Chapter 128 Holy Blood, Medicine
As the Snake King said, when He Tiantian put her finger into Qi Xiaoyan's mouth, Qi Xiaoyan sucked instinctively, gulping down the thick and sweet blood one gulp after another.

He Tiantian could feel the blood in her body continuously flowing out.

For a while, Qi Xiaoyan kept drinking, but still didn't wake up, but He Tiantian felt a little dizzy.

"Then how much blood do I need to contribute?" He Tiantian asked, feeling her body was exhausted and dizzy.

"When she gets enough elixir, she won't be able to take it anymore." The Snake King said in a daze, swallowing, if only the holy blood would be given to it.In order to resist the thought of rushing out to have a big drink, the Snake King turned his head and did not look outside.

Although He Tiantian was a little nervous, she knew that the Snake King was even more nervous about her body and life, and would never watch her die.Even though she is dizzy now, she should not have reached her limit, so she is not afraid, and continues to put her finger in Qi Xiaoyan's mouth, and continues to suck it for Qi Xiaoyan.

The eyes are black, and the stars are constantly appearing!
Qi Xiaoyan fainted, if she fainted again, the two big girls would be lying on the side of the road, shocking the world!

If some lame hooligans came to harass him, wouldn't he die of nausea after waking up?
He Tiantian cheered up, she must be awake and not faint.

I don't know how long it took, when He Tiantian could barely open her eyes, she found that Qi Xiaoyan let go of her mouth and stopped sucking on her fingers.

He Tiantian quickly withdrew her finger, opened her eyes, and wanted to stop the bleeding from her finger, but found that the wound on her finger healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This must be the work of the Snake King!

Just stop bleeding, He Tiantian sat leaning against a tree by the side of the road, holding Qi Xiaoyan's hand with the other hand, closing her eyes and resting her mind.Before Qi Xiaoyan wakes up, she must stay awake!
After a while, Qi Xiaoyan woke up slowly, took a few deep breaths, and found that usually it was as uncomfortable as a big stone was pressed on her chest, but today she was extremely relaxed and had strength in her body.

Qi Xiaoyan sat up and moved her hands and feet with great flexibility and strength. For a moment, Qi Xiaoyan thought she was in her dream.I pinched myself, and it hurt so much that I realized it wasn't a dream.

Look at He Tiantian's pale complexion next to her, she was clearly ill just now, not Sister Tiantian!
Regardless of the changes in her body, Qi Xiaoyan hurriedly shouted: "Sister Tiantian, Sister Tiantian..."

Only then did He Tiantian wake up leisurely, looking at Qi Xiaoyan, her complexion has improved a lot, and there is more agility and expression in her eyes that she didn't have in the past.

This is all thanks to my blood donation!

But such outrageous things, He Tiantian will not tell others.She didn't want to be dragged out for an autopsy, let alone let other people know, otherwise she would become someone's "human drug".

"I'm fine, but when I was carrying you, I fell and became dizzy." He Tiantian said, "By the way, you haven't taken your medicine yet, let's go to the livestock team."

Qi Xiaoyan saw that He Tiantian was dirty, and she seemed to have fallen when she lost the group.

"I see that you are not in good condition. I will send you back first and let my mother come over to get the medicine. Anyway, I still have some at home, so let's go home first." Qi Xiaoyan said, her voice was stronger than usual.

Seeing that Qi Xiaoyan's spirit was much better than before, He Tiantian believed the King Snake's words, and her blood could be called "elixir".

With Qi Xiaoyan's support, He Tiantian stood up, flexed her muscles and bones, and was able to walk around by herself.But still a little top-heavy, legs fluttering.

"Sister Tiantian, are you okay?" Qi Xiaoyan asked again, why did she feel that Sister Tiantian was more seriously ill than before.

Qi Xiaoyan was not surprised that she fainted and woke up again without taking the medicine. She also had this experience before.

It's just that she didn't know that this time it was more serious than before. If He Tiantian hadn't rescued her, she would be dead now.

"It's okay, I just fell down a while ago, and I haven't had a good rest during this period, so I'm weak." He Tiantian explained, "You go home, I can go back by myself."

Qi Xiaoyan saw that He Tiantian's face was pale and her face was no longer as rosy as before, so she shook her head resolutely and said, "No, I will send you back."

At Qi Xiaoyan's insistence, He Tiantian was sent home.

Grandma Qi San was shocked when she saw He Tiantian like this, but she was slightly relieved when she heard Qi Xiaoyan's explanation.

"Third Grandma, look at Sister Tiantian, I'll invite Dr. Wang from Hujia Village to come over and have a look." Qi Xiaoyan said, and ran out of Third Grandma Qi's house without waiting for He Tiantian to refuse.

Grandma Qi San smiled and said: "Xiaoyan is a nice girl, it's worthwhile for you to treat her so well."

I saved her life and treated her well!
But since she is a good friend, she doesn't regret it.

People live a lifetime, it is impossible to be alone.If you can have a few like-minded and reasonable friends in your life, and a caring lover, healthy and safe parents, and lovely children, then your life will be perfect.

Hey, this is just her wish, I don't know how many times she can realize in this life!
He Tiantian was lying on the bed, and Grandma Qi San came in with a bowl of water, and said, "My child, drink some water first to moisten your throat."

He Tiantian tremblingly took the bowl and drank a few sips of water.

"It was fine when I went out in the morning. Why did something like this happen when I went out?" Grandma Qi San asked with a solemn expression. This sweet girl has finally adapted to life in Qijia Village and can live in peace of mind. Here, don't get a strange disease!
Well, if you have something to say, don’t get sick, and don’t have money if you don’t have anything!
When Qi Xiaoyan fell ill, He Tiantian accidentally fell down while carrying Qi Xiaoyan on her back, and felt powerless all over.

When a person is sick, there are usually symptoms. It is very rare for a person to fall and fall without warning like this.

"Where did you fall?" Grandma Qi San asked, with an unspoken guess in her heart.

"It's on the small road in the grove." He Tiantian explained, hoping that this would not arouse the suspicion of Third Grandma Qi.

She is now physically debilitated and does look seriously ill.

When she heard it was a small forest, Third Grandma Qi's eyes flickered.

It was there!

Must have touched something dirty!

There is still toilet paper at home, so she cut some paper money and burned it at night, hoping that those dirty things would stop pestering the sweet girl if they got the money.

(End of this chapter)

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