Chapter 109 Lin Xiaoru's Countermeasures (480+)

Surrounded by several people, Lin Xiaoru didn't dare to speak back at all. She sent the letter to the report box of the unit yesterday, but she heard that the whistleblower would not be disclosed!If she knew that someone had named her, Lin Xiaoru would not have submitted a report-report!
Although she was not pleasing to the educated youth before, at least she didn't tear her face apart!Even if you talk behind your back and goof off, it's no big deal.

"I...I..." Lin Xiaoru wanted to quibble, but seeing so many people knew about it, she couldn't quibble, pushed Ye Xiaofan away, ran back to her room, and locked the door.

Huang Jingli is mending clothes, she has no new clothes, they are all old clothes, mending them for the winter.

"Why are you in a panic?" Huang Jingli asked curiously, biting the end of the thread, very puzzled.Apart from eating fast, Lin Xiaoru is slow in other things.

Lin Xiaoru didn't speak, trembling and trembling all over.From the attitude of the educated youth, she can already imagine what kind of situation she will have in Qijia Village in the future!
"What's the matter with you?" Huang Jingli asked again, put down the needle and thread in her hand, walked up, and touched Lin Xiaoru's forehead.

Lin Xiaoru shrank back, avoiding Huang Jingli's touch, and said, "Don't touch me!"

Huang Jingli was taken aback, not knowing why.

Since Lin Xiaoru didn't say anything, Huang Jingli didn't ask any more.This aunt doesn't know what's wrong with her heart!She would be in the way of Lin Xiaoru's eyes if she was here, so she should hurry out and hide.

Huang Jingli wanted to go out to cook, and she didn't want to stay with the nervous Lin Xiaoru.

"Don't open the door." Lin Xiaoru scolded, "I told you not to open the door, did you hear me?"

Huang Jingli backed away in fright. The more Lin Xiaoru refused to let her open the door, the more frightened Huang Jingli became. Worried that Lin Xiaoru would lose her nerve, she quickly opened the door and ran out.

"Get out, get out, get out!" Lin Xiaoru cursed loudly, "Get out, and don't come back if you have the ability."

Huang Jingli turned pale with fright. Looking at Sister Wu in the yard, Wang Lei and the others stammered and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Lin Xiaoru revealed that He Tiantian and the postman Niu Dajun were messing with men and women, and the county office sent people to arrest He Tiantian. If it wasn't for Village Chief Qi, He Tiantian would have been arrested." Sister Wu said, "Then We all know what kind of person He Tiantian is. Besides, Niu Dajun drove He Tiantian a few times on a bicycle, saying that he was messy and engaged in a relationship between men and women. It was obviously fabricated out of nothing, slandered a good person, had a vicious mind, and slandered Good man!"

Huang Jingli was taken aback for a moment, and was taken aback. Lin Xiaoru really sent out the report-letter.But how did Sister Wu and the others know that Lin Xiaoru sent it out?

"Are you sure it was written by Lin Xiaoru?" Huang Jingli asked the question in her heart, didn't she mean that the informant's information would not be disclosed?

"That Zhou Zhouhai said it in front of everyone, and now everyone in the village knows it. You have to be careful in the future. If you get so close to Lin Xiaoru, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later." Sister Wu said, her voice was loud, and she was not afraid of the people in the room. Lin Xiaoru heard it.

When Huang Jingli heard this, she became even more frightened.If Lin Xiaoru can report on He Tiantian, then she can report on her parentage!His complexion became even uglier, his legs felt weak, and he didn't know what to do for a while!
"Yeah, we don't dare to talk to Lin Xiaoru in the future." Ye Xiaofan echoed, this Lin Xiaoru is a poisonous person, be careful.

At this moment, Zhao Dajiao came and asked, "Where is Lin Xiaoru?"

Sister Wu, Ye Xiaofan went to the kitchen to cook, only Huang Jingli was in the yard.

Huang Jingli saw Director Zhao startled, and stammered, "I'm in the room..."

"Then you go in with me, I have something to say to Lin Xiaoru." Director Zhao said, let's see what Lin Xiaoru has to say!
Huang Jingli followed Director Zhao and entered the room together.

Director Zhao glanced at Lin Xiaoru contemptuously, and said, "Lin Xiaoru, Village Chief Qi said, we will set off at two o'clock at night and go to the work unit together to confront He Tiantian and Niu Dajun. If you don't go, you will be guilty of false reporting. be punished."

Lin Xiaoru became even more frightened when she heard this, but after thinking about it just now, she has already figured out a countermeasure.That is to resolutely refuse to admit her mistakes. If she does, she will be punished.If you don’t admit your mistakes, at most you can say that the content of the report is not in compliance after verification, and you firmly don’t admit that there is intentional slander.

Then He Tiantian was sitting in the back seat of Niu Dajun's car. In their hometown, only those who had sex could do this, so they reported it, lest He Tiantian's actions would affect the style of all the educated youths in Qijia Village.

She, Lin Xiaoru, just had good intentions, not something out of nothing.

"Director Zhao, I'll go with you." Lin Xiaoru narrowed his eyes and said, "I will never back down. I also want to protect the style of young people in the city."

Director Zhao was taken aback, this Lin Xiaoru is also a talent, she thought that Lin Xiaoru would be ashamed to face others when something like this happened, but she didn't expect him to be very calm!

"Now that you know, don't be late." Director Zhao said, what will happen tomorrow, you have your own opinion, so there is no need for her to waste words here.

"Yes, Director Zhao." Lin Xiaoru said calmly, and after finding a way, she was no longer afraid.

After Director Zhao left, Huang Jingli asked in a low voice: "Xiaoru, why did you report He Tiantian? She didn't offend you? We are fellow villagers, and she even sent us jujubes, wild vegetables, and hares. forget?"

Lin Xiaoru looked at Huang Jingli with contempt, and said with disdain: "It's not for me alone, I only eat as much as there are so many people. Be careful, I can report-report He Tiantian, and I can report-report you .If you don't listen to me, hehe, I will definitely make you worse than He Tiantian."

What Huang Jingli was most afraid of was Lin Xiaoru's threat, and she was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a while.

Seeing that Huang Jingli was frightened, Lin Xiaoru was proud of herself, and felt a sense of perverted pleasure. She squinted her slender eyes, and said with a fake smile: "He is so sweet, he is very popular in the village. Qi The village chief, director Zhao, and other villagers all helped He Tiantian. But you are not much better than me, so if you are dishonest, I will definitely make you regret it."

"No... no... I will be obedient." Huang Jingli trembled, this Lin Xiaoru is a vicious viper.She couldn't resist for the time being, so she could only endure the humiliation, and she must take revenge in the future.

Huang Jingli secretly made up her mind!

Lin Xiaoru!
You think you are smart, so you know how to bully me!
But I, Huang Jingli, am not easy to bully. I used to bear it because I thought you would restrain yourself, but I was wrong. My tolerance will only make you more greedy.The matter of He Tiantian reminded me that I can no longer be soft-hearted to you.

(End of this chapter)

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