Chapter 132 Despicable Heart
Sister Wu laughed while talking.

But this is not ridicule, but appreciation, envy.He Tiantian, a little girl, is better than the educated youths who are older than them, which really surprised them!

Compared with Lin Xiaoru, Huang Jingli, and He Tiantian, their lives are much better.

"You laugh at me!" He Tiantian said angrily, "Okay, let's not talk about this, when are you leaving? Have you bought the train ticket?"

Sister Wu said with a bitter face, "The certificate has been issued. Tomorrow morning, Wang Lei and Zhang Qingshan will go to buy tickets. I don't know if they can get them."

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "Well, if possible, you can go to the post office and see if you can see Niu Dajun. If you meet him, he may be able to buy tickets for you."

Wang Lei listened outside and said, "That's right, we had dinner together last time, and we talked a few words."

Wang Lei is a lively person, and he talks and acts steadily. He and Niu Dajun hit it off right away. It should be possible to ask Niu Dajun to help buy tickets.

"Well, let's go see if we can buy it tomorrow. If we can't buy it, we can ask someone for help. After all, Niu Dajun also has a job. If he can't bother others, he won't bother him." Zhang Qingshan said, after all, it's Chinese New Year now No, there are a lot of letters, which delay Niu Dajun's work, and they feel sorry for it.

"Then do as you please, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and grow old together." He Tiantian sincerely wished them, and it was not easy to find like-minded people who cared for each other in the difficult years.

People who are poor in material and rich in spirit can live a happier life.

The four of them chatted with He Tiantian for a while, then took their leave and left, not disturbing He Tiantian's rest.

He Tiantian asked Grandma Qi San to pack some pine nuts for them and keep them for eating on the train as a return gift.

After they left, He Tiantian had lunch with Third Grandma Qi, and was locked up in the room by Third Grandma Qi, so she was not allowed to go!

In the afternoon, Niu Dajun came to deliver the letter.

Qi Shuli wanted to withhold the letter, but Niu Dajun had already told Qi Xiaoyan to ask He Tiantian to get the letter.

Knowing that He Tiantian was recuperating on the court, Qi Xiaoyan came over and said, "Second Uncle Qi, Sister Tiantian has been unwell for the past two days and cannot come here. Let me come over and help get the letter. Just give me the letter."

Qi Shuli smiled but didn't smile, the boss was unhappy in his heart, he felt guilty for not helping his nephew before.

"Hehe, it stands to reason that it can be given to you. However, there is a rule that this letter must be delivered to the person concerned. Since Comrade He Tiantian is unwell, let her come and get it after He Tiantian recovers. "The village chief Qi said with a smile, taking it for granted, thinking that Qi Xiaoyan was impolite.

As soon as Qi Xiaoyan heard this, she knew that Qi Shuli's heart was suffocated, and she looked worried, and said: "Sister Tiantian knows the letter, and she will definitely want to read the letter immediately. Sister Tiantian is not in good health, how about this?" , shall we send the letter to Sister Tiantian?"

The little girl was still making faces in front of him.

If he can't deal with your father, if he can't deal with you, a little girl, he will be in vain for decades.

"Xiaoyan, it's not that the second uncle is not willing to give it away!" Qi Shuli sighed with a bitter face, "Look, I have so many account books on this table, how can I send them in person when I have time, and it's almost the end of the year. The food, food stamps, etc. of each family must be divided. Besides, if you look at this letter, you will know that it was sent by the army, so you must come and get the letter yourself."

The more Qi Xiaoyan listened to it, the more panicked she became. Qi Shuli really did what his parents said, full of bad water!

What Qi Shuli said was right and reasonable, even though Niu Dajun knew in his heart that Qi Shuli did it on purpose, he couldn't speak for Qi Xiaoyan.

"That's okay, Brother Dajun, you wait here for a while, I'll ask Sister Tiantian to get the letter. In case Second Uncle Qi is so busy and forgets someone else's letter." Qi Xiaoyan said angrily, turned around and left.

Qi Shuli was disliked by Qi Xiaoyan, but Qi Xiaoyan is the daughter of the village head and his junior, so it is not easy to know the same as the child Qi Xiaoyan.

"Hey, this girl is still angry." In front of Niu Dajun, Qi Shuli held back the grievance in his heart, and smiled on his face, "I'm also in a dilemma. I offend people when I do business. Dajun, look, I This is really busy, it's not that I don't want to send it!"

Qijia Village is a place where farts are bigger, and the time to go home for dinner can also deliver the letter there.

That said, it's obviously an excuse.

"Hehe, yes, I'm busy at the end of the year." Niu Dajun also said with a smile, as if he didn't see Qi Shuli's despicable heart at all.

Qi Shuli saw that Niu Dajun didn't give him the letter, so he couldn't ask for it either.

When Qi Xiaoyan groaned and came to find He Tiantian, He Tiantian just woke up.

"Sister Tiantian, hurry up and get dressed. There is your letter, which was sent by the person last time." Qi Xiaoyan said, "I told Qi Shuli that you are not in good health, so I will take it for you, but he It’s not that I won’t give it to me. I asked him to send it over, but he said he was looking at the account book again, he was very busy, and asked you to get the letter when you are ready. I was worried that he would lose the letter, so I asked Brother Dajun to be there Wait there, I'll call you."

When He Tiantian heard the letter, it must be from Huo Yingjie, so she got up and got dressed quickly.

In fact, He Tiantian has recovered today, but Grandma Qi San was worried about He Tiantian, so she should have stopped her from getting up.

Grandma Qi San saw that He Tiantian was going to get the letter, so she couldn't stop her, and told her to go and return quickly.

He Tiantian took the reply letter from Niu Dajun in front of Qi Shuli, and swaggered away.

It's almost sunset now, Niu Dajun will continue to live at Qi Xiaoyan's house today, and will return early tomorrow morning.

Originally, He Tiantian wanted to ask about the train ticket, but after thinking about it, let Wu Lei and Zhang Qingshan talk about it, after all, you need a letter of introduction from the village to buy a train ticket.

He Tiantian stopped by Zhicheng's foothold and told them that Niu Dajun was here and was at Village Chief Qi's house.If you have something, you can ask.

Wu Lei and Zhang Qingshan heard this, and hurried to Village Chief Qi's house.

He Tiantian talked with Sister Wu and Ye Xiaofan for a while, then went back to her room.

Originally, He Tiantian wanted to cook by herself, but was kicked out by Grandma Qi San, who refused to let He Tiantian do the work.The fainting yesterday, being so weak, probably has something to do with being tired some time ago, Grandma Qi San insisted.

He Tiantian read the letter in the house and received a lot of food stamps.Huo Yingjie must be so afraid that she won't have enough to eat!

In his previous life, Huo Yingjie must have also sent food stamps or remittances, but Qi Jianguo and Qi Shuli probably pretended to claim them, but they never received any.

Thinking that there were a lot of pine nuts at home, He Tiantian wrote back to Huo Yingjie. There were not many fried pine nuts at home. After she caught wild rabbits and made air-dried wild rabbit meat, she would fry more and mail some meat to her parents and friends. Huo Yingjie.

 Ask for votes at the fifth watch.mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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