Chapter 1088 Gather up your courage and do it!
The director of Xiangjiang just left the picker and left, leaving a mess.

Tang Qian urgently called the crew for a meeting.

Tang Qian knew that He Tiantian had many ideas, so he specially called He Tiantian.

He Tiantian happened to be fine, so she came over.

Huo Yingjie was fine on the weekend, so he took the children out to play, so why wait outside for Tiantian.

Tang Qian, Li Xian, He Tiantian and the director of the crew were all there.

Tang Qian looked at the crowd and asked, "What do you think now? If you have a good suggestion, please speak up. Now the production team spends money every day, and if you stop for one day, the loss is huge, and you can't afford it."

Several young assistant directors dare not speak.

Because they have never had an independent director, they are beating their hearts and dare not say it. After all, this is the first film in the company, which is related to the operation of the entire company.

"Now it's not appropriate for us to invite film directors. Every director has his own style, especially some old domestic directors, who have a fixed pattern. We used Xiangjiang's directors and young directors before because we wanted to shoot Something different." He Tiantian said, "Now the director of Xiangjiang is gone, and you three young directors are left, Mr. Tang and I don't want to find other directors, we approve of the previous filming, so I hope The three of you can work together to shoot the second half, and it is best to continue the style of the front."

Tang Qian nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. He's thoughts are mine. What do the three of you think, you can say it. If there are difficulties, we can solve them together."

One of the male directors, Chen Jianfeng, said, "I'm afraid that if we don't do well, we will disappoint you and Teacher He."

"I went to the set before and saw that you are also working very hard and working very late every day. I have been with Li Daqi in Xiangjiang. I should have learned a lot." Tang Qian said, "I would rather slow down the progress. And I don’t want to change my style.”

The Snake King hit the director and made a mistake. He didn't dare to speak before, but after hearing what the young director said, he finally couldn't help it, and said, "Why are you three so stubborn! I was on the set and saw it with my own eyes. You obviously came up with a lot of ideas and plots, and they were used by that fat man, and then he reprimanded you in a weird way. You are not fools, you don’t know what to do? I beat that director, it was my fault, I don’t Deny, but such a person should be beaten. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it depends on how you choose."

After hearing this, the three people looked at each other, seeing hope and passion in each other's eyes.

Another young assistant director Lu Yong listened, nodded and said: "The film we made this time is indeed quite different from the previous ones. If it is done well, it may have an epoch-making influence in the mainland. If the two bosses believe in us, I can Give it a try."

"It's done." Qin Shuang said crisply, "Actually, this is not a trendy part of the movie. Most of it was thought up by us. The new director just added some elements of Xiangjiang, which is also different from those of Xiangjiang's movies. Since Mr. Tang and Mr. He have such great determination to make an epoch-making martial arts movie. Why can’t we college students who haven’t graduated yet fight? My father works in a film studio. I don’t know how much work and procedures it takes to make a movie. We are so young, we have such an opportunity, we must cherish it.”

When He Tiantian heard Qin Shuang's words, she was very happy. She didn't misunderstand this girl, and she had a burst of momentum.
"Qin Shuang is right." He Tiantian said, "This is very important to our company, but it is also very important to you. Let's work together to make the next movie and use your imagination to make it perfect. My cousin, who is a famous teacher, can provide more ornamental and offensive martial arts moves. My friend, also another shareholder, designs the most elegant and handsome clothing. We have the youngest and most energetic boss And employees, as long as we use our imagination and ability, we will be successful."

Three young people, inspired.

The Snake King smiled and said, "Okay, that's the beginning, let's work hard together."

Afterwards, He Tiantian didn't have the energy to follow these things. Tang Qian, the Snake King, poured a lot of energy and enthusiasm into this movie.

However, if they encounter difficulties, they will come over to discuss with He Tiantian, and if they encounter some technical difficulties, they will come to Huo Yingjie.

Huo Yingjie can usually handle it, and if he can't, he will help find someone to handle it.

At the beginning, the three young directors were restrained, and the progress was a bit slow, and many actors were skeptical.

However, as the three young directors gradually improved and worked together, they were finally able to make a movie with the same style as before, and even more exciting than before.

Tang Qian was very happy and often encouraged them.

Although Qin Shuang is a girl, she is actually the core of these people.Some of her whimsical ideas can always achieve good results, and she seems to be the leader of the three.

However, in order to do this, Qin Shuang is very busy every day.

Even at night, only sleep for two or three hours.

The Snake King saw that Qin Shuang was so small, but he could burst out with so much energy at the shooting scene, and he was a little impressed.

Three full months have passed, and the filming of the entire movie is actually finished.

Next came the editing.

This time, Qin Shuang, the three directors, and the editor personally edited bit by bit to ensure that when the plot is complete and vivid, it is also necessary to take into account the vivid beauty of the picture.

In line with the principle of not letting the rich water flow to outsiders, the theme song was sung by Qi Xiaoyan, and the soundtrack and interludes were sung by other singers.

After the sample edit came out, Tang Qian called the three directors and all the directors to come over and take a look.

If there is no problem, then start the trial.

The review passed, just in time for the New Year's Day schedule.

When several people came to the screening room, they were very excited. This is a movie that everyone has put a lot of effort into.

The screen of the movie was full of stars, and several words "Tang Dynasty Media" appeared in larger and larger characters, which was the name of their company.

The long-shot shooting is very spectacular and majestic; the shooting of the scene is very delicate; the characters are very vivid and full...

Especially the fighting inside is very smooth and intense... It's dizzying.

He Tiantian was happy, this movie is really good, it has reached the level of the middle and late 90s in her previous life.

Everyone watched with gusto and was attracted by the plot.

At the end of the [-]-minute movie, the lights in the projection room came on.

He Tiantian walked up to Qin Shuang and the others and said, "Very good, very good, you will become famous directors."

(End of this chapter)

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