Chapter 160 Strange wine (940+)

After the teacher's wife said so, Zhou Yuanchao felt better.

"Since the teacher's wife has said so, I will drink this glass of wine without remembering the villain's fault." Zhou Yuanchao said boldly, took a sip from the glass, and his spicy mouth twitched.

Huo Yingjie quickly turned back and said, "We came to the research institute this year. Thanks to the teacher's teaching, our work can be carried out smoothly. Should we give a toast to the teacher?"

"Yes!" Zhou Yuanchao drank another cup, and after swallowing, his eyes became a little straight and his tongue became a little big.

"Master has taken good care of you, shouldn't you also toast?" Huo Yingjie smiled and poured another glass of wine into Zhou Yuanchao's wine cup.

"It's time!" Zhou Yuanchao sighed, his eyes blurred.

Zhou Yuanchao's temper came and went quickly, and after drinking two glasses of wine from Mr. Sun, he started talking nonsense, pulling Huo Yingjie and shouting "Big Brother, Big Brother", so sweetly!

Zhou Yuanchao, a strong man of five big and three thick, was knocked down by three cups of wine.

Aunt Li looked at Zhou Yuanchao who was lying drunk on the table before eating, patted Huo Yingjie's arm, and said angrily: "You kid, even if you want to get him drunk, you have to wait until he's full. .There is nothing in the stomach, and it is hard to drink!"

"Hey!" Huo Yingjie smiled, "He's drunk, let's eat. He will wake up by himself after a while."

Seeing what Huo Yingjie said, Aunt Li wanted to say a few more words, but was stopped by Mr. Sun, and said, "Eat, drink. Yuanchao's drinking capacity is too bad, so he's overwhelmed at this point."

The three of them were almost finished eating. Zhou Yuanchao woke up in a daze. After eating with water, he curled up like a puppy on the sofa of Mr. Sun's house and fell asleep.

Mr. Sun and Aunt Li were dumbfounded when they saw Zhou Yuanchao's behavior!
Judging from Zhou Yuanchao's actions, he didn't look like he was drunk, but looking at his eyes, he was dazed, like sleepwalking.

"He...he's always been like this..." Aunt Li asked curiously, "Boy, are you sure Xiao Zhou is drunk, not sleepwalking?"

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "I'm sure, he's drunk, not sleepwalking."

"Hehehe, this boy, the wine taste is quite strange." Mr. Sun laughed and said, "You, don't bully honest people based on your own cleverness in the future."

Huo Yingjie nodded and said, "Hehe, not in the future."

"Then since Xiao Zhou has fallen asleep, let him sleep here." Mr. Sun said, "You help him to the guest room. Aunt Li and I don't have so much strength."

Huo Yingjie helped Zhou Yuanchao into the guest room, took off his shoes and covered him with the quilt, and then came out of the room.

It was getting late, Huo Yingjie said goodbye.

The cold moonlight shines through the empty branches, leaving irregular patterns on the ground.

Huo Yingjie walked on the road, feeling the tranquility and peace here, took a few deep breaths, and went back immediately, everything will be fine.

Early the next morning, when Zhou Yuanchao came back, he found that Huo Yingjie had disappeared from the dormitory.The rattan suitcase that had been packed was gone, and Huo Yingjie had already gone home.

There was a piece of paper on the table, and Huo Yingjie left a note on it.

"I owe you a belated brother Zhou, I've called out now, and I will still be your big brother from now on—Huo Yingjie stays."

Zhou Yuanchao smiled, in fact, in his heart, it doesn't matter who is the big brother!The discomfort before was just because of Huo Yingjie's concealment.

"Brat!" Zhou Yuanchao put the note away and began to pack his luggage.He will be on vacation in two days, so it's time to tidy up.

Although Zhou Yuanchao and Huo Yingjie had known each other for less than half a year, they were usually quiet and often bickered, but it was precisely because of this that their friendship became deeper.Even though he was a little selfish, after thinking about it from another angle, he no longer envied Huo Yingjie.

Let's say that Huo Yingjie carried a rattan suitcase early in the morning, and finally left the research institute after many inspections.After going in for a few months and coming out for the first time, I was almost suffocated.

Huo Yingjie now wished he could grow wings and fly home, but today's research said that there was no car to go to the county, so Huo Yingjie could only walk. He hoped that on the way, he could meet fellow villagers driving ox carts.

Huo Yingjie looked around as he walked, his neck was almost stretched out like a giraffe, and he didn't see any bullock carts from the fellow, so he had to rely on his own two legs to walk.

"Tu Tu Tu..." There was a sound of a motor vehicle behind him, great, there is a car.

Huo Yingjie stood straight on the side of the road, waving to the car in the distance.

The young driver in the car said to the two women in the car, "Leader, there is someone in front who wants to take a ride!"

"Don't worry about it!" said one of the women, "there is no room in the car. We are not in an ordinary car, and not everyone can sit in it."

The little driver, Warrior, curled his lips and thought to himself, "It's just ordinary people who want to take a ride, why can't they help people in need! And... hey, that person is also wearing the same clothes as them."

"Leader, the people in front are the same as us." The little driver said straightforwardly. Although he didn't know each other, they were all the same. They both shed blood and sweat for the country, so of course they could sit on it.

"The same?" A woman squinted her eyes and looked at the straight man standing outside the window. She was refreshing and clean. It wasn't that annoying to take him for a ride.

"That's okay, just stop and take him for a while." The woman said lazily, "

The car stopped beside Huo Yingjie, and a young man asked, "Comrade, where are you going?"

Huo Yingjie saluted, "Go to the county train station!"

"We're going to the county too. Come up, and we'll give you a ride." The young man said enthusiastically, opened the car door, and let Huo Yingjie sit in the co-pilot's seat.

Huo Yingjie got into the car, only to see two women behind him staring at him, they should be doctors.

Even if he didn't know each other, Huo Yingjie nodded his head while sitting in his car, as a greeting.

"Comrade, where do you work?" the young man asked very kindly.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "I'm sorry, keep discipline and keep it secret!"

"Ah?" The young man was taken aback. There are not many places that cannot be reported. "Oh, then I won't ask."

At this moment, a woman behind smiled and asked, "Then can you tell us your name?"

Looking at it from afar just now, Huo Yingjie is handsome and handsome, but looking closer, he looks even better, with a sharp-edged face, three-dimensional and deep, straight nose bridge, Zhou Zheng's mouth, neat short hair, much more handsome than those young people there up.

 Ask for a monthly ticket.This month is almost over, I have been nervous for a month, I hope I can keep it up!

(End of this chapter)

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