Otherworldly Demon King List

Chapter 63 Soul Burial Cemetery

Chapter 63 Soul Burial Cemetery
The team assembly that lasted for several hours is finally over!

Xia Hu raised his eyes and looked at the large team, the vehicles carrying goods, the mercenaries on horseback and the guards, plus those individual passengers, there were no less than thousands of people!
"Wow! There are so many people?! Guess, it shouldn't be difficult to break into the soul burial cemetery together?!" His eyes were full of shock, and Xia Hu murmured in a dazed voice.

Hearing this, Old Yun on the side responded solemnly: "I'm afraid it's not that simple! The dangers in the soul burial cemetery are beyond the imagination of ordinary people!"

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Xia Hu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately fell silent!
After the team was assembled, finally, under the protection of many guards, this mighty team of thousands of people slowly drove out of the east gate of Gumo Town, heading towards the distant soul burial cemetery!
"Come on! Eat this!" Gu Yanyan's ox cart slowly followed behind the big team. At this moment, Elder Yun suddenly flipped his right hand, and a few small dark green pills suddenly appeared in his palm, and handed them to Hu Xia One grain, said slowly.

"What is this?!" After taking the dark green pill in Old Yun's hand, Xia Hu looked at it curiously, and then asked aloud.

"This is the anti-poison pill! The poisonous fog in the soul burial cemetery is very thick! If you break into the soul burial cemetery without it, you will be poisoned!" Hearing this, Yun Lao explained lightly, and put the remaining few The anti-drug pill was given to Ghost Jianya, Xia Meier and Xiao Wu!

"Oh!" Nodding suddenly, Xia Hu raised his head and swallowed the anti-drug pill in one gulp. Maybe he swallowed it in a hurry, and he didn't know what the anti-drug pill tasted like? !It just feels like there is a breath of air in my body, which is attached to my intestines and stomach like a thin film!

Time passed by every minute and every second!

Xia Hu, who was sitting quietly in front of the car, looked up from a distance!
I saw black clouds entrenched over the desert in the distance, with traces of faint dark green mist swirling back and forth, muffled thunders exploding from the black clouds, and the faint thunder light looming in the clouds!

The sudden sound of the wind was like the howling of a ghost!
It's so dark and evil!
Seeing that scene in the distance, Xia Hu suddenly felt a chill down his back!

As if now I am walking towards the lair of those monsters who love to eat people!
"Yun——Master Yun! Front—is that the soul burial cemetery in front?!" Looking dully at the thick black clouds in the distance, Xia Hu couldn't help swallowing, and turned to look Old Xiang Yun.

Hearing this, Yun Lao said with a serious face: "Well! Not far ahead is the Soul Burial Cemetery! After entering, you and that little girl try not to come out! Do you understand?! No matter what you see, don't pay attention to it!! "

Seeing Yunlao's serious instructions, Xia Hu didn't say much, nodded heavily, then turned around and walked into the carriage!

Gradually, as the team like a long dragon kept approaching the soul burial cemetery!
Sitting in the carriage, Xia Hu, who was looking at each other through the window, found that the sky had unknowingly 'dark' down!The howling wind sounded like the howling of a ghost, rolling up monstrous sand and ravaging the entire convoy!

And as she continued to enter the soul burial cemetery, Xia Hu quietly discovered that the original barren sand and gravel road had been gradually replaced by white bones all over the ground at this moment!

These white bones, human bones, also have weather-beaten animal bones, looking around, they are all white!
And one after another, dilapidated tombstones are scattered here and there, engraved with the names of those who died during their lifetime, and the bloody characters in large characters seem to have been cursed by some kind, which makes people feel a pang from the inside out. Chill and dense!

Gusts of wind whizzed by, making one wonder if the undead under the tombstones would suddenly crawl out of the grave, with their fangs open, breathing an unpleasant stench, staggering towards them from all directions, drinking Human blood, eating human flesh, gnawing human bones! !
Shocking images suddenly flooded Xia Hu's mind at this moment. They were the horror movies he loved to watch when he was alive. Those zombies!Devil!Ghost!One by one, with green faces and fangs, claws and claws, they fiercely pounce on those ordinary people who are helpless, bite off their necks, eat their brains, eat their livers, that disgusting and horrifying scene!
It rushed into Xia Hu's mind like a wave, and at that moment, his delicate face couldn't help turning blue for a while, it was not from anger, but from fright!

He fears!Afraid that the undead who had been sleeping forever under the tombstones outside would suddenly open their bloody eyes, scream and rush out of the coffin, crawling out of the tomb and coming from all directions one by one, ready to eat themselves!Eat the brain, eat the liver!
Xia Hu couldn't stand it just thinking about it, and immediately, lying on the window, opened his mouth and vomited, everything he ate in the morning, all in one go!

While throwing up, he cursed in his heart and said, "I swear! From now on, I won't watch those damn horror movies anymore! Ugh!!!"

"Hey! Xia Hu! Are you alright?!" In the carriage, Xia Meier saw Xia Hu laying on the window, vomiting violently, she couldn't help frowning, and asked aloud.

"Eh?! No—it's okay!" Hearing this, Xia Hu waved his hands nonchalantly, turned his eyes away from the dilapidated tombstones, wiped off the stains around his mouth, and felt comfortable in his heart A lot!
"Woo!!!" Just as Xia Hu's voice fell, and he only listened to the outside, suddenly, there were bursts of terrifying screams!
At the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of horseshoes!
Strange strange noises, coming from all directions in the surrounding darkness!From far to near! !
The sudden strange noise immediately stopped the entire army from moving forward. The guards, mercenaries, and those powerful individual travelers drew out their weapons one after another, and looked around the boundless darkness with vigilant eyes!
"Master Yun! What's the matter?!" In the carriage, Xia Hu also heard the sound, and immediately walked out of the carriage, and came to Elder Yun, asking with a worried expression.

"It should be--ghost cavalry!" Hearing this, Elder Yun responded a little uncertainly, and it's no wonder, because he has never been to this soul burial cemetery, and his understanding of this fierce place is only from books. On the Internet, I learned from the introduction of the ancestors!
And there is a "ghost cavalry" in the soul burial cemetery, and he also learned from the introduction in the book!

"Ghost cavalry?!"

"Hmm! According to the introductions of the ancestors in the books, the ghost cavalry in the soul burial cemetery are actually quite powerful cavalry troops during their lifetime. After death, they were buried here. After countless years of absorbing and accumulating the yin, suffocation and murderous aura, the dead wreckages gradually possessed 'spiritual wisdom' again! However, their 'spiritual wisdom' is limited to—— Killing! Once a living person breaks into the soul burial cemetery, the ghost cavalry who have been sleeping in the ground will revive and kill the intruder with a knife! Obviously, because of our arrival, those ghost cavalry who have been sleeping in the ground have already They have recovered, and all they have to do is to kill, kill all the living who invade this dead place! Alright! Don’t stay outside! Listen to the sound of horseshoes, obviously, there are many ghost cavalry swarming! Silly boy! Hurry up! Go in! Remember! In the soul burial cemetery, no matter what you see, don’t pay attention to it! Do you understand?! Outside, I will leave it to the teacher and the ghost boy!!" Simple as Xia Hu said, Mr. Yun It was to urge the former to hide in the carriage as soon as possible, while he and Ghost Sword Ya, who was already holding the 'ghost tooth', quietly guarded the periphery of the carriage.

 Xiaojun has a bit of a cold recently!dizzy!Work is also very busy!Therefore, only two cards can be updated every day this week!Feel sorry!Xiaojun promises that there will be no interruption!So, shamelessly beg, bookmark, recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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