Chapter 1036
The elder sisters and younger sisters outside were all waiting anxiously outside, wanting to talk to my brother.

But my brother has been with his father and king all the time, and has no time to pay attention to them.But it doesn't matter, when my brother comes back, with his backing, they don't have to train hard and go out to fight.

When we arrived at Spirit Snake Island, the spirit snakes waiting on the island were a little dumbfounded. Didn't the Spirit Snake King go to war?Why did you come back so soon?
Did it fail?
But judging from everyone's expressions, it's not like they've lost the battle!

When the snakes saw the snake prince next to the snake king, they were shocked.

Oh my god, Prince Snake is back.

A lot of people are excited and happy, but there are also a lot of people who are not happy.

Because the return of the Spirit Snake Prince will inevitably cause the Spirit Snakes on the Spirit Snake Island who covet the position of the Spirit Snake King to be jealous and even suppressed.

The Spirit Snake King can naturally feel the changes around him, but he doesn't care. He took his son to the Spirit Snake Palace, and his wife is still working hard to hatch the eggs.

After the snake king came back, he immediately followed his father to pay his respects to his mother.

Princess Spirit Snake, I couldn't believe it when I heard that my son was back!Immediately transformed into a human form from himself, came out to see his son.

Seeing her son come back in the original form, Queen Spirit Snake hugged her son and started to cry loudly, saying: "Son, you are finally back, mother misses you all day long, and can't sleep at night..."

"Queen Mother, since I'm back, you can sleep peacefully now." The Snake King said, "From now on, Father will practice with peace of mind, and I will protect you. By the way, Queen Mother, I brought a lot of spoils, some of which are very special. Nutritious, my son will deliver it to you in person later."

"Good son, really filial." Princess Spirit Snake said, "My lord, my son is back now and has won a big victory. It's time to hold a celebration party for my son."

"Hehe, yes, our Spirit Snake Palace hasn't held a banquet for a long time." The Spirit Snake King sighed, every time he came back from the war, he was injured, so how could he have the energy to hold a banquet, and the husband and wife have been missing their son, and also No mind.

The Snake King also knew that the lineage of the Spirit Snake King clan was gradually declining, and a grand event was needed to cheer up the nerves of the clan.

Like the Black Bear Clan, the Spirit Snake Clan has a lot of internal struggles.

His return will inevitably break the existing balance.

However, he doesn't care, what belongs to him, no one can take it away.

In other words, the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder in the human world is powerful, his strength is several times that of before, and there are still some mysterious exercises in his mind.

The snake king didn't have time to think about it before, but now he finally understands that this is the method of cultivating monsters that Huo Yingjie gave him.

With this set of cultivation methods, their King Spirit Snake Clan will continue to prosper and become the king of the Spirit Snake Clan.

The bell of Spirit Snake Palace rings and can be transmitted to every corner of Spirit Snake Island.

This bell rings for a celebration party.

Some spirit snakes already knew that the spirit snake prince had returned, and some spirit snakes who were cultivating did not know, but hearing the bell, the spirit snakes who fit their status had to be present, so everyone came one after another.

When you arrive at the Spirit Snake Palace, you will see spoils of war that can't be seen from afar.

The people of the Spirit Snake Clan hadn't seen such a grand occasion for a long time, and they were stunned alone, drooling at these trophies, envious.

Hope to get some.

But thinking about it, they don't care much about the war. Many spirit snakes don't want to go out to fight with the old snake king, so they hide and practice, so these spoils have nothing to do with them.

However, what made them even more curious was why the old Snake King was so powerful, and he got so many spoils after going out for half a day?

Perhaps, it's time for them to reconsider the team's problems.

The Snake King has been replaced by the Spirit Snake Prince, and surrounded by all the sisters, he appears beside the Spirit Snake King.

The place where the banquet is held in the Spirit Snake Palace is a wide and long corridor.

Although it was far away, everyone was stunned when they saw the Prince Spirit Snake next to the Spirit Snake King.

Especially those elders, their faces were a little embarrassed.

They even calculated which spirit snake would inherit the throne after the death of the spirit snake king.

Now Prince Spirit Snake appeared, not only because of his status, but also his own ability, Prince Spirit Snake was the most powerful and most suitable.

Sitting next to the Elder Spirit Snake was a young man, a Spirit Snake who was older than the King Snake, but his real body was not golden, but light yellow, and his talent was inferior to Prince Spirit Snake.

But in the younger generation, it is also very good.

This is the grandson of the Great Elder. The Great Elder has already contacted other elders and reached a tacit understanding.

Unexpectedly, just in front of the door, Prince Spirit Snake came back.

All their plans were abolished. Intellectually, they did not wish to usurp the throne, but hoped that the Old Spirit Snake King would be exhausted and abdicate voluntarily.

In this way, not only can the position of the Spirit Snake King be obtained in a legitimate manner, but it will also not cause disagreements within the Spirit Snake Clan.

The young man looked at the snake king angrily. Why didn't this distant brother die outside?

"Li Feng, put away your anger." The Great Elder whispered, "Now is the time to welcome Prince Spirit Snake, some things are destined not to belong to you and me, so it is better not to show your anger outside."

Li Feng felt uncomfortable. He had put in a lot of sacrifices to become the Spirit Snake King, but he didn't expect his success to be in vain.

"Yes, grandfather." Li Feng said, lowered his head, and stopped looking at the eye-catching Spirit Snake King and Spirit Snake Prince.

Seeing the reaction of the Great Elder, Li Feng, and the victory of the Spirit Snake Prince and getting so many spoils, the other clansmen all began to support the Spirit Snake King and the Spirit Snake Prince.

The patriarch of the Red Spirit Snake, who is now the elder brother of the Spirit Snake Queen, also personally brought several sons and daughters of the family over to congratulate his nephew Prince Spirit Snake on his victory.

As long as the Spirit Snake Prince is around, he will continue to intermarry with the line of the Spirit Snake King.

The Red Spirit Snake is not good at cultivation and has a short lifespan, but it is good at medicine and alchemy, but because it is easy to reproduce, and the next generation will inherit the excellent advantages of the parents, so all kinds of Spirit Snake families like to intermarry with the Red Spirit Snake.

His daughter is naturally worthy of the most honorable spirit snake prince.

Second, is his nephew.

He is the patriarch of the Red Spirit Snake. Even if he is related, he cannot marry his daughter to a descendant of the incompetent Spirit Snake King.

"Li Xian, where have you been these days?" Hong Jian asked, "Your mother and I are very worried about you, and hope you will come back soon."

Haha, no, are you busy looking for a husband for your daughter in the younger generation?
But he is not the impulsive kid he used to be, he should become more mature.

"Thank you, uncle, for your hard work." Li Xian said, the expression on his face was like the warm sunshine, "Please continue to support me in the future, uncle."

 Ten more for genuine subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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