircle formed in front of him. The water curtain blocked the flying strike of the lock scythe.

The sound of explosions came, and Xiao Long's ghostly figure also appeared in front of the water curtain, his right hand clenched into a fist, the fist was covered in black mist, he punched out, and bombarded on the water curtain, the corrosive force plus the impact of the fist , easily pierced through the flexible and strong water curtain, and hit Li Lan's chest heavily.

The latter immediately flew in response, spit out a mouthful of blood, and rolled to the side.

Xiao Long's figure didn't stop, and at the moment when Li Lan was blown away with one punch, making the man in black who captured Lei Ling stunned, his figure flicked, and he rushed forward like a lion fighting a rabbit.

When the man in black suddenly sensed that the crisis was approaching and wanted to retreat, his left hand changed into a claw and grabbed onto the former's arm. With a 'chicking' sound, he directly pulled the man in black's entire arm forcibly. It was broken, blood was scattered, and the screams of the man in black resounded at the end of the spacious corridor.

Tore off the man in black's arm, Xiao Long kicked again, and stepped heavily on the man in black's chest. This kick directly broke several ribs in the man's chest in black, and the broken bones pierced through the black man's chest. When the clothed man's heart flew out and fell to the ground, it lost all life in an instant.

After saving Lei Ling, Xiao Long asked with concern, "How is it?! Are you all right?"

"Well! It's nothing, it's you... your injury." Lei Ling shook his head, staring at the bloody hole on Xiao Long's right shoulder, with a worried look on his face.Thinking of the scene when Xiao Long tried to save himself, he felt grateful.

"This injury is not a problem, just take a Restoration Pill. Now, hurry up and find Xia Hu. The other party has many experts. Let him go to rescue Miss Meier alone. I'm afraid there is little hope." Xiao Long said anxiously, eating With a recovery pill, he pulled Lei Ling and ran towards the entrance of the corridor.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and hundreds of thousands of water-blue ice arrows flew towards them. Xiao Long, who sensed the crisis, immediately released his aura, and the black mist enveloped and spread out, directly hitting the ice arrows one after another. Devour them all.

"It seems that there is still a guy in the way that has not been resolved!" Xiao Long stared coldly at Li Lan, who was bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, in the distance of the corridor, and said lightly.

"Soul skill - Netherworld ghost python!"

The black mist rolled and began to condense rapidly in mid-air, ghost pythons as thick as water tanks roared, twisted, and hissed.

The scarlet violent eyes stared at Li Lan on the opposite side coldly, and immediately, under Xiao Long's control, more than a dozen thick ghost pythons flew away with a speed that was unimaginable.

It was like a few bolts of lightning flashing across the sky in a cloudy and rainy day, enveloping Li Lan in the blink of an eye.

With a determined expression, Li Lan pulled out the Horcrux 'Leaf' on her body, an offensive weapon similar to a dart hidden weapon. The knife is feather-shaped, as thin as a leaf, and blue all over. It is made of deep-sea spar and sharpened. .

After injecting soul power, the blade can be controlled by the user's mental power to float in the air, and the guard can attack and defend within a radius of one meter from the user's body.

This kind of horcrux, but Li Lan spent a lot of money begging the soul refiner in the family to refine it for him, and even the required material 'deep sea spar' was taken by himself at risk.

The power of this 'Ling Dao Leaf' should not be underestimated. More than a dozen blade-thin blue blades swirled around Li Lan's body, forming an absolute defense that was extremely difficult to break.

Senhan's blue light kept flickering, and any ghost pythons that were close to the blue light would be cut into clusters of disintegrated black mist immediately.Moreover, the blue light will not be affected by the black fog.After all, that thing is controlled by mental power rather than soul power.

The ghost pythons roared and killed each other, but they all returned in vain. They were cut into pieces by the 'Lingdao Ye' and then condensed, condensed and chopped into pieces...

Repeatedly like this, gradually, Xiao Long felt that the soul power in his body was gradually exhausted, and Li Lan on the other side was obviously not feeling well, his face was already pale due to excessive use of mental power, he was not a soul refiner, he had no soul refinement Master's abnormal spiritual power, otherwise, it would be a breeze to control these dozens of 'Ling Dao leaves' to resist with the spiritual power of a soul refiner. A feeling of being mentally exhausted and about to faint.

Lei Ling, who was standing on the side, looked at everything silently. She could see that Xiao Long's soul power was about to be exhausted. Similarly, she could also find that Li Lan's spirit was beginning to be exhausted, and several 'Ling Dao Leafs' were already out of control. off track.

At that moment, he summoned his spirit soldier 'Thunder Soul Sword', and shot an arrow out of his body, with the flat end of the sword forward, without squinting, staring at the hollow flaws exposed by the deviation of the trajectory of the 'Lingdao leaves'.

Knowing Lei Ling's intentions, Xiao Long decisively withdrew his soul power and undid the attack of the 'Ghost Python'.

In the same way, Li Lan also found Lei Ling who was shooting violently. Seeing that the target of the other party's attack was the gap exposed by his 'Ling Dao Leaf', his complexion changed immediately, and he was about to attack with the saber.

Several blue electric lights shot out angrily through the air, and slammed Li Lan's body fiercely. Immediately, he was paralyzed and unable to move at all.

At this moment of stiffening and paralysis, Lei Ling, with a pretty face and a cold face, passed by with his sword, a blue light flashed, and Li Lan's big head shot out with a gust of blood, tumbling Falling to the ground, death will never rest in peace.

More than a dozen exquisite and sharp 'Lingdao leaves' were scattered all over the place, all of which were collected by Lei Ling and put into his bag.

(End of this chapter)

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