Chapter 1206 Two Themes
Wang Shuilian nodded and said, "That's good."

He Tiantian came in after the diagnosis and treatment here, and asked, "Doctor Wang, can my student's leg be cured?"

Wang Shuilian smiled and said, "As long as you do what I say, it's fine."

Wang Shuilian is so confident in her medical skills!
"Thank you, Doctor Wang." He Tiantian said with a smile, "I have a good ginseng over there, I'll have someone send it to me later, and I will donate it to the Taoyuan Medical Center, hoping to help more people. "

He Tiantian admires Wang Shuilian's medical ethics, so she is willing to do her best to help others.

"Hehe, even if you donate it, I won't be polite to you, but I guarantee that all these ginseng will be used on those who need it, and I won't charge any money. Then I will say that it was donated by Aunt Qi's family. Let everyone remember your kindness." Wang Shuilian said with a smile, after so many years of practicing medicine, she is very open-minded and open-minded.

She collects things donated by rich people, but they are used for those who need them. She is not greedy for these things.

"Doctor Wang is a man of integrity." He Tiantian praised, "A role model for my generation."

"Haha, don't talk about that, come, come, champion, come and take pictures with me, I want to keep them and hang them on the wall of the lobby near me." Wang Shuilian laughed, and then took out a camera from the drawer, Let others know that she has seen a lot of people.

She doesn't value money, but she also wants to grow old and have a reputation that matches her medical skills.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Okay! Tang Ping'an will take pictures, come and take a picture with me and Dr. Wang."

"That's really great." Doctor Wang said.

Tang Pingan took the camera and took pictures of them before leaving with He Tiantian.

After that, He Tiantian paid attention to Tang Pingan's progress.

Fortunately, after Tang Ping'an followed Wang Shuilian's method, it really worked, and Tang Ping'an became more confident.

Now Tang Ping'an is living a very nourishing life every day, good mountains, good water and beautiful scenery, the most important thing is the good air and hot springs, which are of great help to his body.

I feel better, my thoughts are clearer, and I also heard interesting local legends and events.

Such as the appearance of the dragon, such as tomb robbery...

He Tiantian is leaving tomorrow, so she came to say goodbye to Tang Ping'an.

Tang Ping'an is getting better here, and He Tiantian is relieved.

"How is it? Tang Ping'an?" He Tiantian asked, "Are you still used to it here?"

"Well, this place is very good." Tang Pingan said, "I like this place a little bit. If possible, I would like to buy a house here and make a home here."

He Tiantian smiled when he heard this, and said, "Can you give up the life of feasting and feasting on the other side of Xiangjiang?"

"Hehe." Tang Ping'an sneered, remembering that Teacher He saw him when he was hugging left and right, "Actually, I don't like that kind of life. There are a lot of entertainment there, and the schedule is not good. It affects my creation. Sometimes even if I don’t smoke or drink, I can’t write a novel.”

"Don't tell me that if you don't smoke or drink, you won't be inspired, I don't believe it at all." He Tiantian said, "When you were in college, you were a good student, and you didn't smoke or drink. The novels you wrote were wonderful. , Didn’t you still have inspiration at that time?”

"Yes, that's just an excuse." Tang Ping'an said, "After I came here, I had two inspirations in my mind, and now I've started writing."

"Hehe, what inspiration? Tell me about it." He Tiantian said, "If it's good, sell the book to me in the future and use it to make a movie. You know, I have shares in Tang Qian's side."

"One is the legend of the dragon in Qijia Village. I have found a lot of materials, plus my characterization and plot weaving. I have already started to write. I can write thousands of words every day." Tang Pingan said, "Second This inspiration comes from the incident that happened in Qijia Village some time ago, tomb robbery. Of course, I know that tomb robbery is illegal. In fact, I can write some adventure novels, which contain elements of tomb robbery, and use this as a carrier to write some series of novels .”

Compared with the Shenlong novel, He Tiantian is more optimistic about this novel about tomb robbers.

"It's all good." He Tiantian said, "literary, readable, I think your adventure novel is better. Some things are series, so it's easy to make a movie."

"Yes, I think so too." Tang Pingan said, "I already have a plot in my mind, but I lack some professional knowledge, especially in cultural relics, so I want to wait for my health to go and talk to Cui. It’s just that it’s not convenient now, otherwise I will try to borrow some books in this area.”

"That's fine, you write a novel about Shenlong first." He Tiantian said, "As for the information on cultural relics and tombs, when I return to Beijing, I will find some related books for you."

Tang Ping'an had already lit up, and said pleasantly, "Thank you, Mr. He."

"You are my student. I hope my students can write many wonderful works." He Tiantian said with a smile, "You should exercise hard and write well. I hope to see your new novel as soon as possible."

"I will do my best," Tang Ping'an said.

Getting along with Mr. He in this way is actually not as difficult as imagined. It may be that he is mature, or he has experienced so much and has already seen it.

That's it, it's actually not bad.

In the evening, He Tiantian had already packed up, looked at his grandfather and grandmother, and said, "The child has been out for two weeks, and I have to send him back to study."

"Well, Ruixiang and Xiaojian will be handed over to you, and we will stay here for a while." Mrs. Huo said, "I really don't want to leave."

"Haha, if you like it, stay longer." Grandma Qi said with a smile, "I hope you don't leave."

"Okay, come here often in the future." Mrs. Tang said, she discussed with the old man last night, or if she built a yard here, she will often come here to live in the future.

Bai Qiongyu was a little bit reluctant, and said: "Hey, although I am reluctant, I have to leave. I will come back next year after I deal with the matter over there."

The son can only be successful, but not pioneering, she still has to follow.

I just hope that her grandson can grow up sooner, so that she can retire completely.

"Then you deal with things first, I will always welcome you back here." Grandma Qi San said with a smile, it was rare for so many relatives to come to the family.

Huo Yingqi was actually reluctant to leave, but she was here, her legs were much more comfortable and her strength was stronger than before, so she wanted to stay, but she was embarrassed to let the second sister-in-law take care of the child.

"Grandmother, let me go back with Tiantian. After all, there are so many children." Huo Yingqi said, she can't be selfish and push her own affairs to her younger siblings.

 The second is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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