Chapter 130 Another Conspiracy (660+)

Wang Shuilian could hear the disgust from He Tiantian's tone, without any affection, so she guessed that He Tiantian didn't take a fancy to his aunt Qi Jianguo at all, it should be Qi Jianguo's wishful thinking.

Although Wang Shuilian was a little unhappy that He Tiantian looked down on her outstanding younger brother, but as a doctor, she had to turn around and leave without seeing a doctor.

"Hehe, I'm just joking." Wang Shuilian smiled, "I think your complexion is pale, it should be due to lack of energy and blood. Come, let me take a look and feel your pulse."

He Tiantian reached out to the next door and said politely, "I'm in trouble."

She hadn't joked at all, and now she was powerless.If she could get up now, she would definitely slap Qi Jianguo a few big mouths.

"I'm a doctor, I should." Wang Shuilian said politely, felt He Tiantian's pulse, and checked He Tiantian's joints and bones. There was no problem.

"How's the sweet girl?" Grandma Qi asked with concern, she was upset by Qi Jianguo just now.

Wang Shuilian smiled and replied: "Don't worry, it's just that the Qi and blood are insufficient, and the bones in the body are not broken. Just eat some red dates and supplement with good things."

"Don't need to prescribe medicine?" Grandma Qi asked, anyway, there is still a lot of meat in the house, so I will give it to the sweet girl.

"No need." Wang Shuilian said, "She is young and in good health. She probably had menstruation, dipped in cold water, and had too much menstrual blood. That's why she should be more careful in the future."

Insufficient Qi and blood, He Tiantian admitted.It's just that there was too much menstrual blood, and she couldn't accept it in her heart.

But after thinking about it, hey, her menstrual flow is normal, but after the King Snake drank a meal, Qi Xiaoyan drank a meal, she did lose a lot of blood!
"Then it's not easy to come here, how much is the consultation fee?" He Tiantian asked, since Wang Shuilian didn't prescribe medicine just because she wanted to make money, it can be seen that this person has good medical ethics.

"No need, they are all from the folks in the village, just help each other." Wang Shuilian put on the pulse pillow and got up to leave.

If Wang Shuilian and Qi Jianguo had nothing to do with each other, maybe He Tiantian would give Wang Shuilian something instead of money, but now they are relatives, and they seem to have a good relationship, so He Tiantian doesn't want to owe favors!
"That won't work. You can pay as much as you want. I can't let you go for nothing." He Tiantian said, and took out a dollar from the wallet next to her, "Is it enough?"

Seeing that He Tiantian tried her best to distance herself from her, Wang Shuilian probably didn't want to get involved with her aunt outside, so she smiled lightly and said, "It's too much, just thirty cents."

Wang Shuilian took the money and said with a smile, "Hehe, I have the money."

"You should take it, you should take it!" Grandma Qi San smiled and sent Wang Shuilian out.

Outside Qi Jianguo hadn't left yet, Qi Xiaoyan walked in panting.

"How is Miss Tiantian?" Qi Xiaoyan asked.

"How is Tiantian?" Qi Jianguo asked.

The two looked at Wang Shuilian one after another.

Wang Shuilian said: "Don't worry, it's just a lack of energy and blood, just eat something good to replenish."

"Oh." Qi Xiaoyan understood a little bit. She also had dysmenorrhea before, and thought it was sweet.

"Are you all right?" Qi Jianguo still wanted to look inside.

Grandma Qi San had already closed the door, so Qi Jianguo couldn't see inside.

"It's okay, I have something else to do, so I'm going back first." Wang Shuilian carried the medicine box on her back, "Jianguo, if you're okay, take me back to the village. Walking in the cold weather is tiring."

Qi Jianguo was disappointed, took a few glances at the two closed wooden doors, and left disappointed.

Outside, Wang Shuilian asked curiously, "Jianguo, how are you and that educated youth named He Tiantian?"

"What else can I do!" Qi Jianguo smiled wryly, "People don't like me!"

"Let me tell you, that girl is nothing but good-looking. You are so good, you can definitely find a better girl." Wang Shuilian persuaded, she could not see any kindness in He Tiantian's eyes just now. It's disgust, which shows that people don't feel anything about my aunt.

If my cousin is still so persistent, maybe something big will happen in the future.

"Hey!" Qi Jianguo sighed, did not speak, and would not tell others what was on his mind.

Wang Shuilian thought that her aunt had listened, so she stopped persuading her.

After Qi Jianguo sent Wang Shuilian back, he returned home dejectedly, what should he do now?
Zhou Zhouhai didn't have the handle to pinch He Tiantian, Qi Xiaoyan, He Tiantian was on guard against his sister, and he had no chance to get close to He Tiantian.

He went to the county seat and got information from Zhou Zhouhai.Although Zhou Zhouhai didn't mention the report letter he wrote, Niu Dajun and Niu Peng's ability probably already found out that it was Qi Jianguo who wrote the report letter.

Since the relationship between Niu Dajun and Secretary Qi is so good, he will definitely tell Qi Dazhu.

The reason why Qi Dazhu hasn't come to him to make a theory yet is probably because he has no real evidence or he doesn't want to implicate other people.

Originally, I wanted to pull Uncle Qi down from the position of the village party secretary and let the second uncle become the village party secretary.Unexpectedly, after a lot of planning, he failed and failed to achieve his goal.

Being targeted by Qi Dazhu again is not a good thing.

Qi Jianguo kept thinking about the solution.

At this time, Qi Fangfang's voice came from outside: "Brother, it's time to eat."

There was no sound in the room, Qi Fangfang patted on the door, opened it and came in, saying, "Brother, it's time to eat, what stimulated you outside?"

"It's okay." Qi Jianguo sat up from the bed and followed Qi Fangfang out.

"By the way, brother. This time I went to my aunt, and my aunt said that she has already taken care of you. She said that after the year, you can go to college as long as you pass the village's review." Qi Fangfang said, Her eldest brother is going to college, and she also feels that her face is radiant. Maybe her eldest brother can find a job for her after he graduates.

When Qi Jianguo heard this, his eyes lit up, yes, he can still go to college.

It will be two or three years before he graduates from college, and he is already a college student at that time, and the country will officially assign jobs, so He Tiantian will definitely look at him differently.

Such a good opportunity is right in front of you, you can't miss it.

Qi Jianguo decided to do things honestly recently, not pick things, and wait until he goes to college.

"I see, don't worry, when my brother goes to college, I will definitely find you a chance to work as a worker in the county." Qi Jianguo said, in a good mood and with a good appetite, so he went to the house to get some meat and ate it full. fragrant.

Qi Fangfang was also very happy, and said: "Brother, you are so kind. I will remember that you must give me a chance to enter the factory. I don't want to farm in the countryside at all, it's too hard."

"Remember." Qi Jianguo promised, "This is time. When you have nothing to do, continue to find Qi Xiaoyan and He Tiantian to play. See what they have done, and come back and tell me."

Qi Fangfang was only thinking about her brother pulling her out in the future, so naturally he agreed with all his heart.

 Monthly tickets arrive at 690+, and there are 700+ issued at six o'clock.

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(End of this chapter)

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