Chapter 1075 Family Meeting
This matter has exceeded He Tiantian's expectations, and external forces must be used.

"Cui Ying, go and report the crime." He Tiantian said, "I'll call Yanjing from the hospital, Coach Zhu, go and buy something to eat. Let's have something for lunch."

"Okay." Zhu Zhitao nodded, "You all pay attention to safety, and don't go anywhere in the hospital now. Yuanyuan, take care of Xiaojian and Tiantian."

"Well, I see, Coach Zhu." Wei Yuanyuan said, unexpectedly it was really from the Huo family.

Things in the world are really too coincidental.

He Tiantian found the phone in the hospital, which was paid for.

At this time, Huo Yingjie was at work, and He Tiantian called Huo Yingjie's office.

Huo Yingjie happened to be in the office when the ordinary white phone on the desk rang, he picked it up and said, "Hello, who is it?"

He Tiantian heard Huo Yingjie's voice, and said quickly: "It's me, Tiantian, I'm calling you from Guangzhou. Yingqi's child came to me and said her mother was locked up, so I came to have a look. It really is Yingqi. She is weak and is being rescued. This matter concerns uncles and aunts. I don’t know what to say to them, but you should tell them.”

He Tiantian is the nephew's daughter-in-law. It is about the Huo family's heirs. Let the Huo family handle it themselves. She just needs to do her part.

"Ah?" Huo Yingjie was taken aback, "Are you sure that's Huo Yingqi?"

"Yes, sure, I can tell the face, and there is a family portrait of our family, so you should hurry up and talk to your uncle and aunt, and let them send someone over. Also, Yingqi's in-laws abused her, and now I don’t know if you are alive or dead, do you have any friends in Guangzhou? If you have any, please say hello, I’m afraid the Xu family will make trouble, and we may not be able to handle it.” He Tiantian replied, a little anxious.

"Well, I see." Huo Yingjie said, "I'll call my uncle now and ask him to go back to the Huo family's old house. As for Yingqi, please take care of her."

"I will." He Tiantian agreed, no matter what, Huo Yingqi had already tasted the bitter fruit, and hoped that she could start over after waking up.

Fearing that the local police station would sidestep the gang, the four of them couldn't handle it.

"Tiantian, be careful, I'll send someone there right away." Huo Yingjie said softly, He Tiantian could rescue Huo Yingqi in the first place, and hoped that Huo Yingqi would not disappoint Tiantian's kindness.

"Well, I made a note." He Tiantian said, she is not a reckless person, and she is in the hospital, so she should be fine.

Huo Yingjie remembered the Xi Yuhua hairpin that he gave He Tiantian before, and said, "If the situation is urgent, you can use that hairpin to protect yourself."

"Ah?" He Tiantian was taken aback, remembering that the hairpin in her bag was still a weapon, "Well, I remembered, I wrote it down."

Putting down the phone, Huo Yingjie immediately called the Tang family, an ally of the Huo family in Guangshi, that is, Tang Qian's second brother, and asked him to come forward to protect He Tiantian and his party.

The second brother of the Tang family is now a staff member of Guangzhou City. It is the critical time. Moreover, Tang Ji often consults Huo Zhekun on economic development issues, and he benefits a lot every time. Very concerned.

After calling Tang Ji, Huo Yingjie was not worried about He Tiantian's danger for the time being.

After that, Huo Yingjie called Huo Zheqian, saying that there was news about Huo Yingqi and asked him to go back to the Huo family's old house.

Huo Zhe felt a little bitter. He also missed his daughter, but the events of that year were vivid in his memory, and it was the old man who spoke, so no one dared to mention it.

This matter, if Yingjie mentions it, maybe there will be a turning point.

At the same time, Huo Zheqian was also worried that something happened to Huo Yingqi, and he became even more worried.

Huo Zhegan hurried home.

Song Chunli was looking for someone to play cards at someone else's house. When she heard the nanny calling, she said, "I have something to do today, so I won't play. I'll continue tomorrow."

"Chun Li, you can't do this. You've always won money. It's not natural to leave now." Another woman said, "I can't let you leave easily."

Song Chunli cleaned up the change on the table, said with a smile, "I'll invite everyone to drink coffee tomorrow. The nanny at home must come to look for it. It must be my mother-in-law. I can't delay it, and it will make her unhappy."

"That's fine." The others let go, among them were mother-in-laws, and they knew how powerful the mother-in-laws were, so they really couldn't delay.

Song Chunli took the small bag and left, but she was in a happy mood and won a lot today.

"Hey, Chunli is living a happy life." A woman said, "There are not so many messy things in the family, and there is so much money. The husband and son are motivated, and the daughter-in-law doesn't make trouble."

"Hehe, don't be envious." A woman sitting opposite Song Chunli shook her head and sneered, "We don't look as good as her, but our children are all by my side, but where is her stupid daughter? Woolen cloth!"

When the other two heard it, they took it for granted, and immediately felt at ease.

These women are like this. They usually compare everything. As long as they feel that they are better than others, they feel comfortable; when they think that others are better than them, they feel uncomfortable.

Song Chunli hummed a ditty and returned home, a little surprised.

"Aren't you at work? Go home at this time?" Song Chunli asked curiously, it shouldn't be.

Huo Zhe shook his head dryly, with a sad expression on his face, and said, "Sit down, there is something at home."

Song Chunli had a bad feeling about her husband's expression, did something happen to Yingjun?

Thinking of this, Song Chunli's heart skipped a beat, and she looked nervously at the others.

"Yingjie, tell me." Mr. Huo said, "What's going on?"

Huo Yingjie thought for a while and said, "Tiantian met Yingqi's child Xu Jian in Guangzhou..."

Huo Yingjie told the story of how the two met, and also about Huo Yingqi's current situation.

Hearing that Huo Yingqi was being rescued, Song Chunli's whole body trembled, she couldn't sit still, and she was on the verge of falling.

Seeing this, Huo Zhegan stretched out his hand to support Song Chunli, and said, "Don't worry."

Song Chunli calmed down a little, looked at Mrs. Huo and Mrs. Huo, choked up and said, "Dad, Mom, that's a piece of meat that fell off my body..."

"Hey, that's also my granddaughter who has been loved since I was a child." Mrs. Huo said, she didn't feel distressed, but she was heartbroken by Ying Qi.

Song Chunli said anxiously: "Dad, Mom, if Yingqi lives well, even if she lives like an ordinary person, I will not go to her, but she is like this now, please, let her come back, I beg of you."

After Song Chunli finished speaking, she was about to kneel down.

*****Above 2018 words*****
Recommend friend Tuanzi's new book "My Wife Has Been Blackened"

Zhou Yanci, who was blessed by the heavenly official, spent enough time in the mental hospital in his previous life. In this life, he just wants to let himself go.

Whoever stops it, whoever it is!

Delicate daughters want to counterattack, and smart girls are much happier.

Xianggong: The lady has turned black, the husband is so scared!
The words are sick, and the treatment has been abandoned.

Your town house master has brought the halo of Hongfu Qitian to the hot line. (This book is poisonous, enter with caution)
(End of this chapter)

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