Otherworldly Demon King List

Chapter 41 First Encounter

Chapter 41 First Encounter
"Miss, I...I'll be fine. Right?" Sitting in the luxurious carriage of 'Ancient Resentment Yan Ao Niu' Tola, Xia Hu said with an ugly expression.

"Well! Don't worry! With my father here, everything will be fine. Really, you have said this almost a hundred times today. If you knew this, why did you do it in the first place? Let it happen if it has already happened! Well, let's not talk about this, let's go to Dongcheng to buy some necessary things first. After all, we have to go out for a year of experience!" Sitting on the soft sofa, Xia Meier's plain white hand held a light blue Looking at Xia Hu, he couldn't help sighing a little speechlessly, and immediately comforted him in a tone of impatience.

Hearing this, Xia Hu seriously thought about Xia Meier's words, maybe!With her father -- Xia Yantian, Xia Yanlong shouldn't do anything to him, right?Moreover, no matter what you want to do with yourself, as long as you have improved enough strength in this year's experience, then you don't have to be afraid of that Xia Yanlong anymore.

After thinking up to this point, Xia Hufang let out a heavy sigh of relief, and patted his face with his hands to calm himself down as much as possible.

"I hope so!" murmured in a low voice, and immediately, Xia Hu picked up a piece of Chayue Xiangguo and chewed it carefully, "After shopping in Dongcheng, where should we go next?"

"Go to Beiming City first. After all, the 'Sword Sacrifice Ceremony' will be held soon. We can go to see the excitement, and by the way, watch the battles between geniuses from all over the underworld. That may be bad for us. A little help, moreover, it will take at least a month to get to Beiming City, along the way, we can also cultivate and improve our strength, can't we?" Xia Meier slowly chewed the light blue strange fruit. Slowly talking about the plan in his heart.

"Okay! It seems that I once said in 'Soul Eater Grove', 'Where you go, I will go! Don't leave me! I don't know the way!' This sentence! Since, you want Go to Beiming City, then I have to go with you!" After eating all the Chayue Xiangguo, Xia Hu's anxiety calmed down unconsciously. smile.

"Idiot!" Seeing Xia Hu staring at her with a smirk, Xia Mei'er's pretty face blushed slightly, and she couldn't help cursing in a low voice.



Tesla East
The largest family governed here is the Sheyu family.

A downtown area in Dongcheng
"The Sheyu family is releasing a reward list again!" Passerby A pointed to the guard wearing the special robe of the Sheyu family who posted a reward list on a corner of the city wall, and whispered to his companions around him.

"Who knows? I guess the price is raised this time?" Passerby B shook his head and said slowly.

"By the way! Do you know what's going on?" Passerby C interjected and asked.

"Hey! I don't know, it seems that someone made a big disturbance in the Xianshui Sect! The Sheyu family is a big family affiliated to the Xianshui Sect. Since that person made a big disturbance in the Xianshui Sect, then the Snake Yu family will never stay out of it Let’s do it!” Passerby A looked up at the reward list posted on the wall in the distance, and said calmly.

"Someone dares to make a big fuss about Xianshuizong? That guy is impatient!" Passer-by Bing was in disbelief. What kind of sect is Xianshuizong? It is even more like a cloud, such a powerful sect, unexpectedly, some people dare to expose its tiger whiskers? !
"Hey! Who knows?" Passer-by B smirked, "It's none of our business anyway!"

In a small restaurant opposite the city wall

One old and one young, two scruffy beggars with disheveled hair, were sitting opposite each other, eating small dishes, drinking small wine, and chatting leisurely.Occasionally, their eyes would inadvertently glance at the city wall, where many city residents were watching the reward list posted by the Sheyu family.

"Hey! Mr. Yun, I was hurt by you this time. I originally wanted to go to the Xianshui Sect to get some information. Fortunately, not only the people from the Xianshui Sect are looking for us all over the sky, but even the guys from the Snake Yu family are also involved. This is so fucking annoying!" Sitting on the simple wooden table, the little beggar picked up a peanut and threw it into his mouth, his starry black eyes looked helplessly at the old beggar opposite him , the sound transmission said, "What's wrong with us pretending to be a beggar? Why are you pretending to be a beggar? This really hurts my ghost sword tooth's reputation! When I go back this time, those old guys will laugh at me to death!"

"Okay! Father has all the information you need here. As long as you take me to find City Lord Xiao. So, don't complain about it, you kid." Pointing to his head, the old man passed on a solemn expression. He said, "Since I saw that scene, the people of Xianshui Sect will never let me go. I never thought that the sect I belong to would do such a thing!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Mr. Yun, you and Uncle Xiao have a good relationship. I, Gui Jianya, will protect you in everything I say. However, with so many people from the Sheyu family and Xianshui sect, how should we leave? "

Hearing this, Na Yun was also silent.

That's right!Now that I have discovered that secret, the people of Xianshuizong will definitely not let me go, and they will definitely send many masters to chase and kill me.

If I want to leave safely with Ghost Jianya, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!

what can we do about it?

Thinking of this, Yun Lao's brows couldn't help furrowing even deeper.

Immediately, he looked up towards the city gate, and he didn't know what he saw, a face full of dirt, full of surprise and disbelief.

"Go! Ghost boy!"



"Hey! Miss, what are you doing pulling up the banner? Why don't you hurry out of the city gate? Isn't everything you need to buy ready?" Squatting in front of the carriage, Xia Hu watched Xia Meier pull up the banner. It says 'hire guards, one time, two thousand coins! '

"Stupid! To go to Beiming City, you have to pass by Zanmapo and Hunbutian Tomb. There, one is a multi-horse thief, and the other is all monsters. With just the two of us, can we pass safely? I didn't see it. Are you hiring bodyguards?"

Hearing this, Xia Hu looked around, and sure enough, at the gate of the city, many convoys going to Beiming City were posing with banners hiring guards.

After all, most of the convoys are caravans, which are full of goods.

Even though they have many guards around them, it is very difficult to pass through Zanmapo and Hunbutian Tomb with only such a little strength!
Therefore, the captains of these caravans are recruiting all kinds of powerful mercenaries and many individual rangers.

"So that's how it is." Seeing this scene, Xia Hu praised, and immediately frowned, "But, aren't we going out to practice? Finding a guard, won't it affect our experience?"

"Oh! Don't be so brainy, okay! The guards are also for our safety! Don't worry! I have thought of your concerns."

"Excuse me, little girl, are you looking for a guard?" Just as Xia Hu was chatting with Xia Meier, a scruffy old beggar with disheveled hair led a little beggar and asked like Xia Meier. .

Seeing this, Xia Meier sniffed her nose and suddenly felt a stench coming from the old beggar. Immediately, she quickly pinched her nose and said with disgust: "Yes! Yes! Go, go, Ben Miss only needs guards and no beggars. Here! This is two thousand coins, go and buy something!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Meier took out two thousand coins and threw them to the old beggar opposite, trying to send him away quickly.

"Eh?" Looking at the beautiful little girl opposite, throwing two thousand Mingcoins with disgust on her face, Lao Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly. Unexpectedly, he used to be the guest minister of Xianshuizong, but now, the down-and-out Being mistaken for a beggar who came to beg for food?

"What a savage lady, she is really rude!" On the other hand, Gui Jianya was so angry when he saw this, he wanted to go up and teach Xia Meier a lesson. With his straightforward and stubborn temper, he would beat anyone he didn't like Even if Xia Meier is a very beautiful girl in his eyes, if she dares to offend Elder Yun, then he has to teach that stinky girl a lesson.

However, before he stepped out, he was stopped by Yun Lao, "Forget it! It's just a little girl, don't be angry!"

"I said, Mr. Yun, there are so many guards! Why do you come here to be angry with this girl?"

"Hehe! I'm not because of anything else, but because of the purple-robed boy next to this girl." Hearing this, Yun Lao smiled indifferently, fixed his eyes on Xia Meier who was standing next to Xia Meier, and sized himself up and down. on Xia Hu.That appearance is like finding the best treasure, "Hehe! Sanxuan Yin-Yang Physique, I never expected that God would favor me so much. With such a rare physique, if he is not accepted as a disciple, he will be cultivated into the best soul refiner I'm afraid, the old man can't rest in peace even if he dies!"

 Changed, please support.As for the shortcomings, just say it, everyone, don't talk about what you want to say, it's uncomfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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