Chapter 139: Trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them (760+)

With Qi Shulin's words, the village head Qi knew that Qi Shulin agreed to follow him.

It can be seen from Qi Jianguo, Qi Shuli, the captain of the first brigade, and others that someone in the village wants to bring him down. Village chief Qi can't sit still. He needs more credit to prove his importance to the village and benefit the villagers. In the future, even if those people are playing tricks behind their backs and inciting other villagers, the villagers will weigh in their hearts whether it is worth it!

Village Chief Qi also nodded and said: "Go, go up and have a look. If it is true as you said, we can also take advantage of the time before the year to make a fortune and distribute it to everyone for a good New Year." Then look at Zuo Li, Xiang Rong and the others The clothes were thin and he said, "Since you told me about the things this time, you meant to hand them in. I know it in my heart. You can save some of the rabbit meat here, and the rabbit skins will be made into leather jackets for you. When you buy them For things like rabbit meat, I will share some money and cloth tickets to make clothes for you, and try to make you wear winter clothes as soon as possible.”

Finding everything is fair, and everyone gets what they need. This matter is an excellent opportunity for Qijia Village.

There is enough food in Qijia Village, but what is lacking now is cloth.Now that Village Chief Qi had promised so much, they followed suit.

When going up the mountain in the afternoon, including Village Chief Qi, Qi Shulin, and five people who went up, there must have been seven people who went up to the back mountain.

The few traps in the morning were on the edge of the dense forest, but the remaining few traps were inside the dense forest.

Qi Shulin's two eyes kept scanning the surroundings, looking here, looking there, patrolling with the naked eye, and indeed saw traces of some small animals, but no traces of large ferocious beasts.After investigating for more than two hours, walking along the dense forest, we have gone deep into it for several miles, but still no trace of large beasts was found.

Village head Qi and Qi Shulin went to check the remaining traps left by Zuo Li and Xiang Rong while searching for traces.

For the fifth trap, He Tiantian poked his head into it first.Fortunately, this time there are many pheasants and two rabbits.

He Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, don't worry about the snake king making a mistake.

Although there are not many, as long as the trap is not empty, everyone is very happy.

The sixth trap contains three wild goats and several rabbits.

When I got to the seventh trap, which was the closest to the inside, I was surprised that there was also a wild boar in it.

However, the wild boar was not injured. It was estimated that it had been inside for a long time, and it was lying listlessly inside.

"There's so much, we can't take it anymore." Zuo Lidao, "Mr. Qi, what do you think?"

Village head Qi was also overjoyed. In the future, even if it wasn't so much every day, he would still be able to harvest and sell a lot of money.

Furthermore, if there are really no large beasts here, there are only animals such as wild boars, goats, deer, wild rabbits, and pheasants.Then they can dig a lot of traps in the dense forest, so that they can harvest more prey.

"Shulin, you have experience. Are there really no blind bears, tigers, or large beasts here?" Village Chief Qi asked seriously, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Qi Shulin nodded: "At least there are no large beasts in such a large area we walked through. It's getting late today, and these two wild boars are staying here now, and they will come over tomorrow. Take the things in the two traps first. Come out and go back quickly. It’s very cold on the mountain at night, if you don’t leave, you will freeze to death.”

After hearing Qi Shulin's words, everyone turned their heads to look at the trap and took out the prey inside.

Not a lot of stuff, but enough to keep everyone happy.

As for Qi Shulin, he kept observing along the way.There were no traces of large beasts in the two trips back and forth.

On the way, Qi Shulin believed the words of Zuo Li and Xiang Rong, and said, "Comrade Zuo, Comrade Xiang, are you also Orion?"

"No, we are not hunters. We used to be soldiers and were in charge of investigation." Zuo Li replied, "So we will make correct judgments based on the traces around us."

Qi Shulin was shocked when he heard that, it turned out that he was someone stronger than him!The scout has good eyesight, no wonder he can be so bold. It turns out that he has already figured out his surroundings.

Although curious why they were sent to Qijia Village, this did not affect Qi Shuli's admiration for them.

"Amazing, amazing." Qi Shulin said, "Village Chief, tomorrow we will bring tools and call the people in the village to lift those two big wild boars down. Comrades Zuo and Comrade Xiang and I will continue to expand the surrounding area. If there are really no large beasts, we can dig more traps to catch more prey.

Village Chief Qi smiled and said, "Okay, make sure to investigate carefully. Although these prey can be sold for money, human life is more important."

When the group went down the mountain, it was already dark, so He Tiantian hurried home and told Grandma Qi San what happened today.

When Grandma Qi heard that He Tiantian had gone to the dense forest, she was shocked, and said, "You, you can't go, what's the matter, there are those men. You caught those big wild boars a while ago, and you're already out." A lot of limelight, and it’s not a good thing to be in the limelight again. Sweet girl, you have to remember that a tree is beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy it. You stay at home honestly tomorrow and don’t go anywhere.”

Alas, Grandma Qi San is indeed the lady of the landlord's family. She has also read the Four Books and Five Classics, so she speaks differently.

It really is knowledgeable to know everything about the world!
In the whole village, only Grandma Qi is knowledgeable.

"Well, I'm not going. It's very cold on the mountain." He Tiantian said, "I'll stay with you at home and tell me about the past."

He Tiantian really didn't want to get involved. After all, she was a weak girl, and her performance was too eye-catching, which would make people jealous and easily cause trouble.She should devote some energy to reading and reviewing, so that she can be admitted to her dream university in the future.At night, He Tiantian would go out to hunt in the cave in the back mountain, clean up the rabbits and pheasants, and wait for the opportunity to sell them for money to subsidize the family.

When He Tiantian was resting at night, the more she thought about it, the weirder she became, so she summoned... No... According to the Snake King, that is to ask to see...
"Snake King, there used to be blind bears, bison, tigers and other beasts in the back mountain, why are they gone now?" He Tiantian asked, if the dense forest is not suitable for animal life, why are those wild rabbits, pheasants, and wild boars? It is possible to live there, and there are still a lot of them?
The snake king stared and shook his head, as if he hadn't woken up, and said slowly: "It's actually very simple. The higher the level of the prey, the more it can sense the danger from the outside world. Those large animals at the top of the food chain can feel the danger from the outside world. If it is dangerous, leave here, go to a deeper dense forest, or wander to other places."

 Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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