Chapter 1009
Hearing her uncle getting angry over there, Jiao Lihong was stunned, a little scared in her heart, but fortunately she didn't make a move.If uncle doesn't make this call, maybe she will do it tomorrow night.

If something goes wrong and uncle can't handle it, wouldn't it be a big mess?

"Uncle, I got it, don't be angry. I will play hard and have no thoughts. I will strive to enter the national team with excellent results."

Seeing what my niece said, Director Jiao's tone became better, and he said, "Well, it's good if you can think so. If you offend people indiscriminately, I can't help you. Besides, Coach Xia also said that your grades are very good, As long as you play well, you should be able to achieve good results and enter the national team. Don’t worry, when you get to the national team, I will ask people to allocate more resources for you.”

"Thank you Uncle for your encouragement, I understand." Jiao Lihong smiled and said, "Uncle, take care of your body, I will compete well, and I will report the good news to you when the time comes."

"Well, work hard." Director Jiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

He has made it so obvious that if his niece is still stubborn, no matter how talented she is, he will not train her.After all, using unfair means to compete is like having a time bomb on your body, and it might explode at any time.

Jiao Lihong hung up the phone, turned to look at Coach Xia who was paying, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Coach Xia, for reminding me!"

Even her uncle said that, which shows that He Tiantian is something she can't afford.

Director Jiao secretly scolded Xia Wenhou for being a bully. In fact, Director Jiao and his niece are not such people?
If you can bully, bully, if you can't bully, just keep your tail between your legs, be honest.

"Hehe, it's all for the sake of getting good results in the competition." Coach Xia smirked. He had already said what needed to be said, and he could sleep soundly.

Jiao Lihong didn't care about Coach Xia's attitude, and said with a smile, "Well, I got good grades, Coach Xia, I'm going back to my room first."

After speaking, go straight away.

Coach Xia also didn't want to see Jiao Lihong's complacent and arrogant face.

The next day, Wei Yuanyuan and Cui Ying raised their vigilance to protect He Tiantian.

Jiao Lihong was honest, she didn't talk and laugh like usual, but seriously prepared for the competition.

The other team members thought there was still a good show to watch, but it turned out not to be.

During the night's break, Cai Fenfang came over and whispered: "Lihong, I personally went to see He Tiantian's training condition today. It's very good. I think I can get a good result this time."

"Well, it's very good." Jiao Lihong smiled, "You have to work hard, and then we will enter the national team together."

"I will work hard." Cai Fenfang smiled. She practiced butterfly stroke, and she has no competitive relationship with Jiao Lihong, so they usually have a good relationship. "Then why don't we teach her a lesson?"

Jiao Lihong shook her head and said: "This is a national competition. It is about whether we can be selected for the national team. You can't act recklessly. If you act recklessly, I won't support you. If something goes wrong, you should bear it yourself."

Jiao Lihong can say such things, but she can't do anything, and even reminded her not to do it?
What's going on here?
Is it different from what you said before?

Just by not doing those things for Jiao Lihong, Cai Fenfang can play with peace of mind. She was still worried before.It's all right now, don't worry about it.

Hearing this, Cai Fenfang was taken aback, nodded and said, "You're right, I remember it, let's play hard."

While getting Jiao Lihong's help, Cai Fenfang also had to follow Jiao Lihong's lead in everything, which was why she said that just now.

What's the background of He Tiantian, who can make Jiao Lihong back down and dare not do anything?

With such doubts, Cai Fenfang has been paying attention to He Tiantian and Jiao Lihong.

However, she also knows that the competition results are more important.

Let's say that after Director Jiao hung up the phone, he was restless and didn't sleep well at night, thinking about what kind of background He Tiantian would have.

Early the next morning, after director Jiao came to the unit, he went directly to head coach Wu of the national team, but the people below said that head coach Wu went to Nanshi to pick a few good seedlings.

Director Jiao can only get He Tiantian's information, with the address on it, and nothing else.

Director Jiao called the secretary and asked him to check He Tiantian's details.

The secretary is also very capable, and will come to report in the afternoon.

"Director, then He Tiantian has a lot of background." Secretary Xiao Wang said, because he was walking in a hurry, he was a little out of breath.

Director Jiao was taken aback, and said, "What's the background?"

"Then He Tiantian's husband is Huo Yingjie, the chief engineer of the Military Special Materials Research Institute. He was born in Yuanxun Huo's family. Then Huo Yingjie's uncle is a minister. Then Huo Yingjie's father is a high-ranking official in Jiangsu Province. Besides, He Tiantian herself She used to be a university teacher, and her grandmother had a huge business abroad." Xiao Wang said without thinking, with a slightly excited expression.

Director Jiao was simply dumbfounded.

My God, this background is not only big, it is so big that there is no limit.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Fortunately Xia Wenhou reminded him.

Fortunately, he had already reminded his niece.


Director Jiao felt scared after thinking about it. Seeing that the secretary Xiao Wang was still there, he continued to ask: "Xiao Wang, how did you find so much information in such a short period of time? Is it reliable?"

"Reliable, of course it is reliable." Xiaowan said, "My aunt, uncle, is helping He Tiantian's house. The two of them get a salary of thousands of yuan a month. After I got this address, I thought My aunt was working nearby, but I didn't know it was at He Tiantian's house, so I went to ask first, and my aunt said it was her employer."

Based on such a relationship, it is impossible for secretary Xiao Wang to make a mistake.

"Oh, that must be true." Director Jiao nodded, took out a cigarette, smoked it a few times, and calmed down, "Xiao Wang, since He Tiantian is so good, if you enter the national team, you Pay more attention to me, and report to me in time if there is something to do.”

"Yes, Director." Secretary Xiao Wang smiled before turning around and leaving.

Secretary Xiao Wang never expected such a thing to happen.

Oops, I don't understand, it's all young mistresses, why are you still working so hard?
Not only Jiao Lihong thinks so, but anyone who doesn't know He Tiantian will think so.

Everything outside did not interfere with He Tiantian.

She is preparing for the upcoming competition. Although Huo Yingjie can't come, the children can come, so while she is enjoying herself, she also works hard to get better grades.

Let's say that Huo Yingjie brought a group of people directly to the government compound where his parents were.

Jiang Lifang was also very surprised, because she didn't get a call beforehand, and thought that only her daughter-in-law came to the competition alone, and the others didn't come.

Unexpectedly, the whole family was dispatched.

(End of this chapter)

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