Chapter 1181 Who stole the medicine?
The uncle is Jiao Lihong's greatest reliance, and she cannot let him down.

Seeing that her uncle was angry, Jiao Lihong became anxious, and quickly explained: "I was very careful, and no one saw it."

"No one saw it, it doesn't mean you didn't do it." Director Jiao said coldly, "I told you the reasons inside and out, but why do you still fight against He Tiantian?"

Jiao Lihong lowered her head, her eyes were red, and she choked up, "Because as long as He Tiantian stands in front of me, I won't be able to win the gold medal. It's like this at the World Championships, and it's like this at the Asian Games. I'm very depressed. I just think, If He Tiantian can't participate in the competition, I can win the championship and gold medal, and have a place in the domestic sports circle."

Director Jiao was very angry when he heard Jiao Lihong's words, and cursed: "Stupid!"

He is only the director of the swimming team now, and he still wants to take advantage of He Tiantian's participation in the competition this time and win good results, so as to have the opportunity to be promoted to the General Administration of Sports.

If He Tiantian really did not participate in the competition this time and the swimming team did not achieve good results, his hopes would probably be dashed.

"Uncle, I was wrong." Jiao Lihong said, "I really didn't expect He Tiantian to be so lucky. After being poisoned, she was able to clear the poison so quickly, and nothing happened."

"Your grandma's messy things don't use Yanjing. If something happens, no one can protect you." Director Jiao said, "You will be expelled directly from the national team, and the local team will not want you. You don't want to participate in the competition in the future. .”

Jiao Lihong nodded again and again: "I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong. I will never do such a thing."

"This is the best time." Director Jiao said, "Let me remind you, don't think about those crooked ways. You are very talented, really very talented. Even if you can't win the championship this time, you can get the silver medal. You are still young, but He Tiantian will choose to retire after participating in the Olympics. At that time, as long as you work hard, you will be in the world. The next World Championships and the next Olympics will be the time for you to display your talents. Why bother Be in a hurry!"

"Yes, uncle, I know, I really know I was wrong." Jiao Lihong has been fidgeting all this time, and now that her second uncle scolded her, she felt more at ease.

Director Jiao nodded and said, "Remember, don't do anything, just play hard!"

"Well, I will definitely play hard and try my best." Jiao Lihong said, and threw those things into the toilet after returning home, never wanting to play tricks again.

"Then you go back, don't panic." Director Jiao explained, "In order not to be seen as guilty, just pretend that nothing happened. I have suppressed the previous incident, and I will not re-investigate it in the future. This is the last This time, if you are disobedient, I will never tolerate you again."

"No, never again." Jiao Lihong promised again and again.

"Okay, wipe away your tears, go out, have a good rest, and play well." Director Jiao patted his niece on the shoulder to cheer her up, hoping that she can only have good grades and live up to his years of training.

"Yeah." Jiao Lihong wiped away her tears and came out of the office.

After returning to the room, he opened his package and looked for the bottle of prohibited drugs.

It's just that when she saw that there was only a half bottle of the medicine in the original bottle, she was shocked.

She obviously got a whole bottle, why is there only half a bottle left now?
Jiao Lihong can be sure that she remembers correctly.

In that case, someone must have moved her package!
This thing can't be kept anymore.

As Jiao Lihong said, she took the bottle of medicine and ran to the bathroom. Just as she poured the pills into the toilet, she heard hurried footsteps outside.

Jiao Lihong didn't care about other things, and hurriedly pressed the toilet, flushing away the pills in the toilet.

Head coach Wu, team doctor Li and others have already rushed in.

"Wait." Head coach Wu said, but he had seen Jiao Lihong flush away the medicine, leaving only a bottle in his hand, "What are you?"

The medicine bottle in Jiao Lihong's hand was seen by several leaders who came in.

How do these people know that she has illegal drugs in her hands?

Also, who took her medicine before?

And who notified the leader?
Jiao Lihong couldn't guess who it was. Although she didn't take stimulants, she was arrested now, and she had to find a suitable reason.

"I'm sorry, Head Coach Wu." Jiao Lihong said, "Before I thought about winning the championship all day long, I heard someone say that taking this medicine can improve my speed. I knew there was a problem. Although I paid for it, I didn't take it. I flushed it all down the toilet."

Team doctor Li took a look at the bottle, nodded to head coach Wu, and said, "Yes, it's a kind of stimulant with few side effects, but it's easy to be detected."

Head coach Wu looked at Jiao Lihong with great distress. This is a good seed besides He Tiantian. After He Tiantian retires, Jiao Lihong will be the best athlete.

How can you use doping!
Seeing everyone's disappointed expressions, Jiao Lihong became anxious, and quickly explained: "Head coach, team doctor Li, I really didn't eat. I figured it out. Sports can't rely on these things, only hard work and talent. Many people praised me for my talent." Talent, then I can't achieve the best, that's because I didn't work hard, so I figured it out, I really didn't eat. If you don't trust me, you can give me a urine test! There will be absolutely no problem."

Although head coach Wu is very angry, he also knows that he must calm down now, and temporary substitutions are impossible. I just hope that Jiao Lihong really hasn't taken doping.

"Team doctor Li, carefully test Jiao Lihong's urine." Head coach Wu said, not only because it was too late for the match, but also because Jiao Lihong's uncle is Director Jiao, so he came along this time.

If Jiao Lihong really used stimulants, even if Director Jiao came, he would have nothing to say.

But if no doping is used, even if there is a doping in hand, it cannot be punished before the game, everything will be punished after the game.

"Well, my assistant and I will check carefully." Li team doctor said seriously, "You should tell Director Jiao about this matter. She is not only an athlete, but also Director Jiao's niece."

Jiao Lihong secretly regretted, why did she bring this thing in?

And now it's clear that someone targeted her and stole half of her medicine.

In case someone with ulterior motives took her medicine and took it himself, or gave someone else medicine, because the medicine flowed out of her, naturally the relationship could not be disregarded.

Thinking that someone might put the blame on her, Jiao Lihong became anxious, but she didn't dare to say it, for fear that the description would become darker, so she told her uncle first, what should I do when I see it?

Head coach Wu attached great importance to this matter, and quickly asked team doctor Li to examine Jiao Lihong.

If there is a problem with Jiao Lihong's inspection, she will not be allowed to compete directly, so as not to affect the image of the country.

Recommend Qiqi's own new book "Reborn Sweet Wife: The Strongest Manager". After being reborn, Mo Xiaomi feels that hugging her thigh is imperative.Unexpectedly, I hugged the third leg.Gu Yanze was angry, if he hugged him wrong, he would hug him for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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