Chapter 1123 The small tortoise takes shape

However, just two days after King Snake and Little Xuangui talked, King Snake was filming an advertisement when he suddenly received a summons from Little Xuangui.

"Snake King, come quickly, I want... I'm going to transform..." Xiao Xuangui's voice was a little anxious, worried that the Snake King would be late and unable to protect the family.

Li Xian was taken aback, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well, I need to leave immediately..."

After speaking, he ran out of the shooting site like the wind.

Leaving the camera crew behind, the director stared wide-eyed.

Not feeling well, but still running so fast, is obviously a bully!Li Xian is playing big cards, and he is so bad at finding reasons.

"Li Xian, it's outrageous." Qin Shuang said angrily, "Let us let so many pigeons go..."

Xiao Hua, Li Xian's little assistant beside him, smiled apologetically, "Sister Shuang, Li Xian is not a ignorant person, maybe there is something really wrong, and it's all my own, don't be angry."

Qin Shuang took the bottle of water that Xiao Hua handed over, drank a few sips, and said, "If it wasn't my own, I would have started cursing people, who would do that! What a waste of money and material resources!"

Xiaohua smiled and said: "I'm sorry everyone, today I am inviting you to dinner on behalf of Li Xian, which is regarded as an apology. I'm sorry, Li Xian is not in good health these days, maybe he is not feeling well again. How about Let’s shoot scenes without Rye Hyun first, please, please.”

Qin Shuang rolled his eyes, he was alive and well just now, how could he get sick so easily.

Will pretend!
Tomorrow, I will ask the Snake King what is going on?

The snake king drove all the way, ran through several red lights, and finally rushed home.

"Little Xuangui, where are you?" The Snake King said through voice transmission, really anxious to death.

The little spinning turtle muffled: "I'm in the swimming pool."

Hearing that the Snake King was coming, he was finally relieved.

The Snake King hurriedly walked towards the swimming pool, saw that Lao Guo was about to go to the yard to clean up, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Guo, wait, don't go to the swimming pool for now, I have something to do inside. "

The snake king stood in front of Lao Guo and refused to let him in.

Seeing that it was Li Xian, Lao Guo knew that this was He Tiantian's cousin, who is now a big star, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go clean other places first. You have something to do, so hurry up."

"Yeah." Snake King nodded, "I want to practice acting, I need to borrow it, so don't come here to clean it today, come tomorrow."

Lao Guo was naturally happy to be able to do less work, nodded and said: "That's fine, I'll come and clean tomorrow."

Lao Guo took the cleaning tools and went to the back yard.

Li Xian came in, locked the door behind him, and looked at the little spinning turtle in the swimming pool.

In the meantime, the little spinner turtle was floating in the swimming pool with its belly up.

Seeing such a funny little tortoise, the Snake King couldn't laugh or cry.

"Why are you suddenly going to transform?" The Snake King asked, "Aren't you going to wait for Huo Yingjie to come?"

Little Xuangui was a little speechless, and said leisurely: "Man is not as good as God! It's raining today, and I just wanted to swim in the swimming pool. I didn't expect a thunderbolt to hit me from the sky, and I was like this. I can feel it. I am transforming myself, but I cannot turn over..."

"Hehe, there is thunder and lightning in this weather, probably God wants you to transform." The Snake King said, "Okay, I will protect you here, don't let anyone disturb you, you can transform yourself. I would like to see what you look like after your transformation."

After finishing speaking, the Snake King set up an enchantment on this courtyard, so that the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

"I want to know too." Little Xuangui thought foolishly, he didn't want to be better than his master, as long as he was half as handsome as the Snake King.

Wait, wait!
one hour, two hours...
Six hours later, it was already dark, and the little tortoise was still in the swimming pool with its back on its back.

He Tiantian came back from the outside, and heard from Aunt Guo that Li Xian had been hiding in the yard of the swimming pool since he came back at noon, and asked her to take a look, don't let the young man have something on his mind.

He Tiantian asked the child to do homework and come here by herself.

"Li Xian, what are you doing in there?" He Tiantian knocked on the door and asked.

The Snake King heard this, opened the door, let He Tiantian in, and said, "The little tortoise is transforming, and I will protect her. If there is nothing else, don't let anyone in. What is this little tortoise doing? It's all slow, and the transformation is so slow."

Following the snake king's eyes, He Tiantian looked into the swimming pool, and saw the little spinning turtle with its belly upturned.

"Xiao Gui, are you sure you are transforming?" He Tiantian asked, "Is it reliable?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'm about to transform." Xiao Xuangui said, "I can play with my little master then."

He Tiantian felt warm when he heard this, and said: "I also want to see what the little tortoise looks like. Well, I can't help you here. King Snake, I will take the little tortoise I leave it to you, you have to protect the little tortoise."

"Uh uh..." The Snake King saw the little tortoise dawdling like this, and he didn't know how long it would take to take shape, "Big cousin, go tell Qin Shuang that I'm not feeling well and can't shoot , I ran back from filming today. That woman has a very bad temper, I'm afraid..."

Hearing this, He Tiantian patted the Snake King on the shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll tell Qin Shuang that you can stay with Xiaoxuangui at ease. Xiaoxuangui is the most important thing in our family right now."

The little tortoise with its belly upturned looked excited and was about to cry.

"Thank you, ma'am." Little Spinning Turtle said gratefully, "I will do it as soon as possible."

"You're welcome, you are also our family." He Tian nodded, thinking about the little things after meeting the little tortoise.When she was in the most difficult time, not only the snake king, but also the clumsy little tortoise helped her.

They have long since become her family.

After He Tiantian went back, she told others that Li Xian was practicing martial arts and that no one was allowed to go to the swimming pool.

The weather is cold and the children don't go swimming anymore, so the yard is rarely visited except for Lao Guo who will clean it frequently.

The next day, before Little Xuangui had finished transforming, He Tiantian called Qin Shuang and asked the Snake King for leave.
One day, two days, three days...

Not only the King Snake was in a hurry, but He Tiantian was also in a hurry, so he sneaked over to have a look.

"Little Xuangui, how are you?" He Tiantian asked with concern, "It's really not good. I have a jade pendant here, which was given to me by Brother Yingjie before he left. I crushed it and asked him to come back."

The little tortoise shook his head and said: "No need, the master is going to do big things. I can do the transformation myself, but it's a bit slow... I'm causing you trouble..."

Little Xuangui's voice became smaller and smaller, worried that he would cause trouble for his wife and the snake king.

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Recommend Qiqi's own new book "Reborn Sweet Wife: The Strongest Manager"

Mo Xiaomi swears that when she was reborn at the age of eight, she just wanted to hold a golden thigh, and hoped that the golden thigh could help her when she grew up.

But...But... I took the wrong position, I have to be responsible... For the rest of my life...
This is a story of a little girl who deliberately hugged her thighs to fight against being attacked, pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger gorgeously, counterattacked gorgeously, and reached the pinnacle of life.

(End of this chapter)

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