Chapter 136 The Snake King's Generosity (740+)

The Snake King thought for a while, yes, if He Tiantian lied to it, he would lie to it once, and he would not believe her next time.

Furthermore, He Tiantian, a little girl, is timid and a little clever, but she will never deceive her.

"In that case, then I promise you to go to the back mountain at night." The snake king agreed, he hadn't been in the water for a long time, and felt uncomfortable all over.

He Tiantian prepared the tools she could use, put them in the back basket, and carried them away at night.

At night, He Tiantian suddenly thought, what if Grandma Qi got up in the middle of the night and came to her room and saw that there was no one in the room, what would she do?
"Why don't you leave?" the Snake King asked, "If you don't leave, you won't be able to come back in the middle of the night."

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "I'd better go to bed in the first half of the night and go in the second half of the night. This way Grandma Qi won't find me out when she's fast asleep."

"Okay then, you go to sleep, I'll call you later." The Snake King was gearing up, eager to try.

After twelve o'clock in the morning, the snake king woke up He Tiantian.

He Tiantian climbed the wall and went out with a bamboo basket on her back.

In order to avoid meeting people in the village, the snake king gave He Tiantian invisibility.

He Tiantian ran to get to the back mountain as soon as possible, and arrived at the secret base on the back mountain in less than an hour.

The Snake King had already felt the enthusiasm inside, jumped off He Tiantian's body, and climbed into the pool in the cave by himself.

He Tiantian followed and found that the pool inside was bigger than before.The terrain on the west side of the cave is relatively high, and it has not been flooded by spring water.

The King Snake swims around in the pool, backstroke for a while, and S-shape for a while; sometimes it is all underwater, and sometimes its head is exposed on top.

"Snake King, what about hunting?" Seeing the Snake King's expression of reluctance, He Tiantian cautiously reminded that he didn't come here just to play, but to work!
The Snake King turned a deaf ear until He Tiantian sat on the side and was about to fall asleep when he was tired from playing, then he lay down on the big rock and said lazily, "Get up, the prey is coming."

He Tiantian woke up in a daze, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a row of wild rabbits in front of her, dozens of them.

"So many?" He Tiantian was dumbfounded. "Snake King, although I want to catch more, I can't catch all the rabbits on the mountain at once."

After the Snake King exercised, he was in a very good mood, and continued to say in a good voice: "The back mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, and there are countless rabbits inside. More than 1 are nothing at all. Hurry up, if we don’t act, we should go down the mountain.”

When He Tiantian heard this, she took out the tools without hesitation for a moment, and started to deal with the rabbits.

After peeling off the internal organs, and washing them at the water outlet of the pool, all the dirty things were washed down.

In this cave, there was a shelf where He Tiantian had dried the rabbit before. After He Tiantian pickled it, he tied a small rope around the rabbit's neck and hung it on it.

From the open air of the cave, seeing that it was getting bright outside, He Tiantian stopped and counted the wild rabbits on the shelf, and there were actually 22 of them.He Tiantian also cleaned up the rabbit skin on the ground and hung it on the other side. This thing can also be sold.

"Let's go, if you don't go, the villagers are going to get up." The snake king urged, it was also tired and wanted to take a nap.

One person and one snake returned home and just hid in the house.

Grandma Qi San got up, and He Tiantian got up after changing clothes inside.

Now that she is in good health, she is embarrassed to ask Grandma Qi to cook every day.

Two days later, Grandma Qi San let He Tiantian go to the back mountain.

Zuo Li and Xiang Rong were very happy to see He Tiantian coming over, and said: "Tian girl, you are finally back, we dug a few traps in the back mountain, and we are going to have a look today, you come with us Right. With someone as lucky as you, we might be able to catch more prey."

"I said I'm lucky, that's nonsense, Uncle Zuo, Uncle Xiang, take it seriously!" He Tiantian joked, she didn't want everyone and their hopes to rest on her, even though she intended to help.

"Don't believe in these things. We used to be particular about wars. We hope to reuse people with strong abilities and good luck. Such people can drive the people around them, and make them think that as long as they follow him, they can win battles and win battles." Come back alive." Zuo Li said, "You are our hope now, let's go, hurry up, it's too cold today, we urgently need furs for warmth."

Only then did He Tiantian notice that the clothes on them were very thin, and indeed they couldn't resist the cold wind.

"Okay, then let's go now. If you don't get much, you can't blame me." He Tiantian said, and followed Zuo Li and Xiang Rong up the back mountain.

Although Zuo Li and Xiang Rong are not seasoned hunters, they are good at observing and know where animals pass by. If they dig traps in these places, they will usually be rewarded.

Seeing them, He Tiantian was quite pitiful, hey, her heart softened, and she asked the snake king to drive many wild rabbits over.

Now even if you catch tigers and bears, you can’t sell them. Rabbits and pheasants are not allowed to be caught. Not only can you eat meat, but you can also peel their fur to make clothes, which is the most cost-effective.

"Xiang Rong, look, there are actually six rabbits in this trap." Zuo Li shouted, "My God, I can finally wear a leather jacket."

"That's right, that's right. If you save a little, you can get two leather jackets." He Tiantian said, "Uncle Zuo, Uncle Xiang, how many traps have you dug?"

In fact, He Tiantian has already known through the snake king that they have a total of seven traps.In a trap, put two or three rabbits, one or two pheasants, and it is almost enough if it is not empty.

The snake king was so generous that he released six wild rabbits. I don't know how many were in the other traps.

"Seven, if there are so many of each, we will have a better life this winter." Xiang Rong returned and said, "We have spent a lot of effort to dig these traps. The digging is broken. Fortunately, Uncle Qi is here to help us cover it up."

"Hehe, you all worked very hard." He Tiantian smiled and said, fortunately these people set up a trap, otherwise He Tiantian would have a headache and how could she help them.

When it came to the second trap, He Tiantian was shocked and said, "Oh, there are not only rabbits in it, but also goats!"

He Tiantian only asked the snake king to drive away the rabbit, and the sheep should have fallen by himself.

Zuo Li looked in the direction of He Tiantian's finger, overjoyed!
"Oh, look at that ewe's stomach is big, it seems that there are cubs in it." Zuo Li said excitedly, if it is alive, then it can be raised, and after giving birth to a lamb, there will be goat milk to drink.

 Asking for tickets at the fifth watch, wanting to live and die!

(End of this chapter)

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