Chapter 149 Together, Wonderful
In this way, He Tiantian started to study one by one, and in a week, she finished studying the books in the first semester of the first year of high school.Those knowledge points, or some easy-to-understand content, are firmly imprinted in He Tiantian's mind.

At first, I didn't think that He Tiantian discovered that her memory was so good after finishing a book!
He Tiantian admitted that she was a smart student in her previous life, but she didn't have such a good memory, let alone such a thorough understanding.He Tiantian attributed the enhanced memory to the contribution of the Snake King, and attributed the clear comprehension ability to the experience of the previous life and the awakening of this life.
Forgot the credit of King Snake, only thought that King Snake just improved her body!
No matter what, she has improved compared to her previous life.

This proves that she is one step closer to her goal and success.

While He Tiantian was studying, Qi Xiaoyan came over to chat with He Tiantian.

"Sister Tiantian, why don't you go to the livestock team these days?" Qi Xiaoyan was curious. He Tiantian used to go every day.Not only help those old people do things, but also often go up the mountain.

He Tiantian smiled and said: "The animal husbandry team has nothing to do, as long as there are people like Grandpa Qi. I won't go. It's cold, and I don't want to go anywhere. Didn't you go too?"

"Yeah, I'm studying at home. My parents said that there are many people from the animal husbandry team going there every day, so I don't want to bother Mr. Wang." Qi Xiaoyan said disappointedly, "I don't know when these people can be quiet. Come down, don't go hunting."

"Hehe, it's not good to be able to hunt. At the end of the year, you can get a lot of money!" He Tiantian said. She heard about the things in the village and was happy for the village.

Qi Xiaoyan smiled and said, "My dad is very happy now, but during this period of time, many people from other villages came to steal their prey. Yesterday the villagers fought with those people, and I heard that some people were injured."

"Hey, it's all about poverty." He Tiantian said, "Then what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? It just depends on who is diligent! Whoever finds the prey first will be the one." Qi Xiaoyan muttered, "There are people guarding the intersection, let's see, those people don't go through the village at all, but go in from other places. They can’t catch people even if they try to catch them. Sometimes they catch people who stole prey from the traps in our village, and they still don’t admit their mistakes.”

"Then we can only wait until the mountain is covered by heavy snow." He Tiantian said with emotion. If there is no snow, there will be no movement in the back mountain.

"That's right, my dad said the same thing." Qi Xiaoyan said, "Although the prey is less than before, we can get a lot of it every day, so the people in the village will not stop hunting. I hope we don't catch too many, and there will be no more prey next year." gone."

He Tiantian smiled, except for Qijia Village, which was severely beaten, there were many prey in the mountains and forests in other places!Qi Xiaoyan is a bit worried about not being able to light up.

He Tiantian also had this worry before, but after the snake king explained it, she no longer bothered to think about it.

"Oh, are you reading?" Qi Xiaoyan asked, "Oh, it's still a freshman's book, where did you come from?"

He Tiantian replied in a low voice: "Of course I brought it from home. My parents said that I just graduated from junior high school and I don't study hard now. When I grow up, I will also be semi-literate and have no great prospects."

After hearing this, Qi Xiaoyan enviously said: "Your parents can say such a thing, it shows that your family is a real scholarly family."

"Scholarly and well-off, but I finally feel that there is nothing wrong with learning something, and you can't live a life of nothing." He Tiantian said, "I heard from Secretary Qi that your grades were also very good before, why don't we learn together? "

Qi Xiaoyan was overjoyed and asked excitedly, "I...can I really do it?"

"Of course!" He Tiantian said, "Think about it, we all graduated from junior high school and know the importance of reading. Now that the school is closed and there is no place to study, many people have put down their books. But you think , this country needs talents after all, not blind people who can only work!"

He Tiantian persuaded Qi Xiaoyan, hoping that Qi Xiaoyan would also join in the study! Two people are more interesting than studying alone, and they can discuss with each other.

Qi Xiaoyan agreed deeply, nodded and said, "The reason why my dad was able to become the village chief is because he can read. Qi Shuli has been an old accountant for so many years because of this reason. Among the young people, only my two older brothers, Qi Jianguo , Qi Fangfang, me, and a few other people are literate, and the rest are illiterate. It’s okay in our own village, but we can’t even recognize the house number in the county, let alone do other things.”

"Yeah, look at the cadres in the unit, there are a few who can't read. Look at the doctors, how can they write medical records when they can't read!" He Tiantian said, "So, learning is never outdated I don’t know how long this situation will last, but I firmly believe in the old saying that there is nothing wrong with learning something.”

"Sister Tiantian, what you said is true." Qi Xiaoyan said, "Lend me the books you have read. I will study hard at home. If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask you."

He Tiantian was surprised and said, "I thought you would come here to study with me?"

Qi Xiaoyan smiled wryly, shook her head and said, "No, I'd better study at home alone. I can see that the reason why Qi Fangfang clings to us is that she feels uncomfortable seeing us together. If we study together , within three days, she knows, she must come here. If she comes, we can't study anymore."

"You're right." He Tiantian nodded, "I hate Qi Jianguo, and as Qi Jianguo's younger sister, it's within the scope of my hatred, and learning such things, let Qi Fangfang know, who knows that their brothers and sisters will Won't you report us?"

Qi Xiaoyan thought deeply: "I don't want to study with her either. She is very jealous. If her test scores are better than mine, she will be very happy and talk and laugh in front of me. If her scores are not If you surpass me, you ignore me, your face is full of displeasure, and you are annoying. Such a person doesn't know what to say, and his grades have dropped, so he can continue to work hard. Why are you always jealous of others!"

"Hehe, there are so many wonderful things in the world, and you can't ask everyone to be reasonable!" He Tiantian said, "It's good to study separately, and keep it secret and not eye-catching. But you have to hide these books well, and you can't let them be read by others." See."

"Don't worry, I hide things very secretly. Sometimes I hide things too secretly, and I can't find them myself." Qi Xiaoyan said with a chuckle, not humorous.

"Haha!" He Tiantian laughed loudly, "Oh, little Yan'er, why are you so funny, why didn't you notice it before!"

As He Tiantian got along with Qi Xiaoyan, she fell in love with this cute and innocent little girl more and more.It is a great honor to have such a good friend in an unfamiliar place!

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(End of this chapter)

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