1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 14 Qi 3 Grandma

Chapter 14: Grandma Qi San
Others are looking at the environment of Qijia Village. It is a beautiful place, but the houses are low and not as tall as those in the city; the road is narrow and uneven.

He Tiantian lived in Qijia Village for so many years in her previous life, and she was very familiar with this place.Seeing this, it doesn't matter, she actually saw that Grandma Qi San fell down after being kind to her in her previous life.

Grandma Qi San is almost 70 years old. She used to be the lady of the landlord's family.On the eve of liberation, my son went to Nanshi to go to university and never came back.

For so many years, without news of her son, other people in Qijia Village thought that Grandma Qisan's son was dead. Only Grandma Qisan stubbornly believed that she believed that her son was still alive in this world without seeing his body.

After liberation, her husband died, and Grandma Qi San served her parents-in-law. After her parents-in-law died, she lived alone, silently waiting for her son to come home, hoping to see her son before he was born.

But He Tiantian knew that this grandmother Qi San was blessed. The son who went out to study back then came back, and he came back from country M. The elderly grandma Qi San was full of children and grandchildren and enjoyed a few years of happiness.

Not only that Grandma Qi San has a son from the United States, He Tiantian has a deep memory.More importantly, when she often helped Grandma Qi San to sew and mend, Grandma Qi San once told her that Mrs. Qi's family was not a good person, so she should be careful.But at that time, she was completely blinded by Mrs. Qi's family, she couldn't listen to Grandma Qi San's words at all, she just thought that the old lady in the countryside liked to talk right and wrong.

At that time, she was not married to Qi Jianguo. If you can think about it carefully and observe, maybe you will find the truth.

When he came back again, He Tiantian decided to listen more to Grandma Qi San, because she was someone who was willing to tell the truth to her.When everything is a lie, this truth is precious.

"Village Qi, you see someone has fallen." He Tiantian pointed to a small road not far away, "Second brother Qi, stop quickly..."

Following He Tiantian's finger, Village Chief Qi also saw someone fall, and hurriedly asked Qi Ergou to stop the ox cart.

He Tiantian moved briskly, immediately jumped out of the ox cart, and ran over quickly.Even He Tiantian didn't realize how fast she was now, which surprised the people behind her.

Village Chief Qi and Qi Ergou also chased after him, but neither of the two big men caught up with He Tiantian.

"He Tiantian, that little girl, runs very fast." Huang Jingli said, and got off the ox cart.

"Yeah." Lin Xiaoru said, "Li Mingkai, Jingli, let's go take a look too. In the future, we will do things here. Chairman M said that we should mingle with the working people and produce large-scale production together."

Huang Jingli also felt the same, and quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, Li Mingkai, let's go and have a look."

"Yeah." Li Mingkai nodded and went over to have a look together. In the future, he wanted to leave here as soon as possible, and he couldn't avoid the various documents issued by the village chief.Be better now and speak better later.

Grandma Qi San was sweating profusely in pain and kept humming: "My feet..."

"Grandma Qi, how are you?" He Tiantian stepped forward, picked up the pole and bucket and put them aside.

Grandma Qi San opened her eyes and saw a fair-skinned girl with big almond eyes and watery eyes. She said with difficulty, "I'm carrying water... I twisted my feet."

Village Chief Qi, Qi Ergou has followed.

"Grandma San, why did you fall?" Qi Ergou said, supporting Grandma Qi San, the villagers, who usually have a good relationship.

"Er Gouzi, carry your third grandma to the bullock cart." Village head Qi said, supporting her behind, and the two partnered to carry third grandma Qi to the bullock cart more than 20 meters away.

Someone helped, but He Tiantian was no longer needed, so He Tiantian picked up a pole and two wooden buckets and went to a puddle not far away to fetch water.

This puddle has a spring, and it is high and clean. People from Qijia Village have been carrying water here for generations.

When Village Chief Qi, Qi Ergou helped Grandma Qi San to the ox cart, and when he turned to look for He Tiantian, he saw He Tiantian carrying water. Two large buckets filled with water.

Oops, this is so sweet and sweet!Delicate mind!
The point is, this girl is very strong!
"Come on, I'll pick." Village Chief Qi stepped forward, but he couldn't crush this girl.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "It's alright, Village Chief Qi, I'm very strong."

He Tiantian didn't know what was going on, but her strength became so great.Just now she wanted to pick two half buckets, but found that she could easily lift the two half buckets of water. With the idea of ​​trying, she filled the two buckets, and she could easily carry them up. Not strenuous.

Seeing that He Tiantian didn't seem to be struggling, Village Chief Qi smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

"Hehe, I often work at home." He Tiantian lied. At home, with her parents, how could He Tiantian have done such rough work!

Huang Jingli and Lin Xiaoru had to admit that He Tiantian was a good girl.

This time, it was changed to Qi Dazhu to drive the bullock cart. Qi Ergou sat on the bullock cart and supported Grandma Qi San, and the others got down and followed.

Although Grandma Qi San's ankle hurt a lot, she was relieved, and her eyes fell on the beautiful girl with big eyes carrying water, and she liked it very much.If the son hadn't disappeared and there was a daughter, it was estimated that she would be as big as this girl.

"There are already four people at the educated youth point, occupying two rooms, and there are two rooms left. Li Mingkai lives in one, and the three of you are crowded in one, so it's a bit crowded. You live first, and I will live tomorrow. Think about it again." Qi Village Chief said, I didn't rest well yesterday and today, and I'll talk about it when he rests well.

When Grandma Qi San heard this, she had a plan in her mind. She was the only old orphan who lived in several houses in her family.In the past, she despised those arrogant young people from the city and refused to let them live.But this little girl who carries water is not bad.

"Dazhu, in the house of young people in the city, it's just right for two people to live in one room, but it's too crowded for three girls to live together." Grandma Qi said, "It's so hot, don't feel wronged by these people from the city. Girl, why don't you let that girl live at my house?"

When the village chief Qi heard this, his eyes lit up, yes, there is no place in other people's homes, and there is a room in Qi's third aunt's house.Now Aunt Qi has twisted her foot, and there is a little girl on the side who can also take care of it.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up and she showed a bright smile. If she could live with Grandma Qi San, she would naturally be very willing and said, "Grandma Qi, will I disturb you?"

A word of "grandmother" makes Grandma Qi San feel sour. It would be great if she had a granddaughter!
"Don't bother, I'm the only old woman in the house, and you won't be allowed to live in the house for nothing, just accompany me, the lonely old woman, to sweep the floor and do the work." Grandma Qi San said, now her feet are twisted, this little girl Live at her house and help her.

 Updated, pray for a recommendation today.If you have a recommendation ticket, you are voting for a few. After the new book period, you will not be shouting all day in July or seven, O(∩_∩)O haha~

(End of this chapter)

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